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Is GPT-3 a Wordcel? & Silicon Valley's New Professional Nihilism (https://harmlessai.substack.com/p/is-gpt-3-a-wordcel-and-silicon-valleys?sd=pf)

I had been curious as to why roon got so popular so quickly. The SAT figured out his distinction long ago, and also accounts for the possibility of these skill sets overlapping. I’m also pretty sure the display picture he uses is from a /mlp meme (not that there’s anything wrong with mlp, but for context).

There probably will be a lot of money made from LLMs. There is a weird merging of camps. There’s the Yudities “don’t dig the hole any deeper” and the Samites “make a lot of money, but the world will probably end.” But they all hang out together. Yud draws attention to something talking about how scary and powerful it is - too risky even to use. Then Sam takes that attention and sells it to people are self-proclaimed risk takers. Then Sam funds whatever EY does does. “Fathom the strange plot” and all that.

In my more cynical moments I feel convinced that all of the robot apocalypse talk is an elaborate marketing scheme that is designed to draw in new investors. Imagine that you're a venture capitalist looking for high growth investment opportunities. What could be a higher growth opportunity than a nascent technology that is so powerful that it could *accidentally* lead to total world domination? Maybe Yudkowsky et al are just useful idiots for the likes of OpenAI and Deepmind.
What could be more end-stage capitalist than genuinely believing that the end of the world is coming, and realizing what a great investment opportunity it really is.
I think it's more like doomerism arbitrage. The investors don't think it'll cause the apocalypse, but they take notice of the fact that other people do. The thought process might be something like, "if it's even 1% as powerful as they say then it's gotta be pretty good...".
That's a pretty funny sitcom I'm imagining, it's sort of like The Office but for silicon valley cultists, and one of the main characters is just this marketer who has to manage the marketing team for the AI doomerism strategy shit ahahahha
> In my more cynical moments I feel convinced that all of the robot apocalypse talk is an elaborate marketing scheme that is designed to draw in new investors. If those are your *more* cynical moments, you're not cynical enough.
now you might think that's literally the thing Sam Altman does for a living,
It certainly seems that way, but - this moment being one of my less cynical ones - I can't convince myself one way or another that I understand what he actually believes about the world.
i mean, mostly that he's the Main Character
These people.... Well to coin a meme, y'all need some jesus. ​ Also maybe the butlerian jihad's time is come?
cool where do i volunteer

Roon would go on to become a paid social media advocate for OpenAI.

lol, how did i miss this happening

why is it weird neoreactionaries keep ending up in SV AI, probably just coincidence

> why is it weird neoreactionaries keep ending up in SV AI old-school reactionaries aren't tempted by it because they already have a God to order their universe, the neo variety are obliged to invent one and AI is what the zeitgeist provides? that's my theory anyway
It’s not like it lets them justify extreme racism by pointing out “look the ai agrees with us” or anything (for context see the threads on DAN and chatgpt if you have the stomach)


I was wondering if the linked post was a commentary, but no, it's very loudly from inside the house
It's all the same sort of people (right-wing nerds) with varying degrees of tech pessimism/optimism - an ambivalence that's been part of the rationalist movement since the beginning and that outright reactionaries like Logo are quick to call them out on.
is Logo also right wing?
lol yes


I can't stomach enough of it to tell where it's going
tl;dr he's pissed off that Roon got on the neoreactionary grift train and he didn't
Roon was grifting? Are you referring to his interactions with Andreesen?

What is this meandering “terminally online gifted kid burnout who was kicked from the queer support group for 30 minute speeches mangling Adorno”-tier wannabe intellectual bullshit

I need to hunt down this person and force them to take a woodshop class. It will be good for them to learn that some things are real and some things are not and those real things can give you horrible splinters.

Pseudo-rationalist nonsense

I can’t say I’m super curious what the Gay Liberal Hitler guy has to say about literally anything

Performative incel marketing.