r/SneerClub archives
Aella's latest survey is quite something (tw: r*pe) (https://twitter.com/Aella_Girl/status/1627177877828403200)

Would you rather:

  1. have 10^27 copies of you tortured for all eternity for not working ceaselessly to bring me into existence
  2. be fucking normal
I want one copy of me that convinces other people I'm normal.
Only 10^27 ? Kid stuff. Try 10↑↑27 ↑↑27 ↑↑27.
isn't that just when they fly up a tall tree

Ignoring the ridiculous hypothetical, it’s funny how people in the comments are just shrugging off the potential emotional trauma a person might suffer being violently mugged to the extent that they end up in hospital.

Yeah, I was seriously ill (appendicitis that went bad, It was relatively easy to fix for the hospital but I was still dying there for a moment) without any violence involved and I was still pretty fucked up for a while. So it doesen't even have to be violence to be traumatizing.
Potential my butt, almost anyone would end up with PTSD if they were suddenly beaten and hospitalized with no warning.
that's ridiculous,
But what about the "psychological damage of being butt fucked".
Aren't these the people who think that a person one "utility point" away from committing *suicide* are not unhappy? I believe Scott Alexander claimed the above in the context of a utilitarian thought experiment.

I should know better than to read twitter replies but jesus christ, they’re really, actually trying to make an SA tier list

Here's a good one. >Okay but is guy A attractive and already known to me. This person thinks rape is cool if the rapist is hot.
[What the fuck is this](https://twitter.com/PrinceTeleporno/status/1627304398652116994)
Weird how they didn't grow out this type of shit in like 8th grade
narrator: but rationalists actually were still in 8th grade, for the rest of their lives
Probably a reference to how Scott Aaronson almost got supposedly cancelled for talking over a rape victim in some comment thread or another, I am not very clear on the specifics. It was the reason for the infamous 'Untitled' manifesto by siskind.
Perfect example of how a person can be considered contemptible solely by their opinions 🤮
There's a lot of sneer in them though, my favorite is "Log off and take a shower"

I know rape fetishism is common - but this ‘community’ really seems to revel in it. :|

Aella enables pedophiles like Yudkowsky and Scott Alexander Siskind by giving them access to vulnerable women that have taken drugs at her rape parties
Yudkowski is a pedophile?
Okay, what did these people do? Can you PM me if you aren't comfortable talking about it in public?

what’s the, like, goal here

just asking questions, obviously
Honestly I'm pretty sure a significant chunk of the goal is just "get people to pay attention to and talk about Aella".
I really don't know what Aella's surveys set out to accomplish. This one is bizarre, and before that you had the one where she was obviously fishing for evidence to support Blanchard typology/autogynephilia. It's clear that nothing she does has actual merit, but this one in particular is just so odd because there's no discernible motive.
You can figure out what she's fishing for by watching the techbro/VC accounts that are in her scene and what they Tweet about in the next few days. It's honestly kinda impressive how by observing weirdo Rationalist SF Bay Area Twitter accounts and their daily intellectual obsessions, you can pretty much derive a scene-by-scene replay of the weird-ass party they all went to the night before where they all talked about this. It's such an insular scene.
She's definitely fishing, but I am unsure of the nutritional (or moral) value of her catch. What's wild to me is that she seems to believe she's proving something with these things? I haven't really heard about why "her followers" is a representative sample of anything but sweaty geeks being intellectually thirst trapped, but I may be being uncharitable.
> sweaty geeks being intellectually thirst trapped, but I may be being uncharitable. You may be uncharitable, but you have a real flair with words
I do what I can with what I got
To be fair I don’t think anyone under the illusion her sample is very representative. potentially more (or less) representative the random college freshman who are survey participants in most “normal” research
It's not exactly a kink, but I've definitely met people like her who are fixated on sexual or otherwise sensibility-offending material as a weird kind of rebelliousness -- daring you to criticize them so they can call you a prude?
I think she had a religiously conservative upbringing and that's partially why she's aggressively transgressive on a lot of things. I do want to stress that the transgressing isn't the problem, it's the rest of the stuff.
I've heard similar criticisms of artist Robert Crumb, for example: that the depictions of misogyny and racism in his comics are less about social commentary, as Crumb defends his work, and more about Crumb getting a kick out of offending "the straights" in the same way an exhibitionist or sexual harasser might get a sadistic thrill out of their victims' humiliation
Crumb would probably agree, and has previously posited that maybe his pencils should be taken away
She's the mouth of the community zeitgeist speaking back to them. It's one of those questions that tickle rationalists' brains in ways it doesn't in normal people. She's a "heterodox thinker" asking forbidden questions that are the focus of, or tangentially related to, things rationalists like to obsess about. She knows her audience.
I hate every part of this
yeah that sounds incredibly cursed

When exactly is rape considered nonviolent? Are women not allowed to get drunk at parties? That alone should have been a non-starter for the people replying. To me this one crosses the line into a really fucked up place.

> When exactly is rape considered nonviolent? Are women not allowed to get drunk at parties? I'm convinced she used those words and examples precisely because she knows what the implications are, and she's being edgy.
Definitely, but people are just casually commenting. I guarantee half the guys replying were seeing a green light with that statement.
Yeah they know what the implications are and they're okay with them. Chances are they'd love for the opportunity to sea lion if anyone decides to bring it up or complain.
Absolutely. Apparently making reprehensible behavior explicit is a good way to distract from answering for said reprehensible behavior.
Rationalism has long been there, c.f. Robin Hanson's extremely detailed thought experiments on "Gentle Silent Rape", i.e. drug rape.

This is the best introduction to rationalists you can give someone that doesn’t already know what they are.

Aella regularly hosts rape orgies, so it really does make sense. (Armband system where if you don’t take it off in time or someone misinterprets your armband it’s your fault you get sexually assaulted)
>Armband system is this unique to her parties or can i read about this practice elsewhere? google is just showing me panic over teens wearing jelly bracelets to school (throwback to 2004!)

My god this person sucks beyond words

The irony of wasting so many words on her TIME article rebuttal to then post this to Twitter.

"why would people think I'm pro-rape?!?! Character assassination!!"

“nonviolent rape”. What a horrible person