r/SneerClub archives

If you believe your philosophical view does the absolute most good for humanity, any threat to that view is a threat to humanity, no?

Part of why I caution people about joining “we’re saving the world!” companies. Once you believe your mission is more important than anything, it justifies a huge amount of misbehavior.

The problem with rationalists is that there’s enough hackers among them that there’s a plausible threat of digital fuckery that comes with criticizing them.

The only time I followed and participated, on the edges, in discussions about SSC and rationalism, the main dude in those discussion who was criticizing rationalists was threatened with doxing, i.e. SSC supporters/rationalists posted evidence of a bunch of related anonymous accounts the person had and made clear they knew the person’s identity. It was done both to threaten and discredit them.

Normal, well-adjusted behavior

This is how I found these people in the first place. They did this to the NYTimes journalist, they ran with Gamergate..This is also how the rationalists treat Jason Hickel.This is how the tech industry treats Taylor Lorenz and Timnit Gebru.

Everything has sunk to the level of the 2014 alt-right.

And it’s not completely unrelated to how the tech libertarians ran campaigns in San Fransisco like YIMBY and School Board Recall. Fake profiles, astroturfing, straight up lies and accusations.

Wait, did rats pick a fight with Hickel? Did they take issue with his characterisation of global trade flows from GSouth to GNorth?
>Did they take issue with his characterisation of global trade flows from GSouth to GNorth? Yeah they ran a medium article spree some years ago. He asked for some researchers' data, he critiqued it, they called it dishonest, a hitjob and iirc theft.

Do i smell pure altruism?

the trash can of altruism

These guys doing this are probably also free speech absolutists, which usually means. I want to be able to say anything without consequences. They will never see their hypocrisy.

I think they know and do not care tbh.
I want to see a free Speech absolutist that is kind and nurturing to everyone talking to them to forment the production of "ideas"
they fully understand this means only and ever free speech for the ingroup

Looks like EA has SPs (Scientology’s Suppressive Person, for those who missed the beautiful Tom Cruise video.)

…Cruise did a video about SP’s?
He discusses them and how he confronts them in the infamous video he recorded for Scientology that leaked in 2008: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFBZ\_uAbxS0

Out of curiosity, are we bothering to archive tweets in case the site goes kersplooey?

Good idea tbh.

My views aside, this is concerning.