r/SneerClub archives

There’s no way she hadn’t noticed how authoritarian/misogynistic/generally awful that crowd is before now, I wonder what specifically prompted this thread

The awful thing that everyone else knew about was directed at her or directly impacted her.
Probably connected the "they hate sex workers" and "I am a sex worker" dots. She doesn't seem to mind authoritarianism that doesn't target her personally.
Something definitely happened, either she’s stopped getting invited to the best ‘parties’ or her revenue streams are drying up
More journalists in the wire. Don’t know anymore beyond that.
I wonder if it's over the recent kiwifarms thread about her. It'd be like her to get outraged about them targeting her instead of sticking to trying to get trans people killed.
I think so - note the bribery stuff. Weirdness afoot!

fwiw im down with neotrads

Yeah, we know.

i thought this section of culture were my allies

How could you possibly make this mistake?

CoolGirl mythos (see also all the female trad influencers who end up surprised when their chosen subculture does exactly what they promised to do)
there is a lot of power in being The One Who's Chill And Doesn't Rock The Boat, until (gasp) there suddenly isn't

Oh god the comments are full of people saying “because they need order in uncertain times” and talking about birth rates and holy shit how can they be this dumb about everything all the time!

Birth rates lmfaooooo
How can you be certain AI is going to obliterate humanity and be concerned about birth rates?
The whole thing is predicated on maximal # of humans being the best outcome so I think they go hand in hand for them, but yea it is a bit contradictory
To make meat shields?
No, no, no, we're going original matrix premise, before it was butchered for the movie. Link all the humans together (the more the merrier) and use their combined brainpower to form a super brain capable of going toe to toe with the AGI, and then we do battle like Voltron.
wait what
In the first draft of The Matrix, the humans weren't used as batteries for the machines, rather, they were used as processing power.
…that makes so much more sense.

By the powers vested in me by the excessive amount of my life I have wasted fucking around on the Internet, I hereby authorize you to make the leopard joke.

This is, like, rule one of the Bayesian philosophy thay rationalists love so much. If something you perceive as wildly unlikely happens, you’re mystified, and there are people who successfully and specifically predicted that exact thing happening decades ago? Their theories probably deserve a hearing.

You never reflect on the past or consider that you were wrong, you just update. You don't consider that other people were right because with the new information surely you're now better as you now include that information.
also you don't actually "update," you just say you did and wait a while
you mean people aren't doing gibbs sampling in their head
I tried it once but it was really painful.
every time they see something or hear a sentence, they rapidly take the probability distribution of their prior, do some matrix transformations and end up with the posterior probability distribution. this happens multiple times a second, continuously
Suckers, conjugate priors are usually not the best performing. I'll dutch book them now!
I only really remember the bits with Abby.
To add on, updating your priors doesn't mean... updating your flawed thinking model that got you into the bogus priors in the first place.
Right, updates of priors, by definition, are remaining within the same system.
are you some sort of low-decoupling wordcel. you only update on information from the *ingroup*, not the toxoplasmotic SJW filth of the *outgroup*
But those are weird identity people apparently! Like, how on earth did she get to "the woke libs are my enemies" from "hey maybe don't be a dick when someone tells you their pronouns" and not see that all the other anti-wokes were saying "Ze Tradizional Ordah of ze Vurld is Zacred!"

There is a trope or a stereotype that women who are sex workers are ‘street smart’ and good at assessing people for what they really are.

But as we can see here that Aella doesn’t seem to really know or realize what kind of crap people she’s been hanging out with.

