r/SneerClub archives
Something weird is happening at CFAR (https://everythingtosaveit.how/case-study-cfar/)

So… it looks like this blog has some detailed documentation of abuse coming from CFAR/MIRI, which is worth paying attention to and amplifying. But it also looks like it isn’t so much recommending exiting the rationalist movement as going off in different but also problematic direction with it. Like the “vegan sith” thing. Or complaining about the removal of Vassar, but iirc Vassar also had sexual harassment complaints about him, so removing him was probably the right call.

So thank you for the detailed links, and I won’t dismiss your complaints, but I am concerned…

To add a little more context: the OP's linked blog is by Gwen Danielson, who was close to Ziz and aligns with much of her world view / thought space. Gwen likely committed suicide recently, per: https://twitter.com/jessi_cata/status/1561762228352712708?s=20&t=TE42F-R5kTzw_UTN2QyJjw
>Gwen likely committed suicide recently As did Ziz ([or she drowned accidentally](https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/newsminer/name/jack-lasota-obituary?id=36432272). Or, some say, she faked her death). And then, a couple months later, one Ziz-follower *impaled their landlord with a samurai sword* and another got shot and killed by the landlord. Ziz, who was supposed to be dead at the time, [was supposedly seen at the scene of the crime](https://twitter.com/jessi_cata/status/1593783526859603970?s=20&t=DKz4pD_Z2N7WyuF-NEBi2A).
Yeah, the person that I've linked to is still deeply brainwashed by MIRI. My point wasn't that we should take everything they say at face value, but to point out a disturbing pattern that there seems to be a growing number of x-MIRI critics who seem to have been discarded by the community after a mix of mental abuse and excessive drug taking, the latter of which appears to have been intentionally encouraged.

Ok, so, I don’t really know where to put this

A few weeks ago I came across this post by ‘Jessicata’ describing various abuse that she received through being involved with MIRI/CFAR.

(The post itself was inspired by an earlier post by Zoe Curzi, another victim of abuse at another cult-like MIRI-adjacent organisation)

The replies to jessi_cata’s post were a level of gaslightning that I hadn’t seen from LW since Kathy Forth’s suicide - the general consensus is that she’s crazy, “taking the spotlight away from Zoe”, and should stop talking.

Of note is Scott Alexander’s response, which accuses Jessicata of being part of a MIRI splinter group called “the Vassarites” who attempt to… intentionally trigger psychosis by an overuse of psychedelics, I guess? This is not to be confused with the ‘Zizzians’, apparently a different MIRI splinter group who also over-use psychedelics to the point of psychosis.

So earlier today my morbid curiosity brought me to jessi_cata’s twitter, where I found a tweet saying that Ziz has committed suicide, and linking to the blog of someone called ‘Gwen Danielson’ who might have committed suicide as well.

On Gwen’s blog I found the blog post that I’ve linked to at the start of this thread, where Gwen details a lot of allegations against Anna Salamon - which are very similar in nature to the ‘Brent Dill confessions’ that Ziz posted on their blog a few years ago

Brent’s DMs are rambling, but his main point is that the MIRI/CFAR modus operandi is to intentionally push people into hysteria and “let them take themselves out of the picture”. (Mind you, Brent himself tries to egg Ziz into suicide at one point in the conversation, saying “I hear Vicodin and whiskey aren’t a bad way to go”)

Brent mentions at least one other x-MIRI critic who committed suicide (‘Grognor’), as well as Eric Bruylant whom he alleges was intentionally spiked with a large dose of LSD before he snapped and assaulted someone, getting himself arrested

So, uh… even accounting for the fact that none of these people are reliable narrators, in large part due to psychotic breaks that resulted from an over-abuse of psychedelics… isn’t it kind of concerning that there are *just so many* former MIRI/CFAR critics who seem to repeatedly go insane from an over-abuse of psychedelics?

So I want to re-iterate - what the *fuck* is happening in CFAR?

