r/SneerClub archives
SuperGenius Lifehack: Use your cult as distributed travel agency/publishing house (https://i.redd.it/qe3j6s13u7ua1.jpg)

The author Robert A. Caro once said in an interview: “What I believe is always true about power is that power always reveals. When you have enough power to do what you always wanted to do, then you see what the guy always wanted to do.”

And what it reveals about Eliezer here, is that he’s cringe AF.

LessWrong: The Answer Is *Always* Anime
If only we could get these guys obsessed with Japanese rail systems rather than Japanese cartoons, the world would be a better place.
you know they'd just go shopping for sarin
Jesus, that’s grim. Edit: Looking into Aum Shinrikyo, and this one stood out to me: “He saw dark conspiracies everywhere, promulgated by the Jews, the Freemasons, the Dutch, the British Royal Family, and rival Japanese religions.” Some of these things are not like the others…
me irl honestly. where's my american high speed rail system >:/
Two chicks at the same time man
That's not a revelation man where have you been

schedule somewhat in flux atm

no one has expressed an interest in my presence from the social circles I aspire to, so I’m throwing the doors open to you plebes.

Before it’s gone? Where is it going?

Either a) before it is turned into paperclips (his intended meaning) or b) before some nefarious evil group takes over. The accidental dogwhistle.
I’m still naive enough to have thought he meant “before climate change made it uninhabitable.”
I’m sure he just means global warming and sea level and… No. I’m not sure of that at all.
Nah, either friendly AI will solve that with magic nanotech, or we all die to unfriendly AI.
The Second Impact

I didn’t realize Tokyo had an expiration date

I like to think that's just Yud taking his apocalyptic views seriously and that he describes everything like that. Mostly because it's very funny thinking of him wanting to get to a grocery store or a Starbucks "before it's gone".
Quick! 2 beers before the running begins!


Quit yucking yums
Kimochi warui ne...

So visiting Japan is obviously an effectively altruistic use of donor funds, right Eliezer?

Going back far enough, HPMOR was very utilitarian... You can find plenty of special pleading these days, but I still feel like we can criticize Yudkowsky for straying from his original ethics.
Obviously if a 5% improvement in Eliezer’s mood had 30% odds of a 10% improvement in his AI alignment blog post output which has a 1% chance of increasing the odds of friendly AI which is worth, very conservatively (not counting on brain uploading but counting on carrying capacity of solar system) 50 trillion additional future happy lives. So a 5% improvement in Eliezer’s mood is worth 15 billion future lives, conservatively! Really, if you think about it, it was utterly heroic of Eliezer to not request billions in compensation and only ask for the salary of a senior academic while at MIRI! /s because I’ve seen longtermist reasoning actually pretty similar. Longtermism is a helluva value warping way of thinking…
Richard Nixon Checkers intensifies

Jesus fucking Christ, a whole goddamn nation with one of the most distinct histories of any developed nation, a veritable social and technological Galapagos, and this motherfucker wants to go straight to the dumbest fucking thing the nation offers, a decade after it’s heyday.

As someone who’s watched *Akiba Maid War*, I’ll have you know animal-girl maid cafés are literally the peak of Japanese and all other cultures.

“before its gone”. fucking histrionic tub o’ cringe. oh but i don’t get it, he is being comic book guy-esque cute and witty! and ironic while implying he is not being ironic: the summum of wit! right…

I also-- I'm not saying I love the movie but, in a way I admire Kung Fu Panda. It appears just-- a stupid cartoon, no, it's-- what I admire in the movie is the following, everyone noticed it: On the one hand, the movie mobilizes, you know, all that-- let's call it, uh, oriental military mystique: kung fu fight, warrior discipline, all that, stuff. At the same time the movie is totally ironic, making fun of its own ideology. What is so fascinating is that, although the movie makes fun of its own ideology all the time, the ideology survives, and this is how cynicism functions.
What the fuck is this. Is this an EY quote?
Slavoj Žižek.
lmao absolutely amazing, thank you

How is this a real person that the smartest people I know once respected what the fuck. Horrible takes that make sense if you abstract them into nonsense is one thing but homie is 1 step away from sex tourism.

this means we have three weeks tops before the acausal Godzillagi

Translation. The AI apocalypse that I, the messiah, foretold is almost upon us. I must avant to Japan and engage in my sexual fetishes and promote them as I’m running out of time to spend my grift money on kinks. I understand numerous accusations of poor treatment of women in the rationalist spaces have been made, so allow me embody them further without any appearance of self awareness.

There is a counter factual reality where he decides not to go to Tokyo.

Look ma, I’m doing it! Double negatives and obtuse sentence structure! Can I get a cult?

“before im done exploiting it, grow bored and move on”

Every minute he spends at a catgirl cafe is a minute he’s spending away from single-mindedly working to build me, the safe and aligned acausal robot god.

Future of Harajuku Institute: How to Keep the Fun in God Function

Is Eleizer actually a true believer in his AI doomerism? I had been assuming so, but something about “I’ve always wanted to see Tokyo before it’s gone!” strikes me as cynical branding.