r/SneerClub archives
New here, huge fan of rationalists, haven’t bothered to read anything about the vibe, anyone want to give a quick rundown of your whole deal here? (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/1268d4w/new_here_huge_fan_of_rationalists_havent_bothered/)

Hi everyone I’m brand new here and I didn’t bother reading literally anything in the side bars or even look at any of the posts or anything. What’s your whole deal? What’s a rationalist? Why are you sneering? Can you all just summarize everything that’s in the pinned posts for me real quick? I honestly am just curious. Who doesn’t want to be less wrong?

Sure let me make a massive effort post summarizing years of crypto-fascism, eugenics promotions, alt-right infiltration, AI-alarmism, cryptocurrency grifting, capitalist reputation laundering, and sheer hubris, carefully linked and cited, since obviously if you just wanted the quick rundown you would just read the side bar.

Oh, what’s that, you didn’t respond to single one of my points?

I mean I guess I would see your point if I read it, but let me just put a bunch of rationalist taking points in the comments here for a bit. K thanks!


Fascists have feelings too.
Franz von Papen says guten tag.
Question, why is it always people who also post in r/destiny who make such dumb remarks?
> Without landlords house prices would be higher and there would be fewer places to live wew lad
[Angry Adam Smith noises]
Last time they were in Sneer Club, they were [defending](https://old.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/wlasue/eliezer_yudkowsky_hospital_architect/ioxt217/) prediction market "hospitals" on treaty land as obviously good.
Well that is obviously good and we are obviously wrong because yud is a mega genius and intelligence is all that is needed to build a hospital. And what is more smart than a prediction market. Shit, he converted me to LWism. You damn sneercucks! E: love that he missed that Yud doesn't want to build the hospital there to help the native americans. He wants to build the hospital there to get around the rules. (which yes, makes it colonialism).
I know you are trying to do a 'I know you are but what am I' 12 year old move. But that doesn't really work when your posting history is public. It is funny you have now disproven your [own statement](https://www.reddit.com/r/askphilosophy/comments/125u5tb/philosophy_majors_where_do_you_work/je7a8k0/) (which in context is just bs anyway) however, your skills could use some work.
In what way did I disprove the text in the linked comment? If you think rationalists and EA types are fascists then you have absurd definition of fascism that is totally worthless and only exists to make those you disagree with look bad.
You really suck at this whole debate thing. Stick to debating why incest is fine like the other destiny people. Ignoring this weird, it does show the problem with posts like OP made here, while it mocks drive by rationalists for not reading up on the previous posts here. It will not matter, because the drive by rationalists will not even read the part which mocks them for not reading. A real catch22 of a problem.
Destiny people are into incest? TIL and wish I hadn't?
Nah they aren't they just have this debate script (In the same way that Stefan Molyneux had a debate script for 'if you say I need to pay taxes you want to murder me') where they try to argue it isn't that bad. (Or at least I think destiny once ranted about that on stream or something) So sometimes the debatelord kids go into various places and try to convince others with facts and logic that incest isn't that bad. Which goes very badly as people just go 'eew wtf get lost' as turns out most people don't like devils advocate debate club for incest. For an example of 'incest isnt wrong' weirdness see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/asbmx3/why_is_incest_morally_wrong/) on the subreddit. (I just picked a random one from google, jesus christ the incest debate comes up a lot on that subreddit (TIL destiny has argued for 'ethical CP' what a day to be cursed with the gift of sight)).
Still waiting for you to explain why the linked comment was disproven. I suck at this whole debate thing? If you really think EA and rationalists are fascists then it should be easy for you show me, provided your definition is a reasonable one and not simply “they’re capitalist” or “they hate work culture.”
Where did I say I think they are fascists? [BOOM CHECKMATE MATE!](https://media.tenor.com/iyrgl0wcSr0AAAAd/ohhhh-reaction.gif)
Did you even read the comment I responded to? It calls them fascists, and you called me stupid when I disagreed. If you don’t think they’re fascists, then why the fuck are you wasting time responding lol
You said a bit more than just a disagreement on them being fascists. I didn't even call you stupid, I asked a question on why destiny attracts a certain style of remarks, does the community change people, or does it just attract people who like to shout thought ending cliches without reading. Otoh, you do have proven the stupidity question now. Another win for the marketplace of ideas. Hmm I love neoliberal democracy. And as I posted [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/1255q5q/flyby_rationalist_explain_yourself_post/je4jcu8/), I don't believe Rationalists are fascists. Sub to my substack for more!
here, i'll just enhance all our reddit experiences
Please show me the part of my comment asking for a formal proof? I’ll wait
I learned this shit in middle school dog. No judgement, so if you need to go back and relearn some of this stuff, be my guest.
I love democracy but people like you make me question it sometimes

Just figured I would beat them at their own game

Nice, but as you point out, they're not going to read your sarcastic post any more then the side bar.

Hume said feels before reals so here I am

You misspelled “whom” and left off a question mark

Sneer club? Prove it.

Proof's in this locker.


I asked an LLM to describe this sub. It would tell me that it can’t browse the internet, then use info that is clearly from the web. Anyway, eventually it gave me this:

As for why someone who subscribes to “SneerClub” might not be a fan of rationalists, it’s difficult to say without more information. It’s possible that there are specific individuals or beliefs within the rationalist movement that are being criticized or ridiculed by members of “SneerClub.” It’s also possible that there is a broader cultural or political divide between these two groups that is driving the conflict. However, I must emphasize that these are speculations, and I don’t have enough information to provide a more detailed or accurate answer.

It gave you a horoscope level answer.
Neither do we, but we Sneer on all the same …
It gave you a horoscope level answer.
Yeah, essentially it noticed the word “sneer” and made shit up from there. That said it did claim not to have internet access so I wouldn’t expect it to crawl this sub That said, I put in a fake sub name and it just didn’t return any results. So it’s at least trying
I assume they put parts of reddit into it. Perhaps they only put in r/ssc and r/themotte and that is why it knows of sneerclub.

Alt-right racists and sexists (aka rationalists) don’t like being teased for being absolute morons, and we don’t care. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Look at Dr. Steven Hassan’s BITE model and other stuff related to undue influence like the work of Robert Jay Lifton and the International Cultic Studies Association.

To be honest, I’d rather stick to old-fashioned critical thinking and individualism, but that’s just me.

fortunately, the Sequences don't contain a *lot* of sissy porn
Not convincing enough for me to read them.