r/SneerClub archives
"People don't like us because we're right" (https://i.redd.it/t26xl3rwhypa1.jpg)

Being a “heterodox thinker” is sort of like being a male feminist: someone who constantly, publicly declares themselves to be one probably isn’t. To wit, almost every self-identified heterodox thinker is actually just a contrarian. The distinction between independent thought and oppositional thought is entirely lost on them.

And if the fact that modern civilization continues to thrive is not just the result of random chance then being a contrarian means that you're probably going to be wrong very frequently.
“Thrive?” -looks at all the capitalism-
"heterodox thinker" means racist, op
Well, "bigoted" rather than strictly racist. Many of their "heterodox" opinions are racist but just as many are misogynist and anti-queer. Roko himself specifically thinks that women need to be re-subjugated to the fullest possible extent in order to Save Civilization.
>Well, "bigoted" rather than strictly racist. Many of their "heterodox" opinions are racist but just as many are misogynist and anti-queer. Roko himself specifically thinks that women need to be re-subjugated to the fullest possible extent in order to ~~Save Civilization~~ give him a boner. fixed for accuracy
Please be more thoughtful when it comes to talking about male feminists. We are just men trying to do our best, and are probably (almost certainly, in fact) more oppressed than women themselves.
I can't tell if this is a joke or not (this is Reddit, after all), but if it is then 10/10, outstanding work.
It’s important to me to ride that fine line ;)

I find the conflation of criticism and “defending the dogma” fascinating. He really just cannot possibly fathom that people like us find him to be a pathetic freak; instead he has to build up this fake canon in his head where we’re desperately defending some undefined dogma.

Dude needs a fucking therapist who will tell him that he’s not the protagonist.

Rationalists like probabilities right?

P(Person is an alt-right lunatic | Given five idiotic eugenics and libertarian opinions) > P (Person is an alt-right lunatic | Given two idiotic eugenics and libertarian opinions) > 0

Isn’t Roko an actual fascist now? Does Yud care about the optics of retweeting him at all?

citation on that? i'd be keen to see it
https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/kf39ck/roko_presents_tradhumanism_the_idea_is_that/ he is a tradhumanist now. (The reference didnt seem to load for me properly on reddit on phone so you will perhaps have to do some digging)

It’s SUPER weird how all the ‘contrarian’ thinkers are just so easily clocked and their beliefs predicted to a T.

You’d think they would be so ideosyncratic that they would be hard to preduct… but nope.

Those heterodox opinions:

  1. eugenics
  2. racism
  3. acausal robot god
  4. neoreactionary everything
  5. taking EY seriously about anything
What one does "respecting women" fit under
Good gene women or bad gene women?
Roko doesn't respect either kind, it's just that he wants to rape some of them and murder others.

The retweeted tweet has so many phrases that I think it might be a self-burn. People with heterodox opinions (Roko et al) have been brainwashed and are overconfident in their bullshit. Which is true - there is a certain type of clever, intellectually-inclined white guy who will be told his entire childhood how smart and special he is. Either reality hits them like a brick wall at some point and they get better or they end up assuming every thought in their head is some new and precious gift to humanity and anyone who disagrees just doesn’t get it.

I don’t think that’s entirely what he meant to say, but that’s what he ended up saying.

“i’m galileo, right, but extremely racist”

Heterodox just means conservative.

If you go against what others believe because they believe it, you are equally controlled by others. These guys always sound like the two year old that learned the word ‘no’.

Reads like something you’d find over on the horrible conspiracy sub, tbh.

This guy is an idiot. Permanent Sophomore.

Yeah like, Scott A is stupid due to what amounts to character flaws. His self-justifying self obssessed bullshit and desire to flatter his own prejudices get in the way of thinjing. I think Roko is just Not That Bright.

“Mistaken believes”… and loses all credibility.

Something something they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.

Source: https://twitter.com/RokoMijic/status/1638583657202872321