r/SneerClub archives

Ahhhh make it stop

It gets worse if you scroll down to ‘autistic baby dogs’ and realize they are flirting hard. This is the nerd-grotesque.
Holy fucking shit
Video not available anymore. Hi Aella! Thanks for reading SC, hope your date with Yud goes well!

Screw you for tricking me into reading that.

is he the most cringe person to ever live?

Definitely high on the list, Elon still wins imo tho.
I have a hard time deciding between Elon and the Top G, to be honest.

When the acausal robot god puts me in a simulated torture chamber for eons, this is what will be used to inflict the pain.

I can’t even. On one hand Yud is all “I wouldn’t want to bomb Wuhan if it was bad for optics”. On the other hand we have Yud making enough so many bad optics that Inlegitomately don’t see how anyone takes him seriously.

I guess his thing is “I don’t care what people think.im smart”. But if you are smart you realise public perception matters.

That's exactly what he's saying, he's tweeting he'd bomb Wuhan but also he's smart so he realizes public perception matters so he wouldn't bomb Wuhan, he'd like you to know that, too.
>On the other hand we have Yud making enough so many bad optics He literally went on Lex Fridman's podcast with a fedora and mentioned 4chan greentexts in the first five minutes lmao. It has to be on purpose, no one can be that oblivious.
> no one can be that oblivious i have many millions of words of unfortunate news
Also, he’s incredibly sensitive to how he’s perceived. That’s why this sub has gotten under his skin so badly. (hi Yud! We know you’re reading this)
That tends to happen when your self image is based entirely on what you say and not what you do

Yudkowsky didn’t say that we should start a nuclear war, he said it was okay if one happened to occur, which is obviously a reasonable thing to say. Get it right people.

lol it never occurred to me that getting sidetracked by irrelevant minutiae was a *deliberately cultivated virtue* for rationalists, as opposed to a shared eccentricity.
LW has neither strong decoupling norms nor strong contextualizing norms. It has very strong WELL AHCTUALLY norms, which are either played low or high, depending on whether too much context was given or too little.
This sounds like a version of that very persnickity game the Catholic Church plays about how and when something the Pope says in infallible.
The author of that article seems to be completely missing the point. It is completely reasonable, in all circumstances, to think about why someone said something rather than whether what they said is technically true in a vacuum when interpreted completely literally. People don't just state facts randomly for no reason. This is exactly the same line of thinking that leads people to believe it is okay to allow someone to go on TV and start talking about racial IQ statistics. They're following a "decoupling norm", you see. But, to be fair to Yudkowsky, it seems like what he's was trying to say is that a misaligned AGI poses a greater danger than nuclear war, not that either is good per-se. A powerful misaligned AGI will definitely kill everyone, but some people might be able to survive a nuclear war. You could disagree with him about whether AGI is such a big and imminent threat that nuclear war is justified to prevent it, but it does seem like people are misinterpreting him here.

we need a NSFW/NSFL tag on this unironically

I know its a joke but “run a GoFundMe for our future intellectual ubermensch baby” is not doing Aella’s “I don’t want to eugenics all autistic people away” claim any favours.

“All my tweets about how I don’t want to fuck dogs and children are raising a lot of questions already answered by the tweets”

lol. Shame he's impervious to shame, reason, sneers, and being publicly owned on Twitter


Why does this make me want to kill myself? Instead of just oh I don’t know expunge all rationalists from the gene pool. Brains are a fuck

Good for them, hope they are happy and everybody involved with it consents.

And at least with the case of Aella, there is less of a gross power inbalance.

@ESYudkowsky Replying to @Aella_Girl

we can fix it if we tweet hard enough