The "psychotic break" thing is a kind of suspicious narrative. Do you know what kinds of psychedelics are involved? In the broader drug sphere, people can be very heavy users of psychedelics, dissociatives, etc and still generally keep it together. You get your share of somewhat incoherent self-proclaimed "psychonauts", of course. My intuition suggests that the drugs are kind of a red herring or distraction from abuse, and bringing them into the conversation primes victims for being gaslighted.
\>Do you know what kinds of psychedelics are involved? The only one I've seen mentioned explicitly is LSD. But there was a [thread](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/mooAqpyqPZnyMmPBQ/quis-cancellat-ipsos-cancellores) posted shortly after to the jessi\_cata thread that mentioned something about a "drug roulette" happening at Aella's parties, so whatever they took I don't think it was responsible. \>My intuition suggests that the drugs are kind of a red herring or distraction from abuse, Yeah, I see what you're saying. I think the abuse and the excessive drug taking go together - in Brent's DMs he alleges that there's a "general atmosphere of encouragement" around psychedelics, which Anna allegedly tried to cover up after Eric Bruylant snapped while intoxicated. So if what he's saying is true, vulnerable people around CFAR/MIRI get encouraged to do a lot of psychedelics, get abused, then when they snap it's blamed on the drugs, not on the people who pressured them into taking drugs or abused them
https://archive.is/SFCwS this may be of interest to you Interestingly, Aella denies this but then a year later started asking poll questions about ‘drug roulette’. (I have very strong suspicions there is some kind of sexual blackmail thing going on here - John McAfree did the same stuff in central america).
So if I understood this correctly, Aella basically hosts date rape parties but being the true psycho she is she's found ways to keep plausible deniability i.e. "drug roullette, oops didn't know I was giving you rohypnol so random hehe"
What's especially damning is that most drugs have very different textures/modes of ingestion, so it's literally impossible for this to be completely random, \*someone\* would have to know what they're giving to the person doing the roulette. It doesn't even need to be just one substance. Imagine someone at this party gives their victim a mix of MDMA and rohypnol - if the victim feels the MDMA hitting first, they might tell the others at the party "oh it's just mdma", then a little while later the rohypnol hits, the attacker takes them away, but to anyone observing from the outside it just looks like a consensual hook-up. Fucking vile.
This was such an odd read. The stuff about Aella's parties being unsafe was really important to put out there, but then the poster veers away into discussing "cancellations", and using phrases like "casting doubt on the epistemic processes involved", which makes them look like someone who is both still stuck in cult-think but also surrounded by people who normalise sexual assault to the point that 'cancelling' someone is seen as the greater crime. \> holy shit I think I figured out who liz is. WTF Do share.
I’ll dm. And yeah - a lot of these people don’t really get out. I’ve heard of stuff like this in other groups like AlAnon.
> https://archive.is/SFCwS this may be of interest to you consensual non-consent torture? I think I've about had enough internet for this week edit: wait, no. Aella was @mittenscautious??? What the hell is going on with these people. e2: > You may comment on this post from Urbit oh hell naw
Brienne now goes by Logan and is married to Duncan Sabien, who is the least weird person I follow from the CFAR world.
Duncan Sabien, who tried to do be the 'benevolent dictator' of the Dragon House and called himself 'a mix of Tyler Durden and Ender from Ender's Game' ?
Honestly that *does* sound pretty mainstream for dudebros.
A lot of dudebros would likely aspire to that, but I doubt that most of them would actually follow-through and try to set up their own cult house!
Lmao Tyler Durden feels a little high school but i identify a lot with Ender, especially in Speaker for the Dead. I don’t know what dragon house is, I’m just speaking from being his friend on Facebook for 2+ years and reading the writing he posts as statuses or on lesswrong. Compared to what gets posted here, his writing and opinions seems pretty chill and reasonable.
The Dragon House was one of those rationalist group-houses that he tried to personally run like a "benevolent dictator", ie you would apply to live there and he would control your entire schedule for your "self development". \> his writing and opinions seems pretty chill and reasonable. Uh huh. This is the guy that went to bat for Brent Dill, and kept insisting he was a good guy till the end.
You’re obviously speaking from a much stronger place of experience or knowledge about the Bay Area rationalists; I’m just an LessWrong diaspora ex-rationalist from the Midwest lol. I don’t know who Brent Drill is either.
That's fine, I'm not trying to be too harsh on you, I'm just trying to suggest that sometimes people with reasonable opinions can be good at hiding a lot of less reasonable opinions underneath. \>You’re obviously speaking from a much stronger place of experience or knowledge about the Bay Area rationalists Sigh, sadly.
it's less about "I learned from and identify with these protagonists"; it's the fact that the cultural implications of naming those two protags in particular are red flags for "disaffected, possibly violent bro with inflated opinion of himself". to summarize himself that way means he is either *very* obliviously unaware of that perception or doesn't care.
Now I’m really confused. I need to learn maltego or something.
Theres other paraphilias present in the community aside from pedo stuff btw. Silicon Valley is a really fucked up place.
There is nothing wrong with paraphilias aka "fetishes" as long as they involve consenting adult human beings. Let's not let the fact that these are shitty people lead us to paint perfectly innocuous things as somehow equivalent to pedophilia.
