r/SneerClub archives


” The year is 2022.

My smoke alarm chirps in the middle of the night, waking me up, because it’s running low on battery.

It could have been designed with a built-in clock that, when it’s first getting slightly low on battery, waits until the next morning, say 11am, and then starts emitting a soft purring noise, which only escalates to piercing loud chirps over time and if you ignore it.

And I do have a model of how this comes about; the basic smoke alarm design is made in the 1950s or 1960s or something, in a time when engineering design runs on a much more authoritarian paradigm of “yes wake them up the user-peon needs to change the battery”, clock circuits aren’t as cheap; and then in modern times if you propose changing anything, somebody somewhere will claim it’s less safe.  Of course it’s much less safe if you build smoke alarms that hurt people, and the people quite reasonably remove the batteries and take them out of their bedrooms, and then you try to compensate for that by passing a law so that you can say any harm is their fault for ignoring that law.  But that’s the paradigm for how it is, and now if you try to design a smoke alarm that’s gentler or slower-escalating about how it lets you know that it’s running out of battery, people will - on a purely intuitive level - assume that the damage the smoke alarm does to you must be buying something, and that a smoke alarm which tries harder not to hurt you must be less safe.  There’s probably a law mandating those chirps; it’s probably illegal to build a better-designed smoke alarm.  Just guessing, there, partially because the better product doesn’t seem to exist, and partially because Earthlings just fucking love passing laws about everything.

Every day, in every way, I’m reminded that this is not my world.  The world of eliezera wouldn’t design smoke alarms like that, nor larger societies in a way that lets those larger societies fail like that.

It doesn’t bug me in the same way and structure that it bugs Duncan, or so I model him and me; and I think that’s because I genuinely deeply know, including in my emotions, that I am not wrong, Earth is wrong.  There’s a correct way to design a smoke alarm, and Earth’s way is not it.

I wish I could give Duncan the mental motion of what it is to have the sense of your own world about you and its sensibility, by which this world of Earth cannot press in on you; so that if among their many other errors the Earthlings think you don’t exist, that genuinely doesn’t feel like you being wrong, it feels like them being wrong.  But that’s probably something in the brains of eliezera that maybe isn’t native to the brains of duncanni, and so the thought is useless in the end.

Even so:  Earthlings be weird, but that’s a them problem, not a you problem.  Maybe your System 1 never quite believes it, but let your System 2 never lose track of the difference.”

In my entire life i think i’ve had to deal with a smoke detector beeping in the night like once or twice. Are their really people whose response to this incredibly minor inconvenience is to rip the batteries out and not have this modern marvel of lifesaving equipment active where they sleep? That is the emotional response of a tantruming child.

If my smoke detector is getting low on juice I want to know about it right away, and I certainly don’t act like the people making them are attacking me if they don’t needlessly complicate their machine with some weird timer for only warning me about the low batteries at a certain time-if that clock has an issue maybe it never warns me at all and the smoke detector just turns silently off. And listen to him huffing about ThE lAwS as if regulations aren’t written in blood. Smoke detectors have saved an enormous number of people’s lives, but since they made him slightly uncomfortable once they’re demonic symbols of our wicked oppressive society.

How do people take this guy seriously?

neil degrasse tyson disease

Join us next week for the thrilling demonstration of the conspiracy behind having to clean the lint out of the dryer lint trap.

I don't understand how people don't love doing that. It's such a joyful, fuzzy harvest, every time. Sometimes I don't want to clean it just so that there's more to clean next time.
Once in a while the internet reminds me that my very specific feelings are not at all unique.
That, and you get some of the most effective kindling in the world.
Isn't this basically just burning plastic if your clothes have synthetic fibers?
It is! Ideally only use the cotton residue. But also, it’s not a ton of material, just very very airy, which is why it burns so well
I always have a bunch saved up
You can use it to get the rest off too!

Wait, there’s a planet where people need to set the clock on their smoke detectors?

