r/SneerClub archives
Liking vegetables is a load-bearing belief (https://twitter.com/eigenrobot/status/1642947519381397504)

This is like malignant Oppositional Defiant Disorder.

Out of the loop?

have people really never had a delicious vegetable dish before? Does this person not even like vegetables as a component of a meat or dairy focused dish?

Veggies provide so many kinds of flavors you simply can’t get with animal products alone.

Based on one of the followups where he describes taking no joy in even eating good food and brags about being a "natural ascetic" I suspect that he's done the thing of confusing depression with virtue.
If I ate ate nothing but CVS sandwiches (fucking ew) and Minute Maid, I would 100% feel like physical shit, which would inevitably lead me to spiral on an emotional level, which would inevitably lead me to eat more CVS sandwiches (again, ew), etc ad inf I love to eat junk food and I love to eat vegetables. Both of them have a place in my grown up life.
CVS sandwiches? Like, from the pharmacy store? That's horrifying. Edit: [fucking yikes](https://www.reddit.com/r/shittyfoodporn/comments/1q0zw7/cvs_breakfast_sandwich/)
I am horrified to discover that CVS sells sandwiches.
People who claim to shun all enjoyment almost invariably derive tons of enjoyment from telling everyone how much they shun enjoyment.
Through Mendelian magic, Brussels sprouts are good now
There is a generation of Americans who prepare vegtables by opening a can of unseasoned cooked green beans (or broccoli) and microwaving them. This is a major cause of hating vegetables.
Come on, at least steam frozen or fresh green beans in the microwave, and adding some butter/salt on there only takes a few seconds.
fresh green beans and peas are worlds away from what they taste like in canned, mushy sadness form
What do you do if you legitimately like both canned garbage and your method?
I could eat cherry tomatoes like actual candy when given the opportunity and have demolished a bucket or two in the past. Of course, as far as whether or not tomatoes are a vegetable... For a less controversial example, I really really love just a plain ol' boiled (not over-boiled!) bok choy. When it's sweet and crisp. Good times.
Add some garlic and sesame oil and you've got me.
>have people really never had a delicious vegetable dish before? I may have. I didn't like it, though. It's my problem, not the vegetables. Tried loads, cooked lots of ways and by different people. Can't enjoy them. Partly textural, partly flavour-related and partly a psychological thing. Can eat dry seaweed, but as soon as it gets wet in cooking the feel in my mouth repels me.

Hello, I am a baby. I assure you I am not missing out by removing the pacifier from my mouth. Would I like that? Probably not, and certainly not in any way that matters. No, don’t take it out. I refuse to socially validate you. I reject your idol!


> ( though technically a fruit ), Vegetable is a purely culinary term, fruit can be vegetables, just like leaves or buds or any other part of a plant

Ah yes, people who like vegetables have vegetable club meetings. And have walls with all the vegetables they have eating in their house.

This aubergine? It was signed by the farmer who farmed it.

Okay but imagine an actual vegetable club. Every month everyone makes a dish with a particular vegetable and then you bring them together and have a potluck? That actually sounds awesome.
Yeah that sounds pretty cool.
Okay, when is the veggie club meeting? I can host.

Eigen doing the “I Hate the Antichrist” meme except vegetables

"We've got you surrounded, come out and eat your vitamins." "I HATE THE FOOD PYRAMID! I HATE THE FOOD PYRAMID!"

I loathe this guy’s posting style so much. His actual opinions are indistinguishable from a fairly dumb teenager but has learned to dress them up in a such a vague, wordy style with enough implied irony that he never actually has to actually take credit for the stupid shit he believes

I mean, he's basically what you'd get if you trained an LLM on LessWrong and "reasonable conservatives."
The thing that bothers me about this guy is that like half his posts are about things like credulously repeating election conspiracy theories, talking about how disgusting unhoused people are and how real America hates them, etc., yet somehow he's considered an intellectual heavyweight in fairly liberal circles? Like usually you have to choose one or the other. Oh also he repeatedly claims he's apolitical lol.
It's depressing how easy it is to sell reactionary politics by using grammatically correct sentences and a faux-irenic posture.

“One man’s faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. The man who eats everything must not look down on him who does not, and the man who does not eat everything must not condemn the man who does, for God has accepted him.”

Romans 14:2

“Causing your brother to stumble would actually further AI alignment, source: just trust me, bro”

People usually don’t insist I try their favorite vegetable. Maybe they’re doing that to him because he’s made not liking vegetables his whole personality.

