r/SneerClub archives

Scott Alexander wrote about “hyperstitious slurs” and reading it, it wasn’t a terrible point. I wondered, is hyperstition a thing that’s been around this whole time that I didn’t know about. I searched and found a blogpost linking to a Wikipedia article—so, oh, maybe it was. I follow the link and it redirects to Nick Land because of course it’s his neologism. Which is funny because I just learned about Land on this subreddit a few days ago.

That’s a very long winded way of stating the obvious idea of “words have meaning through peoples shared understanding of them” (therefore a true Scotty A blog post)

I too like to reinvent existing and obvious concepts and pretend its something novel

“I’m not going to refer to the Japanese as ‘Japs’ out of some kind of never-joining-hyperstitious-slur-cascade principle. This would be the dumbest possible hill to die on.”

“…having established that, I will now proceed to find a marginally less dumb hill to die on!”

According to Scott Alexander, police departments get called racist unfairly because the unspoken truth you’re not allowed to mention is that black people commit more crime, and this holds true even if you adjust for poverty.

Conveniently, he leaves out any mention of systemic racism and redlining that make poor african americans worse off than their poor white counterparts, and, crucially, that nonviolent and even law abiding black people are statistically more likely to be stopped by police, more likely to be harrassed when stopped, more likely to be arrested after harrassment, more likely to be convicted on the same charges in comparison to white criminals, and, again, given a harsher sentence FOR THE SAME CRIME. Scott Alexander looooves to write long ass posts, but none of this and another thousand things like it seem relevant or even worthy of mention to him when discussing crime and policing.


Many of these e/accs flirted with nrx-ism prior to engaging with the somewhat incoherent e/acc ideology.

At some point, someone must have commented on this explicitly: “Consider not using the word ‘Jap’, it makes you sound hostile”. Then anyone who didn’t want to sound hostile to the Japanese avoided it, and anyone who did want to sound hostile to the Japanese used it more.

Mr. Alexander just can’t help but insert a censorious SJW into his story about actual, literal racism. This once-neutral term became a slur, but it’s the fault of people who oppose racism and not the racist people, of course.

Search how many instances of the n-word are written out in those comments for a fun little game.

It actually is a terrible point, thanks for playing

Any time you think “huh, Scotty there wrote a thousand words where he blames normie libs for culture war bullshit but his point seems pretty good” just pause and look for where he is pulling his three card monte bullshit of switching it up from blaming people who dislike black people and use a term to express their disdain for black people, to suddenly flip the script and somehow blame black rights activists for the slur being a word you can’t say any more. *And then reflect on that instead of coming here and saying that he made a good point.*
Yeah, I read it because I was looking for a “not terrible” point. I wish I had my time back—the entire thing was shit, and I feel like that is being kind. It is all over-generalizing obvious points, false equivalence, and incredible (asinine) leaps in logic.
Are you talking to me? Because I didn’t say that.
if reddit wanted to keep my content they should have behaved better
Huh… if he actually came right out and said it at some point, I would feel a littler differently about him. I disagree with your first point. I think of SSC like I think of Tom Cruise. I’m not going to deny that he makes good films, I am sad that people forget he’s part of a cult that murders people and deliberately ruins their lives. But I’m not going to say Top Gun sucks because Tom Cruise is murder-adjacent.
To slightly elaborate: he manages to blame the people observing the trend of derogatory use for terms becoming derogatory, or hate symbols becoming hate symbols, rather than the people using them in derogatory ways.

I looked up the archive of the article from 2006 and it’s kind of hilarious.

AfD discussion from 2006.



What these people think folks are angry about: not being able to call people Jap or retard because language changes over time.

What folks actually get angry about: academic dumbasses making up words because they can’t just use the ones that already fucking exist

There's definitely plenty of people still mad about the former, and the latter grievance can definitely be just as dumb/shitty in the exact same way
this is vague
Actually it’s hypertextual