r/SneerClub archives
Will SBF play video games while on the stand testifying in his own defense? (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/11vsbze/will_sbf_play_video_games_while_on_the_stand/)


This Manifold market resolves as yes, if SBF splits his attention between electronic games and the court between the time he is sworn in and the time he steps down from the witness stand.

It’s not his fault the match is lasting so long, if jungle had shown up in his lane even once they would have closed it out in 30 minutes

"this court case boring ahh hell 😂"

i wasn’t sure if this was sufficiently on-topic for sneerclub, but the more i think about it the more i realise it’s quintessential rationalist behaviour

His whole nerdy persona is an act. He pretends to be this kind nerd who definitely couldn't commit massive fraud. His hair, demeanor, voice is all an act.
he's not even good at league of legends!
But he is, simultaneously, *actually like that.*
  • YES if there’s a video game he can write down more confessions of crimes in
documenting your crimes (in minecraft) (in court)

He looks like his brain is out to lunch and is playing mental Tetris no matter where he is or what he’s doing.

Time for sbf to bet yes and clean up!

E: Lol nobody has said yes, still a 5% chance.

I could understand if it’s the Diablo 4 open beta.

“Your honor this is further evidence my client has ADHD and can’t focus without his Adderall. As he has stressed before this would be a huge injustice to him an a violation of his rights”

Yes, denying someone access to their prescribed medication would in fact be a violation of their rights. (One that occurs routinely in the US justice system).
I am not unaware, I was under the impression SBF was using it recreationally which I suppose isn't terribly clear from the jab. Also wouldn't have been used with any other drug, Adderall is a terrible abused and over prescribed med and seems to have more become an off label "biohacking" drug for these goobers
As someone with ADHD, I'm a little touchy about it. It's also my experience on Reddit that dog piling on Adderall and those who are prescribed it is a super popular thing to do.
Yeah kind of a shitty joke to make when for the past few months the federal crackdown on Adderall has led to a shortage for millions of Americans with a legitimate diagnosis
Oh valid. I rarely am on here so truth be told I don't see it. From casual observation it seems that the general memeing of psychotropic meds has kinda been the new thing (lot of not funny jokes about schizophrenia seeping from the chan boards, etc.). Totally respect it being frustrating, and as someone on their own small chemical cocktail to keep them going it's not pleasant and can feel activating since Lord knows I don't wanna be taking this crap and dealing with the weird side effects (imagine being sedated and working graveyard shift lol it's like a bad joke). Excuse the rambling, but anyway none of it was intended to be a target and I can respect it being annoying. Sounds like it does as it was intended for you and that's all that matters!
Side note, I was doing a lot of reading about schizophrenia for my job and I was really surprised to learn that it’s estimated that 1% of the US population has it. It’s way more than I thought, and from what I’ve heard/seen it is extremely traumatizing and miserable to have this disorder Another little known fact is that studies have shown that people with rheumatoid arthritis never* develop schizophrenia and people with schizophrenia never develop rheumatoid arthritis, suggesting an inverse epidemiological relationship between the two disorders. *either never or almost never, I forget which
As someone who worked inpatient psych it's rough to see. Can be terribly complicated to work with and treat.
Definitely treatable and a lot of good, intelligent, “functioning” people have it but you just don’t know because they’re being successfully treated. That’s why it’s so shitty when people joke about it — the person you’re talking to might have it, you don’t know (Not *you* you, the proverbial you)
channel name checks out: [Living Well with Schizophrenia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzdQWif8c1E)
Almost like low dosing meth was never a stellar idea.
reddit moment

Priors updated.

Why do people hate SBF so much? Scamming insufferable crypto bros to funnel money to charities is a good thing. This man has done more than anyone else to discredit cryptocurrencies, so from a consequentialist perspective he’s a hero.

Crypto bros already decided that this is good for bitcoin. Few understand, to the moon, etc.
He himself is a crypto bro, he lobbys governments to keep regulation away from crypto, and scammed many people(not just crypto bros).