r/SneerClub archives
Not content to let the fires die down, SBF has started his own substack. (https://sambf.substack.com/p/ftx-pre-mortem-overview)

If u listen closely you can hear his lawyer screaming in agony with each new action he takes

I think by now they know that he is so deep in shit that it doesn't really matter if he continues talking.
there's no reason to assume his lawyer has scruples edit- ah, i see Cohen and Gresser have recently represented one Ghislaine Maxwell
Even unscrupulous lawyers hate it when their clients describe their crimes publicly
Has she done a substack to explain in minute details what she was doing to minors and how that was not technical rape ?
And quite a few not being paid to represent him too!

It’s shocking the number of people who believed this guy is smart was, given how incredibly stupid every single thing he does now is.

>It's shocking the number of people who believed this guy is smart was, given how incredibly stupid every single thing he does now is. One of the interesing things you'll noticed if you read Yudkowsky's Harry Potter fanfic (or, more practically, [looked at a decent riff of it like this one](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/the-wizard-of-woah-and-irrational-methods-of-irrationality.337233/)) is that his "rational Harry Potter" is an *incredibly bad* judge of character. He gets instantly swept away by Quirrell (who- in this version- is basically an open fascist and uses hazing as a means of classroom discipline) because the DADA flatters him and appeals to his ideology, and keeps trying to bring out the 'good side' in Draco (who outright jokes about raping another student) until Draco eventually rewards his efforts with physical violence. He looks down on most of the actually decent people in the setting purely because they disagree with him. He ends up going on a mission to break someone out of the wizard equivalent of Guantanamo Bay because Quirrell told him a (possibly entirely false) sob story about how she was just manipulated all along, and basically doesn't even bother keeping an eye on her afterwards. Like, I know Eliezer handwaves every serious flaw his version of HP has as an intentional choice, but the sort of mistakes he makes and the reasons why he makes them go beyond the character having poor social skills.
Yeah, that's one of the things that sort of intrigues me about HPMOR. There's the grain of an interesting story about how Harry is an absolute moron dipshit who makes everything worse by assuming he is the protagonist of a story and can solve everything with his giant brain. But he never really eats shit as a result of that, and therefore never really grows or learns that it is a bad way of engaging with the world. So what we actually get is a story where Harry *totally can* save the world with only his giant brain by somehow thinking about problems harder than anyone in the Wizarding World has thought about them before.
And the funniest is his stupid decision you describe is to write about how incredibly stupid he was not controlling Alameda, understanding risk etc, rather than the criminal mastermind everyone paints him to be. So which is it: is he so fucking stupid we could start to believe that indeed he barely understood economics enough to bankrupt a company but not much more, or is he instead an evil Machiavel, able to appear God-inspired in VC talks and bumbling degenerate in fraud inspections ? I was listening to Scaramoochi who lost some Saudi money in the venture, for some fucking weird reason I forgot, and while I was like "okay, if I was beating my wife and living like a royal in the middle of the desert, maybe I could listen to that guy, he's half competent" and he described how entangled he became with the guy, learned to like him before losing everything in absolute shock surprise. He was absolutely not defending him, he realized the business was empty, but he didnt talk of an idiot there I felt.

It’s amazing how SBF tries to maintain both ‘smartest person in the room’ and also ‘dumbest man alive’ status at the same time.

wonder if they’re paying him for it

Amazing that already the first sentence is wrong:

In mid November, FTX International became effectively insolvent.

No buddy, we know it’s been insolvent much before that.

“In November everyone finally realized that we were insolvent”.

Despite this, very substantial recovery remains potentially available.

subscribers when reading this

how many times has he admitted to fraud on it?

He denies everything, but might have admitted a new one https://newsletter.protos.com/issues/sbf-is-being-deceitful-again-1515182#:\~:text=The%20chart%20also,charged%20with%2C%20right
Lol. Lmao, even.
that's weird [https://protos.com/the-many-lies-of-sam-bankman-fried/](https://protos.com/the-many-lies-of-sam-bankman-fried/) works but [https://newsletter.protos.com/issues/sbf-is-being-deceitful-again-1515182](https://newsletter.protos.com/issues/sbf-is-being-deceitful-again-1515182) not I don't get it