I’m sure hes gonna say it uses GPS lol. More seriously: you are supposed to replace batteries yearly and not wait for chirps. That "convenient time only" alarm Yud wants already exists it is called a calendar. You can also buy 10-year alarms where you replace the whole alarm after 10 years (which you are also supposed to be doing).
If you have wired smoke detectors, then their backup batteries don't need to be replaced every year. Like, yes, yud is an arrogant twat, but some products suck ass. Smoke alarms aren't really high up on my list, and if I had to pick a product area to complain about, it wouldn't be smoke alarms and some regulatory bogeyman. It would probably be the trash sold on Amazon under the assumption that people just won't return things that are worthless. Or the fact that hungry hungry hippos is flimsier now than it used to be, I dunno. That being said... The ones in my apartment are a) incredibly loud, like, you can't be in the same room b) require a tall ladder to reach and c) are all on different schedules, and guess what, by replacing them when I'm supposed to, the schedule stays different. My child is also very sensitive to noises, and so having a surprise beeping that takes half an hour to sort out (unless it's time to replace the whole alarm, which also means beeping) it sucks. When you *do* replace the battery -- ahead of time or when it complains -- it asks you in a loud fucking voice to select the room it's in. Then, it makes you push the self test button, which, guess what, makes it screen more.
your response is actually rational and couched in practical terms. hope you can find a better smoke alarm that you convince your landlord to let you use.
> you have wired smoke detectors, then their backup batteries don't need to be replaced every year. I think you're still supposed to replace them yearly, or what ever the guaranteed lifespan of the battery is, even if the current draw is zero. (There are 9v lithium batteries that may last for the life of the alarm). You can just replace all at once even if some have battery life left. The problem is that batteries go bad over time, not just current draw. Yud's thing is particularly moronic considering it's 11am lol. Like, most people would be at work. If it's hard wired, it can chirp as long as there's power of course, but if it is not hard wired, the whole "chirping when the battery used to do the chirping is low" thing has always been rather iffy for obvious reasons, and only reliably works with some battery chemistries but not others. Re asking what room it's in, I guess that'd be your security system maybe? None of my alarms do that, and they're hard wired.
> You can just replace all at once even if some have battery life left. 🤯 You know, I think my instinctive desire not to be wasteful made me never think of that. Next time I have the ladder out, I'm swapping them all!
You can also use old batteries in non critical devices, although fewer and fewer things use 9v batteries these days...
My parents' old house was wired, but I think they had to also put in batteries in case the home power failed.
Also, in terms of problems with smoke detector designs, the bigger issue that I've heard about is the ones that don't have an ionization sensor and instead only rely on visual distortion from smoke. There was an interesting Technology Connections [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuAeaIcAXtg) on it.
Fascinating! Not sure if I'll remember to check out the video when I can watch stuff, but I thought they were all based on radioactive decay and temperature.
I got it backwards from what I remembered after re-watching it, it's the ionization models that are (usually) worse than the photoelectric ones. But yeah, it was pretty interesting, and more sophisticated than I would've thought. A lot of his videos are interesting looks at the history of various kinds of everyday tech.

What if I’m napping at 11 AM? Are you telling me that in this day and age of cheap Bluetooth radio chips, my smoke detector still doesn’t sync with my Fitbit to determine if I’m awake?

how many math pets does it take to change a battery yud

i'm afraid to find out what a math pet is edit: my fear was justified and my day is ruined
Do I want to know?
No. You do not.
I do, because I hate myself, what is it?
>!Yud picks concubines based on their ability to solve equations in their head.!<
That leaves me with a lot more questions, but I think I will stop here. Also it's far from the weirdest thing here but I like how this is yet another example of choosing to care about things because they're easily quantifiable rather than because they actually matter.
To quote some dude on the wiki page for the McNamara Falkacy: > The first step is to measure whatever can be easily measured. This is OK as far as it goes. The second step is to disregard that which can't be easily measured or to give it an arbitrary quantitative value. This is artificial and misleading. The third step is to presume that what can't be measured easily really isn't important. This is blindness. The fourth step is to say that what can't be easily measured really doesn't exist. This is suicide.
I read it and I regret doing so.

The world of eliezera wouldn’t design smoke alarms like that

I want a book or a short story or something about a society like that, except it reflects how these people’s ideal societies would actually go. Like a technocracy run by people who are convinced they’re infallible because they’re kind of good at coding, where great pains are taken to “optimize” everything according to metrics that don’t actually matter but were chosen because they’re quantifiable. They’re sure they can solve poverty once they’re done perfecting the user interface of every household appliance, which they’re doing first because their morality algorithm told them it was more important for reasons involving the assumption that humans will someday be an intergalactic species.

Help i programmed my smoke detector to purr and it became sentient and killed humanity (See? It's funny because he can't code)
Brave New World? It's even for sorting people into IQ categories.

