r/SneerClub archives
Eliezer2018 is not angry, he's quite amused actually (https://i.redd.it/g80f70zbrqpa1.png)


:::vigorously taking notes:::
the best damnations are the ones the sinner can't stop doing to themselves
we must imagine Yudkowsky unhappy
It's okay though, the excess utilitons from his torture mean it's a net good for the universe
>every day, Eliezer is given a choice between saying "My detractors have valid points" and being turned into a paperclip for the day Okay, I admit: I ultimately do like ol' Yuddy, and do find value in some of what he's produced — don't sneer at me no stop please — but this... this is pretty spot-on, I can't deny it. *** I once was part of a debate with him re: vegetarianism (one of the earlier ones, maybe 2016 or so?). Now, you may not be vegetarian, and that's fine by me; but his argument was something along the lines of "no animals except maybe dolphins and chimps can really suffer" — and I did not feel this was so fine a *reason.* The upshot was that he got backed into a corner and started claiming that *actually* even e.g. dogs cannot remember or anticipate enough to have **any** sort of experience. *Certainly* not one conscious enough for "suffering" to matter. We couldn't really find a way to make him budge, since saying "dude have you ever **had** a goddamn dog" didn't appear to be working. So another person in the debate brought in actual experts — several, IIRC; I recall one being an "animal neuroscientist" (or something like that) — to speak with him and say * "actually you're wrong about that! look at the similarity in such-and-such regions of the human brain and other mammalian brains, look at these studies about memory and prediction in dogs, look at [...etc.]" Eliezer, however, had a knock-down riposte to these *gnats* attempting to take away his beloved meats: * "No, wrong, I'll tell you why later though. But anyway, ultimately I'm too important to have my time wasted on finicky dietetic choices. Every [x] minutes I spend on choosing vegetarian food is another [y%] chance that we all become AI fertilizer." I shit you not. *** As said, I think I like Eliezer, really; I'm not just picking on him, I swear — this just disappointed me *so much* I still remember it, years later. I thought, if out-argued, he would show us all his mastery of the Pure and Rational Devotion to Truth. ...turns out he *really* doesn't like admitting he could be wrong about something tho
Had no idea that you were that close for so long.
I'm sorry, *what*?! How does he think they trained Air Bud?
I'm not a user of this subreddit / am largely a nemesis of it, minus some political alignment due to being a left-leaning critic of rationalism's growing alt-right sub-sphere, but, for what it's worth, I'm also a vegetarian and the first time the EY spell broke for me was seeing his chicken tweet linked here. But, yeah, I don't hate him or anything. He just is very "crank-ish", it seems.
Or even better, the AI decides to deprogram as many of eliezer's followers as it can. And what if former rats decided to turn their old leader into paper clips after that? 🤔

Poor Yud, thinking that just because there’s people sneering at him, he’s at the top of anyone’s shit list.

Honestly I'm grateful that he provides a reliable way to identify people with extremely dumb opinions about AI.
If he thinks this is bad, he should hear what people say at my neighborhood zoning meetings.

Yudowsky-hating genes

🙄 With the ‘genes-something-something-genes’ meme again. Sneering at you isn’t encoded in the genes, pal. Don’t flatter yourself. It’s a phenotype expressed by people who’ve observed your repeated crackpotedness.

wedgie-philic genome


i mean, it's a better pitch than offering women the opportunity to be denied orgasms
What about the math pets? Will there be equations for them to solve?
Yes but I'm not expecting to meet anyone. My Yudkowski-hating genes are so weak they only compel me to click on this subreddit every couple of weeks when I'm bored of rolling my eyes at other dickheads.

Cognitive Trope Therapy but for pushback instead of intrusive thoughts

But whatever you do, don’t tell the internet that I was mad.

… in which Eliezer displays genius level understanding of the term “genome”

Lamarckian inheritance making a comeback.

bad epistemology!

Careful with bad epistemology, bad epistemology leads to bad ingroups, which lead to bad dating, which leads to bad romance, which leads to Rah, rah-ah-ah-ah, roma, roma-ma, gaga, ooh-la-la
Is it even epistemology to begin with?
he use this word to mean something like "my life's journey" i guess. he is good = he got good epistemology. i wish someone with a phd in philosophy would talk to him about epistemology seriously because i know he would not hear any of it and it would produce top shelf kek material.

Man, I kinda wish I had this level of self-delusion. I could pretend I was in my own Batman comic.

Ok, up until the very last sentence this is at least a bit funny

Yeah, I have to note that his last line doesn't seem to make sense, both rational numbers and integers are infinite. So either I don't get it. Or he failed basic number theory (I know he never did number theory). E: as a many worlds joke it also doesn't work as the sneering (and the race of ubersneers) is a according to him a direct result of his own actions.
I think it's making fun of the term "First World problems" and saying that to be even more of a First World problem than a First World problem it has to be a very small number between 0 and 1 This doesn't actually make the joke make all that much more sense but it seems to be the idea that irrational real numbers can be "smaller" than rational numbers (not actually meaningfully true but enh) Making it a very big number doesn't make sense because the whole idea of the original joke is that Third World problems are more valid than First World problems
I don't think it's about "before first", I think he just used "irrationally numbered" as a nerdier version of "weird".
Right so in his world 1/2th (???) world problems matter less than 1th world problems. Not a thing I would say if I was an agi ~~doomsayer~~ prophet mad about a couple of strawman people on based on a subreddit.

Does this make me Lilith or what

He’s not trapped in the e^i*πth world with us! We’re trapped in it with him!

Why does he have to make everything into a race thing.

E: and not just the race thing, it is amazing how bad a writer he is. “bad ep bleeding from twisted limbs” why twisted limbs? Why not ‘oozing from every pore’? Why does he get to be immortal while the sneerclubbers don’t get to be, ow look he exposed his own elitism again, thought the plan was for all humanity to be deathless. And you know he really wanted to end with “and I will whisper ‘no’” but couldn’t manage to make a nice segway into that.

Anyway, good for him for creating a typical dying wizard post.

That fucking BURN at the sneers at the end is too good to be real

127 emojis, 10 comments, 4 shares.

We control the uncountable universes


He knows