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Effective Altruism Has a Hostile Culture for Women, Critics Say (https://time.com/6252617/effective-altruism-sexual-harassment/)

Saw a tweet earlier by Michael Hobbes responding to this article that compared the effective altruism movement to New Atheism a decade ago. He had this to say:

Any intellectual movement based on the premise that its members are more rational than everyone else — including affected groups and academic experts — is going to select for a specific kind of person.

Specifically, both New Atheism and effective altruism, whatever their original goals and intentions were, got taken over by a particular type of bro-ish but also nerdy young man seeking an intellectual justification for his smug sense of superiority over the people around him. New Atheism offered these guys a riposte to the fundamentalist religion that gripped the US during the Bush years, letting them claim to be smarter and more enlightened than the Bible-thumpers who put feelings over facts. EA, meanwhile, let them claim moral superiority by applying Science^(TM) to charitable giving and therefore “proving” that they were doing more than anybody else to help save the world.

Both also developed many of the same blind spots. In the case of the New Atheists, blaming religion for all the problems in the world let them ignore their own bigotry, and so they bristled when they were called out for it, because in their minds, they had already done the work. That’s how Hitchslap compilations gave way to “feminists and SJWs getting REKT!” compilations in the early 2010s. In the case of EA, the fact that “science proved” that they were the ultimate do-gooders meant that criticism was invalid and came from people who just didn’t “get it”, or even if they had a point, their mission as EAs was more important to the world than a few “little people” who they trampled over. “Why can’t they understand that the needs of the many come before the needs of the few?”

And in both cases, a fetishization of the “hard” sciences as the ultimate arbiters of capital-T Truth left them vulnerable to bad, pseudoscientific arguments couched in the language of the hard sciences. Racialism, defense of polyamory as more “rational” than monogamy, a whole lot of bad evo-psych, the increasingly unhinged fixations of the “longtermist” movement, even (in one case that this article covers) defense of pedophilia as a kind of mentoring/educational relationship. The fact that making any of these arguments in the presence of anybody well-versed in relevant material from the social sciences is a one-way ticket to getting laughed out of the room is, to them, proof that the social sciences are all junk and need to be torn down and rebuilt from the ground up.

EA culture being full of sexism is as predictable a downpour in Florida at 4 PM on an August day.

> Both New Atheism and effective altruism, whatever their original goals and intentions were, got taken over by a particular type of bro-ish but also nerdy young man seeking an intellectual justification for his smug sense of superiority over the people around him Did they really get "taken over"? Or were those elements always a fundamental and unchanging aspect of the population, which didn't really "show" until challenged, which didn't happen until the group had grown large enough to bring scrutiny onto those elements? I think this is an important distinction. Because the concept of a group being "taken over" by toxic elements is one that I've heard so much on Reddit that I see it as a trope at this point. And it usually provides an explanation that I think is far too simplistic to be true. I also think that in some cases -- such as with gamergate -- certain people use this trope to absolve themselves of wrongdoing.
Uncertain about EA, but the New Atheist/proto rationalists actually schismed a few years in when the A+/Bright thing happened and several people in the movement were shitty/abusive at cons. Basically the people who were humanists left and the remainder for more insufferable. So basically exactly the situation you describe in the second paragraph.
That's what I was trying to allude to earlier. In 2011-12, some atheists, having left Christianity because of its reactionary stances on women's rights and LGBTQ+ rights, wanted to see the movement do more to address those issues. It turned into a shitshow. A lot of (mostly male) atheists responded with "people in the Middle East have it worse, what are you complaining about?" and worse. There were sexual harassment controversies that became fault lines within the community. Richard Dawkins made an ass of himself. Ultimately, the side that rejected that push won out, and the other side more or less drifted away from the movement entirely. I remember that time as when the "fedora" stereotype of atheists really became entrenched. The New Atheists had killed the old stereotype, that they were communist libertines of questionable patriotism who turned away from God in order to freely indulge their debauched and decadent lifestyles without guilt, only to usher in a new one, that they were smug, self-satisfied, know-nothing know-it-alls who were convinced of their own superiority and righteousness (especially over women) no matter how unwashed they really were.
I would even go as far as saying most people in this subreddit had some sympathies to, or were part of, that New Atheism movement at some point
Yeahhhh. I was very much into New Atheism coming out of high school and into my early 20s. I grew up in a Wisconsin town that had more churches than bars, which is to say a lot of churches, and New Atheists like Hitchens and Dawkins to me seemed refreshingly combative in their rejection of of religion. Then I discovered the whole Christopher Hitchens Insists Women Aren't Funny phenomenon and did a real double take on who I was looking up to as intellectual role models. Then Gamergate happened and it was like, wow... glad I got off the alt right grievance train before it really left the station.
I'm one of them. I was entering high school in 2004, which was about when New Atheism really took off. My discovery and embrace of New Atheism coincided with my embrace and discovery of libertarianism, which in hindsight was a bit of a red flag. The "radical chic" of the 2000s was basically a mix of *South Park* and *The Daily Show*, a knee-jerk contrarian rejection of every established authority -- the government, the churches, the media -- as a bunch of idiots, and both New Atheism and libertarianism meshed well with that ethos. I gave up libertarianism pretty quickly over the course of my high school years (Hurricane Katrina and the Iraq War especially), but I still followed New Atheism until college, basically. I'll admit that I wasn't as immersed in it as others were, so when I started seeing all the drama break out, I was not impressed. I still consider myself an atheist, but I have little love for the New Atheists. In hindsight, I'd say it helped that I never had to deal with fundies growing up. My mom is conservative, but a secular, Rudy Guiliani-style East Coast conservative who was more worried about taxes and crime than indecency. (At least, back then. Retiring to Florida did not do her politics any favors.) My dad, meanwhile, is a staunch leftist and culturally Irish Catholic, though the pedophile scandals caused him to leave the church. Finally, my mother's adoptive parents were Jewish, which meant that about half my extended family was Jewish at varying levels of religious practice.
Oh man, do people still call themselves Brights?
I am not really sure if anyone did, ever, but that was some bad branding.
I think it's fair to say that many of the people involved with the movements in question were at least sincere, prior to those movements getting derailed, even if the biases that would ultimately twist those movements were already present.
The pedo guy may have been named on twitter - I went looking for the thread the other guy but it now looks MIA.
>The pedo guy may have been named on twitter The people involved made it very clear they wanted the perpetrators to remain anonymous too, in fear of retaliation. Please find a way to discus this without naming people, but instead focus on the movement as a whole. First step is to get this story out and reach more people who want to tell their story. Let's respect their wishes.
Yeah - thats why I held my tongue on it. I also went and messaged Time, CBC, a Mother Jones person, etc. if other people could do that too…it would be swell.
Well its looking like its been taken down because I couldn’t find it earlier.

