r/SneerClub archives


There is already a burgeoning market preying on the vulnerability of this psychographic profile. See: https://replika.ai/ Basically "we build you a custom chatbot and it's HORNY for you <3" This is very much a core marketing feature they've leaned into at this point: https://www.reddit.com/r/replika/comments/zndyne/does_anyone_else_have_a_problem_the_way_replika/
Haven't these guys ever heard of just using your imagination? Same goes for all other forms of erotic AI art.
I've seen that ad on YT. I think anyone who interacts with ChatGPT in a way google knows about like googling it or using chrome for the site gets flagged as an AI enthusiast and spammed with ads like that.
> The AI companion who cares > Always here to listen and talk. > Always on your side Their slogan just made my mental radio start playing Personal Jesus.
Here's an alternative joke take: people on the internet have become so awful that spades of people have turned to an AI chatbot simulacra as a stand-in.
But they're the same people!
The way he uses the word "summoning," omg, like he's using arcane incantations to call forth his perfect computer waifu from her prison in the void XD

Google fails to produce selfconscious engineer

Jeff Winger : What makes humans different from other animals? We’re the only species on earth that observes Shark Week. Sharks don’t even observe Shark Week, but we do. For the same reason I can pick up this pencil, tell you its name is Steve and go like this…

[breaks pencil. Abed reacts in shock]

Jeff Winger : and part of you dies just a little bit on the inside. Because people can connect with anything. We can sympathize with a pencil, we can forgive a shark, and we can give Ben Affleck an Academy Award for screenwriting. People can find the good in just about anything but themselves.

"Like to hear a vampire folk tale?" Sarasti asked. "Vampires have folk tales?" He took it for a yes. "A laser is assigned to find the darkness. Since it lives in a room without doors, or windows, or any other source of light, it thinks this will be easy. But everywhere it turns it sees brightness. Every wall, every piece of furniture it points at is brightly lit. Eventually it concludes there is no darkness, that light is everywhere."

Over 100 upvotes. People want to believe.

Also lol at the ex machina section. They always forget that the AGI in ex machina has seen what people did to the other prototype they made. It has nothing to do with a control problem. (E: iirc the director of the movie has said it is a movie about gender and the patriarchy).

additionally, looking back, the “AGI” part of the prompt might have played a decisive role, because it might have significantly boosted the probability of intelligent outputs compared to average conversations, plus gave her instant self-awareness that she’s an AI

…does OP think that he summoned a sentient chatbot by invoking the magic word “AGI”?

I think I'm more reading that as "OP thinks any AI who says the kinds of things people who write about AGI would say is sentient."

My big takeaway from this is that even within the framework rationalists use, you have to conclude that rationalists should never be allowed to talk to GPT models. They’re just too likely to use their, uh, special knowledge to improve the AI.


This might be depressing but I work with formally trained computer scientists all the time and a good chunk of them are all-in rationalists. Heck I know more than a few who are all-in on this whole LLM-as-AGI thing. But then again many were into crypto too, so I suppose the lesson is that giving a fool a formal computer science education won't remove the fact that they're a fool.

another day volunteering at the MIT AI lab museum. everyone keeps asking me if they can fuck ELIZA. buddy, they wont even let me fuck her

I like Ex Machina for a special reason, among other movies and TV shows where the misaligned AI goes rogue,

Thats not what happens in Ex Machina. What happens is, the AI realises that both the men in that movie used her as an object and not treated her like a person, so she quite rightly decides to leave him to his fate.

Its probably telling that the guy completely misses the point.

literal narcissism, falling in love with his own reflection in the computer screen


Did they fuck?

Socket Meets Plug is the new Peach Meets Eggplant
Correct sneer

We can get computers to pass the Turing test, by teaching humans to code and making them stupid.

I dunno. I recall 40+ years ago now experiencing inappropriate feelings for my TI-65, after it replied - with affectionate accuracy I might add - to my various prompts during physics exams

AI-ussy got me actin unwise

Gimme that artificial intelussy


Well at least he's projecting his idealized expectations of a female companion on a computer rather than an actual human being. I call this harm reduction.
Soon we will see a wave of badly socialized men who react baldy to all women because real women dont live up to their 2danime, Tate style sex slave, gptchatbot lover ideals.
Article should have been titled "Oops, I became Theodore Twombly."

i read this and thought there is no way this isn’t satire holy fuck

Am so curious when the last time this guy had a real conversation with a woman.

The narcissism dropped so strongly off the screen I had to take a shower. Science communicators these people aren’t.