r/SneerClub archives
Been a While Since I Last Subjected Myself to TheMotte, Wonder How It's Doing... Actually, Nevermind. (https://www.themotte.org/post/341/culture-war-roundup-for-the-week/61394?context=8#context)


I don't think they tried

That guy did get a two day ban lower down, but not for being a sexist piece of shit.

Personally, I found this illustrative: https://www.themotte.org/post/341/culture-war-roundup-for-the-week/61515?context=8#context

This person gets harshed on for calling out the comment you linked.

To be fair, this comment did elicit a chuckle from my end of the peanut gallery. https://www.themotte.org/post/341/culture-war-roundup-for-the-week/61658?context=8#context

I still can’t believe these people decided reddit wouldn’t allow them to be shitty enough and decided to create their own website to be shitty on. If even you take them at their word, the implication is that their community is so shitty that reddit admins that notoriously only care about PR were willing to ban it when it had like 10k members.

*No no, you don’t understand; the Eye of Sauron* (their cutesy term for the admins) *has it out for us poor heterodox thinkers! What about Free Speech?!*
I nean honestly Reddit has since 2016 probably been better about this shit than the other big social media companies. Not that this says much.

Nerds are disgusting.

Am nerd, can confirm.

By this logic: A lot of men fantasize about war movies. This must mean they want to get shot and die.

This guy has swallowed the whole bottle of red pill PUA toxicity.