r/SneerClub archives

Has it, though?

I almost would’ve preferred that he meant this literally, instead of just meaning “I’m going to be as transparently techno-capitalist about this as possible: I am going to make your life an absolute living hell, and you should just shoot your spouses and kids into space in advance”

Didn’t know StabilityAi’s CEO was an AI doomer. Is this real? And in that case is he serious?

Apparently he is just talking about working his employees to death metaphorically. AI gets more disappointing as time goes on.

Definitely don’t drink the coolaid at this year’s Christmas party.

"cool aid" does sound like a drink that might be served, unironically, at a rationalist party"
Quality sneer.

And this shall be the anthem of our new robot overlords.

He’s just being a good long-termist. Everyone knows that human engineers waste way more resources than equivalently intelligent AIs. So by killing themselves, they are saving precious resources for the billions of future people to use and flourish.