Jesus christ this reply: https://twitter.com/LudditeHacker/status/1642951757654261762

It really is *sooo* hard for them not to do antisemitism. Like, how do they bring it into dumb food posting — cos even tho it’s particularly dumb even for that genre, it’s still dumb food posting.
Not really the same, but I had an insane blowup on Facebook a few years back when I posted pictures of a Turkish meal I had made and an Armenian acquaintance of mine was absolutely livid and accused me of supporting genocide. I eventually had to block her because wouldn't stop. It was wild. Food brings it out in people I guess.
Just claim it as Greek and a different kind of hell will break loose.
Ah facebook, and the wonders it holds.
An irony is that he's Dutch, a culture whose failure to understand the joys of food is so severe that it is very difficult to get a decent meal, of any cuisine, in the Netherlands. They even manage to Dutchify Italian food. The only real exception is Indonesian food, which you can get cheaply and deliciously all over the place. The essence of Indonesian cuisine is the only one powerful to withstand the land of dry bread and one (1) type of cheese aged two ways.
Eigen is Dutch? That explains so much. E: ah, no you mean Ludditehacker. We do produce a high amount of crypto fascists. (Ow and before somebody drops in 'how dare you call them a cryptofasc!' they follow rocktoss, the neonazi cartooner).
NL has adjacent-to-Germany privilege which gives several countries a really easy ride with respect to nasty right-wing politics. Doubles up with occupied-by-Germany privilege which does the same thing.
Our far right politics dont seem that influenced by German stuff tbh. Baudet has way more connections with the French in that regard.
Fitting that the fash have terroir. Especially French fash.
While it's hard to classify it as "food", dutch do have delicious little sausages and weird cheesy things.
Ow yeah there is an interesting thing to say about dutch food culture how bland the signature dutch dishes are (mashed veggie!) And how different the food culture from old dutch paintings etc is. People interested could prob google this and find some historians talking about it. I have forgotten the details.
I'm gonna be a naive idealist on this one and call it Calvinism.
Someone could probably extend this uncomfortably further by working Arminianism into the thesis


load-bearing drywall

“I don’t read” is just code for “I am proudly ignorant and jealous/suspicious of insights that don’t originate from my own head”

I am surprised no other comments in this thread pointed out the "love books" part as being bizarre too. If you can understand how people can love TV or movies or video games, you can understand how they can love books, even if you don't partake yourself...
I think it's referring to people on social media who love performing the aesthetic of being A Reader (merch, memes, pics of cups of tea or splendid libraries, etc.) but never seem to post about actually reading things

People that don’t like vegetables either

discount the fact that most of their favorite sauces and foods either have vegetables on them or contain vegetables


don’t understand the concept of baking/frying them with seasoning in a similar way that they cook other foods instead of just boiling/steaming/eating them raw with no seasoning

You don't understand, his supermarket sandwich clearly didn't contain any vegetables. It's very ascetic to put the bare minimum of effort into food after all.

The fuck is this asshole’s problem with recycling glass?

it's probably some variation of a libertarian cost/benefit analysis about how it's not worth it to recycle and we should all stop doing it. if i had to guess...
Libertarians love to argue recycling glass isn’t worth the cost but somehow never think it’s worth bringing up how industrial quality sand is a rare resource and that there’s a shit ton of ecological damage being done as we wretchedly dredge up the last remaining deposits
Counterpoint: libertarianism is all about justifying being a selfish asshole. The actual impact on the environment/economy is irrelevant to them, they just like to whine about a mild inconvenience that’s for the good of us all.
Last I heard glass and aluminum were the 2 materials that were most worth recycling
Yeah, isn't plastic recycling the one that's not very good?

When I was a dipshit teenager, I had an acquaintance who didn’t like the music I listened to, and he decided that everyone who claimed to like Modest Mouse was a braindead hipster trying to look cool (i.e. pretending to like the music for what, today, would be called clout). For my part, I was a braindead hipster. And of course I was always trying to look cool. But I also just really loved the music (like few things I’ve ever loved). More importantly, that episode taught me a lot about people.

When a person doesn’t understand others’ enjoyment of a thing, it’s human nature to experience some negative emotions and dissonance. And we get to choose how we resolve it. Some of us choose to seek that thing out, to understand it better. Others choose to let it go. And some choose to just make up reasons why all those people are idiots, essentially hand-waving away the lived experiences of vast numbers of people. I think it speaks a lot to empathy, and the ability to imagine one’s self in another’s shoes.

I, personally, can’t understand how anyone can listen to the band Muse and not want to claw their ears out. And I’m okay with that. I accept the mystery. I’m happy that those people have found a thing they love. I don’t need to invent reasons why the grapes are sour.