I meant kids and dogs if you really must know.
Then you can say something like "other paraphilias involving nonconsenting subjects" or something, rather than implicitly lumping dudes who get off on feet in with child abusers.
Tell you what, I’ll make it easy for you.
wait, but that's not "aside from pedo stuff"
apologies for not wording this better but im multitasking while doing this and have been awake over 24 hours. :x
aww np
Drug roulette sounds awful.
On top of this, it's well known that psychotic episodes can happen as an effect of unusual stressors like being stuck in an abusive cult. Who knows if that's what happening here but it does seem marginally more likely than "psychedelics". > Brief psychotic disorder with marked stressor(s) is also referred to as brief reactive psychosis. It is the onset of psychotic symptoms that occur in response to a traumatic event that would be stressful for anyone in similar circumstances in the same culture. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK539912/
Yeah, I'm not saying drugs couldn't play a big role, but they'd have to be part of some larger scheme of abuse, as you said, to cause that stress.
Thats exactly my impression. See how useful it is to have a psychiatrist doing apologetics for your community? Edit: also they are really really fond of schizojacketing people as we can see.
Yeah, Scott is the resident gaslighter - any time some critic pops up, Scott is there to label them as insane and not worth listening to. I still have shivers whenever I think of his response to Kathy Forth's suicide.
yo I just googled that and OOF
It's dark shit, isn't it. Better get some eye bleach after that :/
I am once again struck by a general suspicion that Scott Alexander is up to some illegal shit. I’m just not quite sure what yet, but his behavior is sketchy AF.
He seems to pop up \*any\* time there are serious allegations against someone in the rationalist community, and uses his psychiatrist credentials to weigh-in and discredit the critic.
That’s pretty central to my “I think this dude is doing some crimes” instinct. It’s entirely possible he’s doing ethically unconscionable but legally clear work for his favorite cults, but I just kinda think he’s not careful enough to keep his hands completely clean.
Same feeling here.
FWIW, most recent update on Ziz appears to be alive but shot and under arrest in the wake of a landlord stabbing. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/east-bay/vallejo-landlord-attacked-with-samurai-sword/3079258/%3famp=1
>FWIW, most recent update on Ziz appears to be alive but shot and under arrest in the wake of a landlord stabbing. > >https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/east-bay/vallejo-landlord-attacked-with-samurai-sword/3079258/%3famp=1 How do we know this is connected to Ziz?
Court filing documents dug up by @jessi_cata. https://mobile.twitter.com/jessi_cata/status/1593783526859603970
That's not Ziz who was shot and under arrest, that's one of her followers Somnilogical. Ziz was supposedly at the scene of the crime, but it's very foggy and unknown, because there were only 3 reported to have been directly involved - Somni (arrested), Emma (dead), and someone named Suri Dao (arrested) who is 19 years old and has no internet presence. The only evidence that Ziz defied death to be there was a statement in an unrelated court case. They were making the case that Ziz was found alive in the scene, was alive and well, and therefore could still be charged. But if that's true and she was at the scene of the crime, she must have escaped because she wasn't arrested.
Bruh that's insane, I used to be online friends with Somnilogical about 6 years ago, I even sent her a package of feminine clothes when she lost a suitcase that contained all of hers. After that we drifted away and she seemed to become increasingly mentally unwell, posted rants that I didn't understand on her Tumblr and it looked like she was homeless at some point.
This is weird af
For those who didn’t click through, someone literally brought a sword to what turned out to be a gun fight. With predictable results.
Wait... Did this Brent Dill go to ASU? I had *a* Brent Dill in my ethics class, and we were friends on Google+ for a while. He was into transhumanism and BDSM... It's gotta be the same guy, right?
This post has a [photo of him](https://thingofthings.wordpress.com/2018/10/30/brent-dill-is-an-abuser/). He was kicked out of the rationalist community several years ago for [abusing several people](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/9hacld/the_ballad_of_brent_dill/).
Oh man, I'm pretty sure that's him! I met him about a decade ago, so I could be wrong, but I'm 99% sure it's him. Why is it always the ones you most expect?
If you see him again, please pass on a swift kick in the balls from the rest of us
I doubt I'll see him again, but I'll certainly remember what he's owed.
Apologies for being late to the party. Brent Dill attended ASU and lived about a mile off campus between '09 and '12. He lived in the Tempe area for longer than that (both before and after), but I don't have exact date for when he left. He did, in fact, attend ASU and you're probably remembering the correct person. Having known him well, I'm convinced that the accusations against him are 100% correct.
Thanks for the confirmation. I'm sorry that you knew him well. ETA: That sounds unpleasant.
I had terrible taste in friends in my early twenties. I'm just very glad that I realized he was the bad kind of crazy and cut contact with him.
I'm glad you did, too! We all had terrible taste in our twenties... I knew a guy that grew up to be a literal Nazi.
Grognor was pushed to suicide by the guy who stole his gf iirc. Its pretty fucked up and I din’t know the fine details unfortunately.
>MIRI splinter group called "the Vassarites" who attempt to... intentionally trigger psychosis by an overuse of psychedelics, I guess? This is not to be confused with the 'Zizzians', apparently a different MIRI splinter group who also over-use psychedelics to the point of psychosis. Calumny! The Zizians use hemispheric sleep to induce psychosis.

