r/SneerClub archives
Are there any positive AI communities that don't have the problems noted on this subreddit? (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/12j3h4h/are_there_any_positive_ai_communities_that_dont/)

I love AI, but most of the communities for AI I can find either:

  1. Actually hate AI, or

  2. Have horrible politics/beliefs, as noted in this subreddit.

I would love a more leftist community where people are excited about AI.

Just look for machine learning groups instead of AI and you’re more likely to find sanity.

I do also love to read the down-to-earth discussions and the actual science, but no one there is excited, y'know? Maybe I should be avoiding excitement but I can't help it.
No I get it, a lot of the work in this field is fantastic, has incredible potential to change the world for the better and legitimately interesting in what it tells us about cognition in general. But we're in the midst of the crypto/web3 to AI pipeline of grifters, so the term AI is going to be increasingly squatted on by people who are trying to sell you something.
Is the greythumb website still any good? I remember they had pretty measured examinations of AI back a decade ago.

r/MachineLearning, for mostly adult conversations regarding practical AI.

That sub has really suffered from the release fo GPT4, but there is no escaping that. It is still the most sane place for ML/AI discussions on reddit that I know.
And also possible the internet.
My man.

Follow actual researchers and practitioners, and not people selling books or appearing on podcasts or tweeting 100 times a day.


The AWAY Collective are pretty nice folks. The founder of the group is a queer anarchist who hates crypto and other techno-capitalism.

We have a website now? Huh, some of this art is really good.
Seconded, that art is beautiful.
Not being hostile here, but what exactly, would you say is ethical use of ML art? I'm neutral on it as a tool but skeptical about it when it comes to its potential uses. What sets were the networks trained on?

Helps if you explain what you mean with ai. Do you mean machine learning or agi or the specific types of llm now popular?