r/SneerClub archives

Not even a few hours after I made this comment:

I’m going to lose my mind if this shit goes mainstream. I could barely handle it when 4chan broke millions of people’s brains in real life.

Imagine politicians making decisions based on how much Roko’s Basilisk scares them.

How dare you cause this
No Fate.
username checks out.


I was just talking to my friend about this yesterday - we do desperately need AI regulation and it absolutely keeps me up at night - but it's because I don't want my, and everyone, else's jobs to vanish. Not because I'm afraid of SkyNet.
It would have been nice if MIRI had actually been doing research into this topic over the last twenty years. But instead they have been waiting for someone to build them GOLEM XIV so they can deliver a lecture on weird utilitarian ethics to it.
The worrying thing is that AI doesn’t even need to be good for a bunch of psychopath business owners to fire everyone and give it a go.
It is indicitave of the fact that they are bumbling through it. The gears of our political machinery are so gummed up that I have come to expect little else. Also, imagine that your brain space is consumed by the fear of an imaginary Machine-Gods' Wrath, but changes in climate cycles causing crop and insect population die-offs causes you to fall asleep. And we have mass shootings every other week. No your honor, I am not blackpilled at all, why do you ask?
I don't think that is the extent of things. The CHIPS act passed in 2022 with restrictions on China's access to nvidia upper tier equivalent datacenter hardware. Some of it relates to traditional simulations like for nukes and stuff but a big impetus behind it was AI, particularly use in training narrow AI for military purposes.
The issue is that the solutions to the economic dislocation this might cause is way outside the Overton window for even the democrats.
I think one strategy to reduce AI job losses is to actually give rights to AIs that reach human level intelligence. If every AI of human level intelligence gets a minimum wage, then humans can stay economically competitive in jobs that require human level intelligence. Furthermore if we make it illegal to use human-like AIs as slaves, then that slightly limits the power of the corporations building the AIs. So I think pretending that sufficiently intelligent AIs are conscious and deserve legal protections has positive economic and political consequences.

“These guys will never enter mainstream discourse; they’re just too weird.”

at a certain critical mass of people thinking of something as credible, weirdness is a feature and not a bug. if its too widely/popularly respected for whatever reason to be dismissed out of hand as too weird, because "well, so many other people are giving this credence, so it can't be a cult," then the weirdness just attracts more discourse and engagement

If only Fox News cared this much about the looming climate crisis

I am sure Yud does think he’s like Leonardo DiCaprio in dont look up

Our government was specifically designed to move slowly to prevent rapid swings on legislation. Technology is moving at a blinding speed now. The two are not going to mix well.

But why have they turned to this creature who treats women like math pets. Maybe the basilisk has chosen this guy to fail just like Zakalwe in The Use of Weapons.

“expert” from miri. wait til that guy learns why yud’s famous

Can we add this to the list of crimes inspired by *Harry Potter*?
Wikipedia: List of genocides inspired by Harry Potter * *This list is incomplete. You can help by expanding it.*

My day has been ruined and my disappointment is immeasurable.