There was a moment, somewhere around 1997, when they almost could have been considered "hip".
I'm still not sure whether the Modest Mouse guy has a speech impediment or just sings in a weird voice
I've heard him speak, and he definitely has a very mild speech thing going on -- probably nothing diagnosable, but clearly audible. It's not clear to me how much of his stylized singing voice is him playing up that sound and how much is natural. Which I find very interesting, because the current overwhelming trend in pop music is to sing *as if* one had a speech impediment. And I think it may be a specific impediment that has a name and everything. I just don't know enough (or anything) about speech pathology to understand it. For me, though it's 5 years old at this point, [this is the clearest example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sk-U8ruIQyA) that comes to mind. While here is the same singer in an interview, [showing typical speech patterns.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaQQN21yKw0) I guess I just don't understand kids these days.

Reminds me of Yudkowsky’s struggle with weight loss, there’s twitter threads easily findable detailing his public battle of the bulge. I am in no way shaming him for trying to improve, but from his online statements I am really confused and skeptical about his claims. He said things like caloric restriction didn’t work for him, that the more he exercised the less weight he lost all things being equal, none of the newer prescription meds have worked either, and that he was getting Dexa scans done (every week!) backing this up. And to add to that, I also remember some discussions he had on twitter or reddit complaining about his order of take-out bbq, they messed up his frito pie (or similar calorically dense item I may be misremembering). It’s just not very believable to me.

As someone who lost about half their body weight I'm a bit sympathetic to Yud here. I have no doubt that actually reading his tweets would extinguish any sympathy though. When I was losing weight, I plateaued despite counting calories. As far as I can tell, the issues were eyeballing measurements and using volumes rather than mass. I wasn't getting an accurate count. Once I got a kitchen scale, the problem went away. I can easily see EY making the same mistake. Or maybe his measurements for calories burned through exercise and incidental movement were off, causing him to overestimate his expenditure. Or maybe he likes food that has inaccurate labelling. And in my experience doctors are useless when it comes to trouble shooting diets or helping with weight loss at all. It's really demotivating. The high calorie meal seems boring. Like, I've lost 15 pounds over the past four months and I still had a day where I ate 3000 calories. Although this stirs memories. Apparently EY was a Gary Taubes convert for awhile, which led to [Topher](https://topherhallquist.wordpress.com/2015/07/30/lesswrong-against-scientific-rationality/) writing a critique of Yud's crackpottery and [SSC](https://web.archive.org/web/20230315072207/https://slatestarcodex.com/2015/08/04/contra-hallquist-on-scientific-rationality/) writing a defense. (As far as I can tell, while agreeing with Topher that Taubes is a crackpot, he claims that Topher doesn't properly understand why Taubes is a crackpot and ends up attacking non-crackpot Taubes claims. On the one hand, this is plausible. On the other hand, SSC is dishonest and spiteful. So who knows?)
> I plateaued despite counting calories. Also your metabolism does slow down after a while, when you are in a big caloric deficit, so it can appear as a plateau and discourage you from keeping it up and start doubting yourself, but keeping it up is key (if you are sure you are not miscounting). Genetics also plays a role too. During my cut seasons I have to go REALLY low fat percentage to have visible 6pack compared to other people, because since I can remember, fat always goes on my belly first and it's really hard to get rid of. The general rule is: be stubborn and don't quit and you will reach the goal, might be slower than others, but it will happen.
> Also your metabolism does slow down after a while, when you are in a big caloric deficit, so it can appear as a plateau and discourage you from keeping it up and start doubting yourself, but keeping it up is key (if you are sure you are not miscounting). I'm not sure on the mechanism! From what I (poorly) cobbled together, BMR is a function of body mass, and so as body mass goes down, your BMR goes down too, but unfortunately a lot of online calculators don't factor that when determining caloric restriction. I tried to beat that by setting my weight artificially lower and reducing it in time with my actual weight loss. It stopped after a bit, but worked once I started measuring calories via food mass. (Aside: wish doctors would mention things like metabolic rates, rather than having to piece it together from dead forum posts, random health articles, and Wikipedia.) > The general rule is: be stubborn and don't quit and you will reach the goal, might be slower than others, but it will happen. Agreed! I'll add that changing frictions can be really helpful. I try to set out my days so I'm doing something and I try to make it easier to have nutritious meals (by meal prepping) than more random meals. Also, being properly medicated helps. > During my cut seasons I have to go REALLY low fat percentage to have visible 6pack compared to other people, because since I can remember, fat always goes on my belly first and it's really hard to get rid of. Deeply jealous! Not at that point yet, but here's hoping.
> I'm not sure on the mechanism! From what I (poorly) cobbled together, BMR is a function of body mass, and so as body mass goes down, your BMR goes down too, There is probably an independent effect of low caloric intake (for extended time) on BMR, outside of the allometric scaling of those two, but I assume it's harder to pin down. Like, I imagine starving yourself signals to your body that you have low availability of resources so it slows your metabolism for self preservation , and that's probably an independent effect from the body mass relation. > I'll add that changing frictions can be really helpful. Yeah. The tweaking does really help. There are stuff like refeed diets or calorie cycling like completely going back to maintenance for a couple of weeks or so in between your caloric deficit diet. I would kinda consider those too advanced for the average person, but most people already do similar small tweaks from trial and error and based on what works for them. Also stuff like going heavy on caloric deficit will mean you will lose more muscle mass vs fat than when you do a slower weight loss diet. > Deeply jealous! Not at that point yet, but here's hoping. If you set the goal and keep at it you will def get there!
>As someone who lost about half their body weight I'm a bit sympathetic to Yud here. Congratulations! And yes I am rooting for Yud to get healthier and happier. ​ >I can easily see EY making the same mistake. Or maybe his measurements for calories burned through exercise and incidental movement were off, causing him to overestimate his expenditure. Or maybe he likes food that has inaccurate labelling. This is very common and usually the case when people report diets not working, which adds to my point that EY is much more faulty of a thinker than he portrays himself to be. >And in my experience doctors are useless when it comes to trouble shooting diets or helping with weight loss at all. Unfortunately true and very infuriating. ​ >Although this stirs memories. Apparently EY was a Gary Taubes convert for awhile I was too when I first read his books and successfully used a keto/low-carb diet. I was recommending it to all my family and friends. But then I kept learning and reading a bit more widely and deeply into the science, and I eventually successfully lost weight using a plant-based diet as well, and the latter has the benefit of being cheaper and (according to consensus science) probably healthier for me long term.
> This is very common and usually the case when people report diets not working, which adds to my point that EY is much more faulty of a thinker than he portrays himself to be. I agree with you. I think I misread your comment and I wasn't clear in mine. I read your comment as something to the effect of 'there's a serious issue with Yud, because he thinks that caloric restriction doesn't work'. To me, the issue isn't really that (since getting accurate data can be tricky, there's a lot of misinformation, experts who might assist are often useless), but that he's wildly overconfident in his beliefs and also promotes himself as a genius. But I focused on the former (why it might be reasonable to believe X), with the latter (why Yud's trash) not coming across at all. My apologies! > Gary Taubes stuff This is actually a bit funny to me. I was well-positioned to be a Taubes convert -- my early successful diet was very protein and fat heavy -- but I never had heard of him and came to that diet by trying to hit micronutrient numbers with foods I liked, were easily storable, and kept me in my calorie budget. I've now shifted towards carbs, because I really like seitan and rice. Someone has to have written a good ethnography of diet culture lol.
In a tweet thread a couple of days ago he said he was on an 8 month PSMF! And after that time, taking detailed measurements, he now speculates that he’s in the rare group of “exercise non-responders”.