I’d be more surprised if something weird weren’t happening at CFAR, really.

It's the scale that's surprising. This stuff is Scientology-level weird. What else is happening behind closed doors that we have no idea about.

uh. So I saw this and did some googling. The author and often mentioned friend are two of the four people that accosted the CFAR retreat two years ago wearing masks and were arrested and criminally charged: https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/Four-who-wore-hooded-robes-and-Guy-Fawkes-masks-16626537.php

In the time since they appear to have faked their deaths and then one of them has subsequently been exposed as not being dead after being on the scene when one of the other above mentioned arrestees attempted to murder their landlord to prevent an eviction, resulting in the remaining arrestee actually dying in the process when the would-be-murder-victim fought back.

Their attorneys withdraw is informative: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cand.387955/gov.uscourts.cand.387955.52.1.pdf

Thanks for the links! This stuff is completely unhinged, and keeps getting worse the more info comes out. And I was really confused about whether or not Ziz committed suicide, but trying to fake your own death to your own lawyer is on another level.
More googling turned up [this post](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/gHovN7DT8Bnou3wh3/who-should-write-the-definitive-post-on-ziz?commentId=kDazRvMufuDAmJbCG) claims Ziz is currently in prison in delaware-- I've no idea if it's due to the California warrant, a name collision, or if there were additional unfortunate events.
Yeah that makes sense, thanks for sharing! I think its a safe bet to assume its from the warrant. > this post Ugh, why do they all write like theyre characters from a matrix fanfic. > Who should write it? Probably the cops, or whatever journalist finally blows this entire neo-scientology can of worms open
I sent it to a bunch last night!
Thank you :D

we need an undercover citizen journalist bto infiltrate these weirdos and do an expose.

We’re getting that with all these reports from former members who have left the cult
We need these threads and the stuff in them to go to journos.

unsurprisingly weird. Also shout out to

the basis that we wear black clothing, the clothing of our religion (vegan sith)

can’t we please get a normal vegan movement off the ground before you try adding magic space nazi cosplay to the mix?

