r/SneerClub archives
Aaaand of course it's a sales pitch for the other flavor of the exact same product (https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/dyngbmSHYPasfEBot/no-fire-in-the-equations)


Yeah I was enjoying the article at that point! That's why the EA sales pitch at the end was especially disappointing

Try to construct a moral argument without using nerd media challenge (impossible)

Oof for the author, it’s sitting at -19

To be fair, that's the result of posting in any community and telling people they all suck.

Iain Banks would want nothing to do with their rationalist grift.

This reeks of the sun steak and steel red pill moronitude.

this has powerfully cursed “I sharpied ‘#resist’ on my princess leia funkopop” energy