I looked at how the EA forum is taking it, and it’s typical! Lots of worries that this is unfair and dogpiling EA orgs, and a poster who works on sexual abuse professionally and has been a confidant of multiple victims is getting downvoted to the negatives for pushing back. I’ve worked in mission-based organizations that tolerated sexual harassment. They can crawl along surprisingly long and willingly sacrifice the wellbeing and talents of a lot of people for the sake of abusers, while overvaluing the talents of those same abusers. (The double whammy of marginalization at play…)

Omg, I read more and they're downvoting people for explaining why the victims wanted to remain anonymous in the article and on the forum. "How are we supposed to take this seriously if we can't pick it apart?!"
Pls link. 👀
[https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/JCyX29F77Jak5gbwq/ea-sexual-harassment-and-abuse?commentId=jHF4WkdNhBGytvpmi](https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/JCyX29F77Jak5gbwq/ea-sexual-harassment-and-abuse?commentId=jHF4WkdNhBGytvpmi) Check out this part of the thread: "I have noticed here in the bay area, some groups have lots of accused hanging out together; my theory is that they protect each other."
Nerd oppression rears its ugly face once again.

the fact is that EA has been an overwhelming negative force for just an org that encourages effective charity. its hard to be worse than ea. racism, sex pest cults, transphobia, overwhelmingly white and male. but no one rational enough to even admit they are problems

They’re already doing the old NRX ‘leftists!’/‘women be crazy’ dance on twitter. Just a bit of a mask off moment. Edit: according to the twitter QT’s the Vox journos are blocking people for asking about this.
>They’re already doing the old NRX ‘leftists!’/‘women be crazy’ dance on twitter Can you please link to some? I don't have Twitter so I don't know which accounts to look at.
https://twitter.com/mattyglesias/status/1621635300874240001?s=46&t=fM3j6uBfnPsFi1DaGl1WvQ https://twitter.com/hammbear2024/status/1621592821441380354?s=46&t=fM3j6uBfnPsFi1DaGl1WvQ heres the interesting vox mention. And a certain cartoon robots thread is also very revealing, but linking tends to create exploitable drama.
Latest post from the latter - "poly group houses with underage autistic women mixing with billionaires twice their age really what did you expect would happen" WELP
It's not at all clear from the tweet -- why was this vox reporter in a position where he could have broken the news?
Vox has been in bed (sorry) with the rationalists for a long time. Matthews has published both [critical articles](https://www.vox.com/2015/8/10/9124145/effective-altruism-global-ai) and [ones which have been sneered at here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/b6mpy3/in_which_dylan_matthews_from_vox_promote_ai/). They have other reporters who have been more credulous (eg [this recent portrait of Julia Galef](https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/23391917/future-perfect-50-julia-galef-cfar-rationalist)). no specific knowledge on whether anyone there "knows something," but it is credible that they have some close contacts with EA/rationalism et al.
Something worth asking imo. I read it as they went to him first or something?
"sex pest"?
It makes them sound, sadly incorrectly, like they could be easily vanquished by a good solid WHAP with a flyswatter
Honestly, I feel like it's a good word since in practice catching the buggers is a lot harder than it seems, and for some reason they always manage to keep buzzing about, regardless of how many you swat.

When Scott Aaronson says that SBF collecting a polycule of rationalist nerd girls “doesn’t count” as sleazy behavior, this is what he’s missing, and why he comes across as clueless, callous or both. It has been manifest for years that Rationalist/EA crowds are full to bursting with people who can’t be trusted, who use the language of kink and polyamory as a cover for abuse.

So glad to see normie publications start to wise up to these assholes.

Aurora Quinn-Elmore, alleged official sexual misconduct mediator of the community, talks about her process:

“I’m weighing the possible harm to the accused if the accusation is inaccurate against the possible harm to other people in the community if the concern is accurate,” Wise wrote. “Making these restrictions as privately as possible seems to avoid the worst harms to their reputation if the concerns are unfounded, while also avoiding the worst harms to the community if the concerns are valid.”

How the victimized party fits into AQE’s considerations seems suspiciously unclear. Also can’t help but notice that if AQE were to deem that damaging someone’s reputation would be bad for the community, an interesting thing happens…


Just did.

There have always been Groupies. People in EA just want to believe they’re not one of them.

Shitty article!

how so?