r/SneerClub archives
LessWrong classics: that time the executive director of MIRI told rationalists all about how cool and productive it was for him doing a Scientology course. *Not* that he's *recommending* it in any way, you understand! (https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/qwdupkFd6kmeZHYXy/build-small-skills-in-the-right-order)


You can also thank him for the current state of twitter.
we had to sacrifice twitter to the utility of humanity across the quantum wavefunction of the universe every morning, Musk wakes up and thinks: "TODAY will be the day I post good funny! TODAY!" and he's always wrong this produces more hedons than anything discovered to date elon is the child at the centre of Omelas, and he fought to put himself there
>elon is the child at the centre of Omelas, and he fought to put himself there holy shit this is *good*
but consider: what if the child at the centre of Omelas was an asshole? what if well-meaning rescuers, outraged at the concept of Omelas, met the little shit and wanted to throw him down the stairs themselves? makes you think.
Thisnwould be awesome: breaking in to Omelas to free the kid in the cellar and once he's out regretting it.
doing a massive swan dive into the abyss, paddling around and shouting back up "COME ON IN, IT SUCKS HERE"

For example, let’s say you want to improve your social skills. Don’t start by approaching an intimidating businessman and giving him your elevator pitch. You will probably fail, and be demotivated. Instead, start by asking a friend if you can practice staring into his or her eyes for 20 minutes in a row.

Pro tip: anyone who thinks that learning to stare silently at people for 20 minutes will improve your social skills may not have the best grasp on what good social skills look like.

How long until Scientology tries to infiltrate and hijack the Rationalists to feast on that sweet sweet EA/MIRI/CFAR money, lol?

Honestly, I think the Followers of Zenu take one look at the inner teachings of MIRI and go "y'all weird"
I mean... it wouldn't surprise me too much.
so it's like a DC-8's *autopilot*, gotcha
Well, I've compared the rationalist movement to the New Age movement, so honestly, I would not be surprised if a legitimate cult arose from rationalism.

Is that Muehlhauser?

yes, that's lukeprog