r/SneerClub archives


Nick wrote an entire fucking book on bitcoin too Sandifer and I considered diving into it - there are precisely two people in the world qualified for that gig and they're us - then decided everything else was more important this might make it sufficiently comedic tho
Consider this my pre-order for that book
Or it could just be an article I suppose I just want more sneers targeted at Nick Land, really. (I once heard him described as Terrence McKenna if he'd gone for meth instead of psychedelics, which amused me immensely.)
hahahahah that is an AMAZING description of him
Lol I definitely thought so
It’s just one book David, how long could it take to write, a few weeks?
I backed the last one; I'll back this one too.
I can think of precisely a third 🙃 And the third has dug into it and it’s such a pile of incoherent pseudo-poetry that no analysis could make it appear any more ridiculous than it is on its face
i saw the video Land made about bitcoin at the time and it was like "are you having a stroke" jokes made real it's amazing the meaningless goddamn bullshit you can just say in public if you say it in an educated British accent

bitcoin is the cinnamon sprinkle on the world wide apocalypse dolce latte

He thinks that is his biggest embarrassment? That is a bit embarrassing.

You could call it a dirty joke.