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Cultural Learnings of Schopenhauer for Make Benefit Glorious Website of ACX (https://i.redd.it/4kkq0l937eta1.png)

I was just re-reading perhaps the single most arrogant thing I’ve ever read and thought: who does Schopenhauer remind me of? Rationalists should read WAW&R


I thought posting his essays was a bit of a cheap shot. He's wrong about so many things: women physiognomy, Hegel (correct me if I'm wrong, I have no formal training). But this is literally the first preface to World. He wrote it when he was 30 and let it stand for the rest of his life. It's fucking mind-bogglingly arrogant even given his place and time
Fair enough. I will get on with it. Amazing translation compared to the Payne version which was what I read first. Could elaborate on the parallels I see between Schopenhauer and rationalists, but they're quite obvious. Schopenhauer had a much larger skull than Scott or Yud in my estimation
fwiw I think the argument guide is a good guide for "debating" obstinate people you'll never bring around. E.g. most rationalists, libertarians, etc.
Yeah, I think he genuinely detests sophistry. But I like it when applied judiciously. Give your interlocutors the respect they deserve: virgin argumentation for those amenable to it, Chad hominems (and/or sneers) for the rest

For an example of how not to be. Schopenhauer was born in 1788. What’s Scott’s excuse?

For Schopenhauer that’s downright homely.

This is arrogant? What?

I'm not saying anything about its truth value, but come on. "The Upanishads can be derived as corollary" lol jfc yes it's arrogant. More proof: this is the only place I think he ever explicitly conceded the arrogance of something he wrote, or that it might be taken that way. I do take it as arrogant. Sorry not sorry
Let's call it hubristic and chauvinistic then. Whatever word I can attach to the sense of unease I feel when I read it, SSC/ACX give me the same feeling but often worse
baby mentality You probably also make a big deal out of (shock! horror!) discovering that a philosopher was a racist.
I don't. I like Schopenhauer. You think I have to agree with his politics? You think I have to agree with half his essays? But yeah Kant should be cancelled for being racist lol. Baby mentality is assuming like you just did
Of course. How are you going to be a master idealist if you don't shove women down the stairs?!
I'm sure you know what he wrote in Latin when she died, right? Obit anus, abit onus Guy was a colossal arsehole. I could go on. He had mummy issues I think reflect in his work, etc.