most people who claim they are “Bayesians” are Bayesians in the way that people “love facts and logic”

Reasons to make some oven roasted tomatoes for lunch:

  • Delicious

  • Fast prep time

  • Great with baked feta cheese which I was already planning on doing

  • Moderately healthy

  • [NEW!] Triggers this fucking guy

Fuck I’m getting hungry already and it’s barely breakfast time lol.

Poor BMO. I’m not really into adventure time but I feel bad for BMO having his image defaced by this total dipshit.

lmao literally 2 years old

Idk, my 2 year old crushed every steamed veggie we gave her. Sometimes we’d add a little salt or sauté it a bit. She’s more picky now that she’s older but back then she went all in on everything. My 2 year old: 1 Meatcuckrobot: 0

…this has gotta be satire and we’re all falling for an obvious troll, right? Right?

No, I've had interactions with this guy before and he is quite sincere (though if he gets pushed too hard he usually retreats under a thick cloud of "I was only pretending" style irony). His specialty is dressing standard conservative opinions in the language of stultifying rationalism and making sure to not get too mad (per the usual rules of winning arguments on the internet).

it’s the same cowardice that leaves mattress buyers incapable of removing the tags on their mattresses. just in case doing that would be illegal

Okay, what the fuck is that?

If I post a picture of me holding scissors next to a mattress tag is police going to kick down my door? Is this some kind of code?

Mattress tags have a label on them saying "under penalty of law do not remove under except by the consumer". The consumer = you, in this case.
So liking vegetables is like not understanding consumer protection? There's an entire 4chan pasta between those two points that I would absolutely love to read.

I have no idea who this is and would like to keep it that way but why do they exclusively tweet long winded conversations where they’re just screaming in their mirror

It’s really hard for me to gauge what level of sincere they are with a lot of their posts.

that's by design, it's the schrödinger's douchebag M.O.

But what about the asparagus?

Show me where the cucumber hurt you

I like canned french cut green beans.

so does a giraffe have a load bearing belief then

I'd imagine that its legs are bearing the load