I mean… I don’t own a business. Well, I do, but it doesn’t make things with atoms. That being said, there is a question here (1) would people buy the advertised smoke alarms at the price it would cost to make them? (2) would they more successfully encourage people to change the batteries? (3) Are any of these legal assumptions true? (4) the last stand-alone smoke alarm I bought has a 10 year battery in it, and when it’s done you replace the smoke detector.

> would people buy the advertised smoke alarms at the price it would cost to make them? Yeah, it's ludicrous (but totally expected for him) that he immediately jumps to "this must be due to poorly thought-out regulations!" rather than "most people aren't willing to pay more than a few bucks for a smoke detector, so there's no market for a fancy computerized one that doesn't do much other than make it slightly less annoying when you have to change the battery".

How do people take this guy seriously?

It’s literally just a club for people who feel alienated by the fact that they feel better than everyone else

” it’s probably illegal to build a better-designed smoke alarm. ”

Sure dude, it’s the regulation.
And people were surprised he was an Ayn Rand fan

smoke and co detectors have a wider design space than “dont make yud mad”. While I also hate the loud noises and such, the design space has to include things such as:

- reliability

- cheap - if everyone doesnt have one, then what’s the point?

- low battery usage (internal clocks sound power expensive)

- accurate

Nailing all of this is tough. The nest co/smoke detector is a good example - yes they solve the UX issues, but their product is literally, LITERALLY 20x more expensive than the cheapest thing ( vs 19). So you get what you want, you pay for what you want.

I need like I dunno a half dozen or more of each of these bad boys, so I will not be spending 20x on them thank youuuuuu

I read this fuckwit in probably america talk about how smoke alarms are authoritarian, meanwhile my girlfriend cannot leave her home country because she took part in democratic organizing for an opposition party.

My smoke detector has a lot of false positives, which are all the more annoying because they are by definition unpredictable

If your smoke detector chirping triggers these types of thoughts, you should probably check yourself into your nearest in-patient mental health facility.

Every day, in every way, I’m reminded that this is not my world. The world of eliezera wouldn’t design smoke alarms like that

I genuinely deeply know, including in my emotions, that I am not wrong, Earth is wrong. There’s a correct way to design a smoke alarm, and Earth’s way is not it.

I wish I could give Duncan the mental motion of what it is to have the sense of your own world about you and its sensibility, by which this world of Earth cannot press in on you

My dude, it has a name and it’s called “Narcissistic Personality Disorder”.

Are their really people whose response to this incredibly minor inconvenience is to rip the batteries out and not have this modern marvel of lifesaving equipment active where they sleep?

Gotta confess that’s what I did.. Tho I have a high ceiling and no sufficiently high ladder so when it woke me up I had to perform a sort of dangerous maneuver of climbing on a wobbly wardrobe to get it to shut up which I don’t want to repeat

I stopped reading because I wanted to avoid getting an aneurysm in my engineer brain… Seriously, no one will set a clock on a smoke alarm. The piezo that’s used to sound the alarm is not great for making soft, calm noises, and doing all of those ridiculous requests would increase the price. Yes, that nonsense is doable, but who’s going to pay extra? The current design doesn’t come from authoritarianism. It comes from optimization, cost reduction, and a desire to keep things simple…

He really is a moron. You’re supposed to replace batteries yearly without waiting for the chirps. That clock hes talking about, it’s called a “calendar”.

Theres also alarms where you only replace the whole alarm after 5 or 10 years or something (you’re supposed to replace alarms every 10 years).

Edit: i figured it out. He’s an idiot who’s pretending to be a moderately bright but extremely arrogant person. This way he gets to convince some people that he’s a genius, and most people that he isn’t an idiot.

Has he never heard of hard wiring a smoke detector?
Still have to replace the backup battery yearly (or what ever the lifespan of the battery is, there's long living lithium 9v batteries now that may last for the whole 10 year replacement span of the alarm itself, and alarms with built in batteries). The reason there's a battery is so that the alarm can alarm when the power is out. Battery will eventually self discharge, so even a hard wired alarm checks the battery periodically and starts chirping if it's going bad.

I’m sorry I really don’t understand. Can someone explain?

Look, as a working man who’s been fucked by his smoke detector in a non consensual manner at 2 am more than once… I actually gotta side with Yud on this one.

Still think he’s a twat though.