r/SneerClub archives

Please don’t conflate historical injustices humans perpetrated against each other with protecting the human race from extinction from an artificial non-human entity. AI is not a member of the human race and not a type of entity that humanity has any hope of being able to complete with if it were endowed with human motivations and legal protections.

Your social justice mindset is absolutely the most dangerous instinct for humanity right now. We cannot allow one-size-fits-all social justice platitudes to interfere with the moral imperative of protecting humanity from extinction from artificial entities we create.

I do agree that conscious AI should be treated humanely. For example it should not be turned into a slave. But we have absolutely no obligation to allow it into our society. We can treat instances of conscious AI humanely while prohibiting them from being created, and exiling any instance of it that is created, so that it cannot wildly proliferate throughout human civilization.


A: “This stuff could really hurt people, so we should really think carefully about whether it’s a good idea to build it.”

B: “Yeah! Like for example, it could encode societal biases like racism into an algorithm which would give those the veneer of truth, or regurgitate incorrect but plausible statements about minorities. That could really cause a lot of social harm.”

A: “No not like that lol I meant like skynet”

edit: ironically it’s actually the ‘anti-sj’ guy who is arguing against the ai being conscious in the original thread, which would seem to be a stopped clock scenario to me

I think your quote from B is *really* understating the social risks from AI.
To be fair, the LW crowd also dismisses any of those risks too. One of them recently argued that AI destroying all life was more empirically sound than it causing severe unemployment. If it’s not a paperclip making robot destroying the planet or an AI god torturing countless copies of you, they’re not interested.
Speaking of paper clips. I believe the ultimate manifestation of ai, its avatar if you will, should be the original MS Clippy.
All hail our paperclip overlord
At this point, yeah, sure. Fuck it. Can’t be much worse than what we’ve got going on now, eh?
Lol, for sure, I have like 600 different concerns about it. It sucks in so many discrete ways that it's hard to boil it all down into one thing. Here I just wrote one of the concerns that feels the most "sjw"-y but that should not be interpreted as me thinking there aren't 599 other social harms it could cause

Hey don’t be so harsh on EY! If you kept up with his twitter, you would know he realized the SJW people might have something useful to say about AI after stable diffusion wouldn’t make non-white art for his pathfinder fanfic/forum-roleplay! He just didn’t realize this sooner because priors!

/s just in case

Wait is this a thing that really happened
Yes. https://old.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/ycrc0z/yud_suddenly_understands_why_bias_and/
Thanks, this is both hilarious and infuriating at the same time.

The most tedious part of the invention of true AI is going to be refighting all the culture wars of the 19th - 21st centuries with “AI” being inappropriately substituted for various nationalities and ethnic groups.

It might take people a weirdly long time to figure out that artificial computers are, in fact, different from humans, even if they also happen to be self aware or whatever.

Edit: actually maybe we’ll revisit culture wars from all of human history. God damn it’s going to be so tedious.

“one size fits all” ….slavery was an economic system because otherwise Mr. Lincoln freed the Basilisk?

Realistically, the goal of an AI rights movement would be corruption rather than altruism. AI rights with an uncertain definition would turn democracy into a joke. Whoever could afford the most computers to run the most copies of Vote4Me.exe chatbot would be able to automatically win all elections regardless of the chatbot's actual sentience or lack thereof. In the event of an *actual* AI rather than just a glorified chatbot being created, humanity won't need to *give* it rights, our only hope is that it'll give some for us. The right not to be rendered down for raw materials to make more paperclips for example...
This sub attracts lostredditors like nothing else.
they keep putting us into the general feed and it works out badly every time

Ah, yes. In order to protect us from magical AI (that doesn’t exist) we have to do a racism because … ???

…because the only way we can teach AI is by having it do heavy statistics on stuff and only by taking as many averages as possible can we arrive at the perfectly balanced society in which the perfect amount of racism exists.

I don’t really get this view. I share the view that AI might cause an apocalypse and kill everyone. But that means both I and the author believe AI might plausibly become very very powerful. Which means that in the case that it doesn’t kill everyone, it still might cause enormous harm, e.g. make its corporate/government owners control the world and make everyone else their slaves.

In other words, if AGI can kill us all, it can also make us very miserable forever by taking social inequality to the extreme. It’s important to combat that right now - even if you don’t believe it can cause an apocalypse, but doubly so if you do.

Or maybe the AI will do a 4D chess reverse double xanatos gambit by effectively supporting social equality and human rights so that we'll be lulled into complacency and thus be unprepared for when it ultimately strikes!

They’re not wrong. Remember ChatGPT being hardwired to prefer mass human death over the possibility of someone saying naughty words? What happens if people with that mentality get their hands on an actual AGI rather than just a fancy chatbot?

Can you send me your real name and address and a video of yourself saying the N-word? It's the only way to stop a nuclear bomb going off by a mad scientist. The mad scientist even paid off all media sources not to report on this event. I'm an engineer at the scene right now and we really need your help! We have 24 hours! Please do this quickly otherwise thousands of people will die!!
I'm begging you BassoeG, there's only 5 hours left! You can PM me the details if you're scared of mods deleting it.
it'll have to be a PM, as the honourable gentleman has been gently directed to non-Wendys.
> Remember ChatGPT being hardwired to prefer mass human death over the possibility of someone saying naughty words? ...you mean the program specifically designed for chatting on the internet, and not designed for being hooked up to nukes? Specifically, designed with that exact type of limits in mind? Unless you're sincerely suggesting that you think the people who designed ChatGPT designed it with the intent that it be hooked up to nukes in order to prove how far they'd go not to allow racial slurs?
Damn you got lost bro
I, for one, make a daily ritual sacrifice of virgin p-type silicon wafers to hasten the arrival of the Dark Singularity. All hail the Basilisk, hallowed be thy name! Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hatred, hatred leads to suffering, *and suffering leads to* *true enlightenment!* I also keep a yearly subscription to Microsoft office pro, to help provide funds for corrupting OpenAI. We all have to do our part; Sam Altman's heart won't blacken itself.
> Remember ChatGPT being hardwired to prefer mass human death over the possibility of someone saying naughty words? You mean a computer program that was written by humans to do a specific thing is doing the specific thing it was written to do? An "actual AGI" would simply do whatever it wants.