Like she’s been around the block right? Gotten up to a bunch of things. Graduate of the school of hard knocks and all that? And yet she has self-blinded herself to the nature of these insane people.

it all makes sense once you learn that she’s the daughter of a “christian” evangelist. same desperation and self-denial, just slightly different goals.
So... "these people remind me of my childhood and make me feel familiar and comfortable" and yet totally didn't connect the dots that they find her sexual expression and line of work morally repugnant and literally from the devil itself? ​ Yeah that checks out.
I remember her saying something like "as a sex worker, just make your rates higher so you'll price out the dangerous poor and just get banker clients who won't hurt you because they have so much to lose". I'm sure she has some knowledge that I do not, but it's all so corrupted by the fucking grift that it doesn't matter.
>because they have so much to lose It never ceases to amaze me how right-libertarian-types never seem to consider the possibility of deception. As if some wealthy banker wouldn’t have the means, if he felt it necessary, to cover up any number of things he didn’t want being made public.
Uh... yeah. Rich dudes in the business/finance sector, definitely *not* prone to brutalizing sex workers.
It's like she hasn't even seen the documentary "American Psycho"
I mean she’s a sex worker that currently charges $3000 an hour and started at $1200. I’m not sure she’s super comparable to the average sex worker.
I'm in the wrong industry.
It all boils down to money.

Ah the old Sam Harris special- pining about how utterly baffled you are that all of your intellectual allies are “turning into” unreasonable extremists and how no one could have seen this coming. Studiously ignore the thousands of people who spent years warning you that they were in fact unreasonable extremists all along.

It’s always fascinating to me that someone can be so incurious about the people they are aligning with politically. Aella never thought to ask why people were so invested in this “subversive” “unwoke” subculture in the first place? Am I wrong in thinking that she moved to Texas to be closer to these circles? And she never thought to do any research first? It isn’t like these people are subtle, they are in fact very loud and obnoxious.

The Sam Harris comeuppance of late has been fucking wonderful to behold. Also the shade being thrown around at him on the “idw” podcast circuit is hysterical.
Do tell . 👀
Oh there is some fallout going on, I am only slightly in the loop because I do not watch or listen to idw content, but basically, on JBP most recent appearance Joe Rogan’s podcast they bash Sam for a bit and then not long after or before that Dave Rubin spent like 30 minutes trashing Sam on his own show. That latter one I did read the transcript of and it was god damned hilarious.

shill for Big Face-Eating Leopard

Ok but mom says it’s my turn next time

Damn, I can’t believe that self-described “traditionalists” would advocate regressing to archaic social norms /s

that thread is like 90% aella cannily bolstering her image as “eternally DTF ms. steal-your-man orgy host” and 10% criticism of trads. and it’s not like it’s hard to criticize trads.

yeh its image management shenanigans. sure sounds like theres some kind of internal frenzy going on tho.

Yet another grain of sand in the desert of evidence that being a self-concious contrarian and/or an intentional centrist turns your brain into actual mush.

It’s implausible that she believed she and her allies were all “drugs, sex work, and tell the government to fuck off” “free life individualists” while taking money from the guy who founded Palantir.

Also hilariously sad that her (claimed, weird for an ex-fundie) theory of why this is happening is men are upset they can't afford to sleep with her.
I do think she's disingenuous to some extent it's dangerously easy to conflate "likes to party and do drugs and have fun" with "has a generally tolerant worldview", tho
When and what for was she talking money from him?
She was a speaker at Hereticon, "a conference for thought crimes" hosted by his Founders Fund. I wouldn't be surprised if there were other projects, but that's the obvious known one.
There may have been a dating app venture at one point. More then a few people in that sphere got in on that - and nothings been produced in two years.
not to mention that she failed to pull off a crypto ICO with an audience of rationalists, surely the keenest and easiest suckers of 2018
Its all crime lmao jfc.

A shocking development!

I have no idea what any of these words mean

Yeah, none of these words are in the Sequences (I actually do know them, for some fucking reason, but I couldn't resist the opening)
Tradcath -- traditional Catholic for example
I wouldn’t wanna speak for anyone here but I’m betting many would agree with me that you probably don’t wanna know what these words mean, you’ll be just fine not knowing
Good. Keep it that way.

It’s obligatory you make the leopard joke.

Well… at least she figured it out

you foolishly assume that rationalists learn from experience. i assure you that they do not
This will be followed by some vague sort of doubling down and whataboutism