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"Leverage the Pareto Principle for learning" (https://www.twitter.com/_alexbrogan/status/1641428880643719170)

You can feel all the web3 and Blockchain guys pivoting to AI, it pretty funny

waiting for Jordan Belfort to market a stock tips AI and then we'll know the game's really in town

I kind of love how nonsensical this is.

“Some people will spend ten years on an education, when 80% of the practical application comes from the last two! Let’s disrupt the education market by teaching only those last two years, increasing efficiency fourfold”

Yeah, that's idiot CEO misunderstands the Pareto Principle and decides to cut the workforce by 80% kind of reasoning.
Elon Musk literally did the thing where you apply this principle repeatedly until you have only one employee
Why stop there? Research shows that 80% of the coding is done in the top 20% of the body, so that last employee can be safely decapitated without impacting output too much.
you can remove the top 13% of the billionaire and not really alleviate 80% of the problem with billions-sized single pools of financial power, but let's do it anyway
Well he was a transhumanist so he didnt object to becoming a brain in a vat. And due to them signing the waiver during the surgery they couldnt object legally when we used the Pareto principle to reduce their brainmass by 80% as well. You will not believe how fast this puppy spits out Javascript.
having twitter engineers print out 50 pages of code for review lmao
Like the old parable of "9 mothers will deliver a baby in a month". Why bother with the 8 months that don't produce results, let's just focus on the last one!

Asking an algorithm, which has at best a shallow understanding of the topics it tokenizes, trained on the cesspool that is the internet and refined only to say things its developers had time to tell it that they wanted it to say, for its unreliable deductions in fields where you likely don’t know enough to shore up the gaps, is obviously utter folly, but honestly I wouldn’t have focused on the pareto principal thing.

A custom study plan leveraging the pareto principle in a topic you’re just starting out in is probably the closest thing to a good idea out of all of these. Worst case, you end up exploring the topic and stumbling over its core concepts yourself.

It doesn’t help for a robot to design a spaced repetition system – just put your shit into Anki or make some flashcards, or just regularly use a skill if you want to get good at that skill. At best the robot tells you to do precisely this, at worst it confuses everything.

You don’t need a robot to use the feynmann technique – write a blog, or a journal, or help out someone who’s studying the same thing as you. Heck, explain it to your dog!

You don’t FUCKING WANT a robot to write your fucking mnemonic stories for you – half the value and efficacy of those is rooted in the fact that you crafted them yourself!! jesus fucking christ

The appearance of X is all that is left for these folks. It’s not just learning, but every encounter with every thing in their lives. This has been the con game from the get go, but the new thing here is these folks are conning even themselves. I think most of them really believe their own bs. Just by saying/writing a thing, that thing becomes real. That is why they are so susceptible to the AI “magic.” Baudrillard was onto them years ago.
the ecstasy of communication
Yeah I get annoyed time and time again at how people argue we “need to change the way we teach higher education”, when in fact, we don’t at all, lectures + handwritten note taking + assignments are well backed by evidence. Hell even small changes like taking notes on a laptop instead of hand writing them have been shown to only make things worse
This matches my experience pretty well, in college I noticed that whenever I brought my laptop to class it made it like 800 times harder to focus, so I mostly stuck with taking notes on paper and it worked pretty great honestly
I was so happy to read those studies on hand writing notes vs typing. It mirrored my experiences. Another thing I have noted. I learn much better from chalk talks than power point. I hate power point presentations. I’ve never looked into any studies comparing the two.
True chad professors come with a single handwritten A4 piece of paper that has the entire lecture plan on it, grab a piece of chalk, and then deliver the most interesting, focused lecture you've ever attended.
If we make learning even more efficient than in the last two decades maybe "the way to AGI" is a cooperative process and we me meet halfway.

I leverage my Pareto Principle at least 3 times a week

You should identify 20% of the Pareto Principle to yield 80% of the leverage

Imagine choosing to get all your education from an average Redditor.

lmao most of the responses are from the same kind of bluecheck business/personal improvement wannabe influencers. What a sad existence.
Lol! You ever been on LinkedIn?!

A system which from time to time makes up random shit and presents it as true, good tool to use to teach people who don’t know what they don’t know.

Or as this person tweeted it

Dear god, people are already treating it like it's the Oracle of Delphi.
Yeah people will treat it with more authority than they will treat google search results. It is going to be nuts. (The system is also wildly wrong about peoples backgrounds when asked, it constantly whitewashes and smooths out or just makes up facts about peoples history when asked. Saw some professor's etc who where complaining about it) the post truth era is going to get worse, buckle in people. E: and sorry if I use anthropomorphizing language here, I know it isn't a thinking thing.
How long until Sam Altman goes full Cleomenes?
At least tarot cards have a long, interesting history.

I’ve decided to leverage the Pareto Principle for cooking. Cleaning up afterwards is just most of the work, so if I just toss everything straight into the trash without bothering to cook, it saves a ton of cooking and cleanup time. I’ve learned how to be efficient.

And you'll lose weight too.

You know this dude hasn’t utilized any of his 10 points in any specific meaningful way. These people are so far up their own asses they might as well be religious cult leaders.

Clearly he hasn't found a solution that actually works or he would have codified it and published a book by now. Or, you know, utilised all the knowledge he has acquired as a means to excel in some field or another.

I saved 20% of my time by ignoring the 80% of posting that’s this sort of guff

The new lightening network will let you ignore 100%.

His name is “Alex Brogan”? “Alex Brogan”?

I refuse to accept this implausible writing.

I see ChatGPT hasn’t yet made humanity’s ability to spew nonsensical word salads obsolete.

Yeah, they tell you to make twitter threads like this in personal branding books/classes. You will never find anything of value in these because these people are hollow.

Smells like 80% horseshit, 20% bullshit.

I actually thought some of those ideas sound really cool. And I’ll get to testing that whenever I finally overcome my laziness and open a chatGPT account.

Don't. Each one is basically asking chatgpt "show me how I can learn without doing the part where I learn anything."
Exactly! You can pontificate on the optimal way to learn all you want. It barely matters compared to just getting in there and wrestling around with whatever you’re learning. I tutor for college and high school science and math, and a lot of MCAT. Especially for the MCAT, students always ask me what the best resources are, how to best study, how to plan to study, etc. I always try to emphasize how little all of that matters compared to just picking some material and going at it.
This. I'm a former tutor myself and I had the luxury of just giving up on tutoring for standardized testing. Test prep companies have all convinced the public that there are magic hacks to these things when really all you need (and all they can actually offer in reality) is practice.
There was a funny thread on the ChatGPT sub the other day where someone recommended having the bot “summarize all key learning of [book title] without losing any important information” or something like that. Of course, people in the comments did it with made up books and it did an excellent job.
Don't worry, that the guy in the twit thinks you can ask ChatGTP to tell you what the most important 20% of a field of knowledge is and get a meaningful answer means he hasn't ever interacted with it either.
these are all better done on your own or with an actual study partner