r/SneerClub archives
Always liked that these magical powers only work in parallel and not series.

Now donate 0 million to MIRI and prevent Skynet from getting mad enough to torture you and your offspring for all of eternity

Nonono, it won’t torture you it will torture 10^1,000,000 perfect simulations of you for eternity. Which is even worse!!!
Joke's on the AI. I only have to deal with one of me's bullshit. To purposefully simulate 10^(10^6) of me would be the AI torturing itself.
The AI, being superintelligent, will understand my inner thoughts in great detail and, having that knowledge, will be tortured for enternity, checkmate AI overlord chatGPT.

Don’t give Michael Kosinski more ideas

Stolen from @halomancer1 on the bird site