Oh, this is why I had a tab open with a Google search for "vegan sith." I thought I just got incredibly high last night.
yes but "sith" has a Super Deep Epistemological Meaning here that you may be able to grok if you sift thru 900 pages of navel-gazing blog posts about how actually our personhoods are fully split into our respective brain hemispheres and we need to metaphorically fight vampires & zombies to save the world from certain doom, and other flavors of jesse\_wtf\_are\_you\_talking\_about.jpg

Brent is apparently hanging out in the UFO scene these days, afraid his old crew will come after him.

It really makes you think that something this insane can keep going on without getting any attention from the outside world save for a few sneerers on a niche subreddit. You’d think this would be Netflix documentary material. Makes you wonder what other crazy shit is going down elsewhere in the world without anyone noticing.

is there a reason this is r18+? it makes it harder to browse at work the actual accusations are no surprise, the nastiness floating around the phyg has been growing steadily as the folks who are justifiably adverse to racism/sexism and general stupidity elect to leave

Sorry, that's just the sub rules - since this place is mainly for shitposting, anything serious needs to be tagged with 'nsfw'.

cfar is transphobic and racist. ea is racist. it really sucks that the people most in-position to help the world fell for the nazi meme. crazy world out there, stay safe

people are justifiably sneering at you for this: > the people most in-position to help the world but i actually wanna ask you straight up if you stand by this statement and on what basis? in my mind, it can't be anything other than because you're a genuine Paperclip Maximizer Believer, but i'd be interested in hearing your perspective.
Yeah, I'm pretty bewildered by that idea. I guess it's true in the sense of privileged wealthy westerners being most "in position“ to do anything, but it's not like self-declared rationalists would be out there saving lives directly if only they weren't busy blogging.
Not OP, but here's my 2 cents: The rationalist movement had a ton of potential before devolving into navel-gazing, although I have to admit that overcoming human bias was always going to be a heavy lift. In general, it would be great if more people could think about things more deeply. In particular, one of the big problems with US politics is that people self-sort into information bubbles and succumb to confirmation bias. The BLM movement is doing a lot to expose pervasive racial bias throughout society, and people are talking more about the effect of social media on our politics and well-being. If they had kept it together, rationalists would have had extremely helpful and relevant thoughts on all of these issues, even before the issues went mainstream. Instead, they spend their time and energy in... Less helpful ways.
> had a ton of potential That was all PR. It was [always](https://old.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/10hdl83/nick_bostrom_longtermism_and_the_eternal_return/) this way.
TIL. Thank you!
> The rationalist movement had a ton of potential No >If they had kept it together, rationalists would have had extremely helpful and relevant thoughts No
bankmanfried last year was a billionaire. billionaires are comparable to forces of nature in that they are inhuman and can affect outcomes in a huge way for a lot of people, like how normal people cant.
>bankmanfried last year was a billionaire And we've since discovered that he was an amateurish grifter who used VCs to launder lies about his ethical commitments in order to buy the access necessary to prevent crypto from being regulated. So I'm thinking the possibility of him having a positive influence was never very high.
all billionaires are like that
did i give you permission to reply to my comment...?
You're as much responsible for keeping track of what permissions you gave as the person you're talking to, but there's no need to assign blame in the first place, you forgot, that's fine, whatever.
sorry, some cringe reddit mod tried splaining wealth to me. i was grossed out.
> it really sucks that the nazis most in-position to say they were helping the world fell for the nazi meme
>cfar is transphobic and racist. ea is racist. it really sucks that the people most in-position to help the ~~world~~ *utility function of the future light cone* fell for the nazi meme. crazy world out there, stay safe

We had these people on this sub a few months ago.
How seriously are we going to take these people?
Looks like a source that’s very difficult to interpret as to what’s real.

I feel like we have two parties both accusing each other of being abusers.


The part we should take seriously isnt anything they say, but the overall pattern of LW critics repeatedly overdoing drugs and going insane. As my other comment shows, there are allegations of LW-adjacent people (Vassar, Dill) provoking people into suicide/psychosis intentionally. Though it seems that insofar as they're accusing CFAR of sexual assault cover up, they're far from the only ones. >I feel like we have two parties both accusing each other of being abusers. Im not here to take sides, and I hardly even see them as separate groups. All I see is that theres scientology-level abuse happening here, and I want to publicise it so that people are wise enough to stay away from both groups.