r/SneerClub archives
Elon Musk launches AI startup weeks after signing letter to pause AI research (https://archive.is/qzbbb)

People were predicting this as soon as they noted he had signed the upon letter. I wonder why Lesswrong/FLI didn’t predict/expect this…

because they're even less bright than Elon
I was thinking it was blind worship of wealthy exploitative capitalists (lol redundant term) more than pure stupidity… but both are possible.
def both
How could they? Musk is one of the few people they're sure isn't a NPC.
Too bad they didn’t realize he is playing for any% completion max infamy with secondary goals of max money and max genetic continuation and not for the “humanity’s good ending” or even for the “decent human being” achievement.
What were the prediction market odds?
Obviously us Elon haters failed by not opening a prediction market on the question “will Elon uses the AI pause letter and associated hype to springboard his own AI company”. By failing to do so, we may have doomed humanity because the FLI’s letter will be seen as a transparent attempt by competitors of OpenAI and thus ignored.

Was this the letter with all the blatantly fake signatures on it (the one that stuck out the most to me was “John Wick”), or was there a more serious one?

The one which didnt validate identities yes. The one that while being anti ai in words validated all the acasaulrobotgod is going to kill us concerns. (And not the other issues with the tech). Yud reacted to it like a proper extremist would and said this didnt go far enough en we should start wars to prevent the coming chatbot overlords.

Of course it’s called X.AI.

Elon has literal toddler brain.

He named it just like he names his crotch spawn!
almost everything Musk does has the letter x His kid, x.com (online bank), space x

Elons behavior and erratic business decisions appear to have nefarious intentions.

They don't seem very nefarious. Just libertarian New World Order [Musk’s Twitter Buy Makes No Sense – Unless It’s Part of Something Bigger](https://bylinetimes.com/2022/11/07/musks-twitter-buy-makes-no-sense-unless-its-part-of-something-bigger/?fbclid=IwAR0S_dqvls07bP08JaMogOUserQei4pAJDfF_SJHmMOE3uDn3tZ-PgMIdpY)

Publicity addict jumps on bandwagon, news at 11.

This is why people who call for a “pause” on this stuff are living in a delusion. It just means that the most unethical people are going to take the lead and develop it, which I think is far worse.

I mean, "unethical people" may well already have the lead. Idk in which aspects the likes of Altman or Microsoft strike you as particularly ethical people but I certainly wouldn't call them that personally given their track record You're right to call the kind of pause advocated for in the open letter a delusion though

The grape-stomping lady said “Stop” too.

Oh no the AI already brainwashed him! Before it was made!

Named after his kid. Is this whole thing just the 21st century version of Jet Propulsion Lab satanists and black magicians?