r/SneerClub archives
TPO has joined twitter, been tweeted by Paul Graham with Elon Musk in the replies (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/12qbsfo/tpo_has_joined_twitter_been_tweeted_by_paul/)

Context on who TPO is. It seems they’ve joined twitter. I’m 99.9% sure TPO/Cremieux are one and the same. Tweeted by Paul Graham with Elon Musk in the replies. It truly feels like we’re living in bizarro world.

Jesus fuck its like my personal intellectual demon is being summoned by idiots

I don’t recognise the acronym, TPO?

Ah, I guess you weren't there when the deep magic was written. Lucky you.
My bad. Here's some [context](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/b3irbm/utrannyporno_invokes_galieo_absolutely_insists_on/) on TPO.
Jesus fucking Christ. (Um thanks for the clarification I feel the express need to clarify that my initial reaction is to the abject horrors you have shown me and not you I mean I did ask and I don't know what I expected)
oh wow that's quite the username, i see why you abbreviated it
Funnily enough, I recall he was mad I used the word fuck as an expression on r/ssc. The weird fascist mindset, using slurs, fine, saying all cucks should be executed, a post worthy of praise (E: link to previous [post in sneerclub discussing this](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/929hdd/yall_remember_that_heres_all_my_fascist_views/)). Saying 'this fucking thing' degeneracy! Cats and dogs living together! But yeah this person is pretty fucking bad. A singleminded obsession with IQ bs.

This is a good day for esoteric right wingers that aren’t funny enough for 4chan.

Edit: TPO retweets a post bragging about getting blocked by a data scientist, but then immediately blocks someone else pointing out methodology flaws in his quoted study.

Of course it was Carr, after him explaining to the rw outrage merchants that sometimes 2+2=5 he will be forever in their sights. In the same way that some of them are still obsessed with Scalzi or Chu.