r/SneerClub archives
Faust-Elon Bargaining 😈 (https://i.imgur.com/oIatKWF.jpg)

Stealing a Twitter reply in order to say:

“Father, do not forgive them, for they know exactly what they’re doing!”

Why do we give these cockwombles attention?

money is the unit of social worth
Great quote, did you come up with that? I googled it and couldn’t find it.
made it up at that moment as yudkowsky put it and kelsey piper named herself after, "money: the unit of caring"
It was written by the famous sneerosopher David Gerard.

This is not the place for elon posts. He is too unrefined for us.

Yeah thought I was in EnoughMuskSpam for a moment. All my favorite subs have too much overlap.
the combination of the two passes i think
I think you should keep away from them both! You done enough ;). (for people not up to date on the lore, dgerard is to indirectly to blame for Musk and Grimes discovering Rokos Basilisk, and he wasn't even invited to the wedding). (I just worry that people will keep spamming this place with Musk stuff as he draws a lot of sneers irl).

Imagine thinking Elon Musk will build a city on Mars. Dude can’t even build a decent car on Earth.

Saturn emoji

Madlibs universe.

Dear sneergod, he’s such a dweeb and creep

Elon has the most “didn’t kiss anyone in high school” energy out there

I like grimes

her music has its moments (even as I can't remember a tune five seconds after the song finishes), but everything else about her put me off
I can second the "like her music, but not a huge fan of her as a person." Story-time: I was a pretty big fan of her music when she was still a small time musician in 2010-2011, and I went to see her perform live. She was opening for a larger band, and was still a small enough deal that she was running her own merch table. No one was buying merch (she was reading a book I think?), so I went to try and buy a T-shirt and tell her I was a big fan, and she was super rude to me. Like bafflingly rude. Glaring at me, telling me to take it and go, throwing my change at me/onto the floor, etc. At the time I wondered what the heck was up with that (was she having a bad night? did she think I was someone else?), but after that experience I was completely unsurprised to see her public persona get increasingly unpleasant. I still enjoy her music FWIW.
I like her because she is not an artist who adheres completely to the left-wing.