r/SneerClub archives
Regarding Efforts By You, In Inferior Person, To Cancel Me, A Genius (https://post.news/@/user/2MQJ4k9HJnheREhy6iguOZmsbhT)

Watching Popehat very slowly radicalize is one of the funniest things on the Internet.

He has been on team “criticism of someone’s opinion is not actually a free speech violation” for as long as I have seen him writing
Oh, indeed. But his threshold for speech he was interested in platforming on his blog has shifted a fair bit over the last decade or so.
letting ClarkHat onto your blog has that effect
ClarkHat is all but screaming the N word these days.
Ah, a fine vintage.
He's pretty clearly satirizing Scott Adams' reaction to being dropped by publications after his racist rant and thereby, more generally, the whole 'cancelled for free speech' reaction?
Yes, the source material is recognizable if you, like me, have been the kind of sad person who occasionally reads Scott Adams. I always regret it but I keep doing it.
I feel like just having a Twitter account, maybe one that leans a little into politics, is going to be served his weird ass takes eventually, as the algorithm wills. Which sucks because Dilbert wasn't a terrible comic strip, at least when I paid attention to it over a decade or two ago. I remember watching the TV show and [loving the theme song, which ofc was Danny Elfman.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpivIYJFjd4) I mean, that transition to half-time and those drum fills hit then-14-year-old me like a freight train.
I’m old, and I remember back when I was at a big company all hands in the 90s, and the guest speaker was none other than Scott Adams. He struck me as hilarious! I’ve never been able to find a video of it, fortunately.
I got the opposite impression- I believe he’s satirizing the radicals pretty effectively. Unless you mean radicalizing toward being more liberal?
yeah I think he would have been closer to le enlightened centrist superior-to-bothsides a few years ago, but as oneside has greatly ramped up its latent racism and fascism and its contempt for civil rights and the rule of law and being criticized, as an Actual Libertarian (and criminal-defense attorney) he's had to spend a lot more time and energy disagreeing with thatside lately
The lesser well known of the “both siders” crowd. typically theyre just fascists trying to disguise themselves
Centrist free speech lawyers are a type, and variable amongst themselves.
I certainly do not think that Popehat would do anything violent but this is exactly the direction I meant. Can’t wait till he shows up in Atlanta to protest Cop City.
Hmmm, I used to read Radley Balko on a regular basis and now that you mention his name I realize I haven't actively sought out anything from him in forever. Wonder what he's up to these days.

When you react to me with criticism, or by deciding not to associate with me, you are driving a stake through the heart of free speech culture.

That about sums it up

Geniusbros, we’re winning.

I didn’t know Jordan Peterson wrote a blog

>when I initiate foreplay by explaining why women are overrepresented in engineering. Someone needs to do a reading of the whole thing in an asthmatic Kermit the Frog voice.
Get some AI to deepfake him into his Daily Wire cabin lol

How is this relevant?

It's a pretty accurate parody of a lot of Scooter's posts, at minimum.
Yes, I recognized this as pretty much every SSC post ever: >When you say I am contradicting myself, you fail to recognize I am in a Platonic dialogue with myself, and both sides of myself are winning. also at least half of them are in the same vein of this theme: >When you react to me with criticism, or by deciding not to associate with me, you are driving a stake through the heart of free speech culture.
Reads like a sneer, directed at the JAQ/contrarian crowd to which many rationalists belong.


> I think a clearly marked ladder of sapience is badly needed... Pass.
Perfect reply
Those people are already smug. Hence this commentary. It's not directed at people who are intelligent and carry themselves in a humble way. It's directed at people who perceive themselves to be geniuses when they are, generally, kind of dum-dums. Particularly because of the "can't explain my argument' parts.
u wot m8