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The Effective Altruists, fresh off being punched repeatedly in the head by the collapse of the FTX crypto grifters, noticed Max Tegmark - who has been deep in the rationalist bros for a decade or more - messing with the Nazis, offering money to the Nazis from his 501(c)3, and going on a podcast for this particular group of Nazis.

Tegmark has posted his response. It makes it worse.

Tegmark commented:

The Future of Life Institute makes no apologies for engaging with many people across the immensely diverse political spectrum, because our mission is so important that it needs broad support from all sectors of society.

let me remind you we’re talking about actual neo-Nazis here.

He also denies the neo-Nazis in question are neo-Nazis, though other commenters note Nya Dagbladet’s articles promoting holocaust revisionism, vaccine denial, and the campaign to “defend ethnic rights”.

Max Tegmark’s brother writes for Nya Dagbladet. Tegmark’s reply when questioned on this in particular: “My brother never worked there. He published some articles there, but they’ve never paid him anything.” WELL I GUESS THAT’S FINE THEN

I don’t think Sweden is one of the European countries that bans Nazism and hate speech outright; I’m kind of curious about this though:

former Swedish government, which not only certified the Foundation as charitable but granted 0,000 in government funding and support to Nya Dagbladet in 2021

I’m guessing being certified as charitable is easy, the grant is interesting, albeit not very relevant.

Commenters on the EA forum claim this is a form of journalism support that's designed to be given to everyone without regard to political views.
I would like to see some Swedish anarchists suggesting violently overthrowing the Swedish capitalist state get it, then. Since, you know. They're so even-handed.
FWIW, the newspaper for the Communist Party *Proletären* gets presstöd: https://proletaren.se/inrikes/minister-ifragasatter-regler-presstod
There's a list of everything they've granted support to [here](https://www.mprt.se/stod-till-medier/beviljade-stod/) — the majority of what they pay for is tiny little local papers, but indeed, they do support several papers that explicitly publish material relating to the overthrow of the Swedish capitalist state (*Offensiv*, *Proletär* ...). I can't find any evidence that they continued to support *Nya Dagbladet.*
Thanks a lot for this info! * Insikt24 is far-right, 1.7M SEK in driftsstöd * M-L Proletären (Marxist-Leninistiska Proletären), already mentioned, far-left, 3.0M SEK * Nya Tider, far-right, 5.5M SEK * Offensiv, left to far-left, 1.7M SEK
Thanks for going through them, I didn't follow up to see which ones were far-right though I expected a few! (My favourite one on the list was the mysteriously-named TTELA, 'nyheter från Trollhättan, Vänersborg, Lilla Edet och Mellerud'.)
Easiest to find the far-right stuff is to see if Expo.se has mentioned them. TTELA is formerly "Trollhättans Tidning och Elfsborgs Läns Allehanda" (https://www.ttela.se/). Classic regional paper. "Elfsborg" is the former spelling of [Älvsborg](https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%84lvsborgs_l%C3%A4n), a former county. Part of the reason for presstöd is to help small papers like this to survive.
Thanks for the tip, didn't know about expo.se which looks really useful. Yeah, I really like presstöd and other such policies — as a recent immigrant to Sweden, it's one of the most noticeable differences from my home country.
My complete lack of knowledge about this means I can't rule out that that's already happened
Sweden now has Nazis in its actual government (they call themselves “Sweden Democrats” and assert that they’ve reformed since the party was founded by actual SS volunteers, but if it quacks like a duck…)
The grant was an innovation media subsidy, to assist in moving to a digital platform. Its an editorial neutral grant in any case.
Essentially yes, if the paper fullfils X critera, then they have a right to it. Though, does not seem they got full support, only the digital support grant. Whether they lacked something or didn't apply for it, i cannot say.
Yes, I think it's also kind of relying on an inaccurate preconception that European countries are tough on Nazism. While hate speech is outlawed in a few places in Europe, I think it's not generally the case. Additionally, even in places where that *is* true, Nazis and fascists do exist legally, they just figure out ways to skirt the system.
Here in France, hate speech ("incitation to hatred") is indeed illegal, as is Holocaust denial among other things. Doesn't stop us from having dozens of fascist groups. What did put a damper on them in earlier decades was a very militant and popular antifascist movement, using tactics up to and including street violence. The movement is still there, but it doesn't get any support from most "respectable" parties, even the one who are nominally far-left and antifascist.

they don’t mind being “naughty” and snickers at the normies who don’t get that fascism/a monarchy would be the best political position to meet their “charity” needs.

to no fault of their own: they are just being "rational" , amirite... they just follow "logic"... i remember when they started to take interest in that yarvin character; i thought wow no wonder why the progressive faction of those futurist-types didn't take off, for some reason they are just more at ease with the extreme reactionary type.

Max Tegmark’s brother writes for Nya Bagdlet. Tegmark’s reply when questioned on this in particular: “My brother never worked there. He published some articles there, but they’ve never paid him anything.”

so… his brother believed in their cause so much he was willing to work for free?

Strong 'You do get how that's worse, right?' energy there. I'm actually not sure it's worse to do it for free vs. getting paid, but I'm pretty sure it's not better in any relevant sense.
IDK, I guess from the point of view of a conspiracist anti-vaxxer, you just want to get published and you can't pick and choose where to do it because everyone is out to get you anyway or something.

The Future of Life Institute makes no apologies for engaging with many people across the immensely diverse political spectrum

and in the next breath

the Future of Life Institute stands and will always stand emphatically against racism, bigotry, bias, injustice and discrimination at all times and in all forms

10/10 Janus face, no notes

They should just do it in the same breath for once "the future of life institute stands and will always stand empathically against the people it makes no apologies for engaging with", or something.

Is the misspelling of the neo-Nazi group’s name intentional?

oww fixed

Oh Max, such potential… I guess even actual geniuses are not immune from becoming shitheads.

Isn't that essentially the entire thesis of this sub? Smart people overextending like crazy by hias and ego?
Yes, but sometimes it hits more on the disappointing rather than sneerful side
That and “self identified smart people resorting to reactionary politics to compensate for why their ‘intelligence’ didn’t bring them the wealth and happiness they thought it would”.