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Cryptography? Real. AI God can't beat cryptography. But don't worry. The AI god will just use Nanomachines. (https://i.redd.it/p7no9mdaaoua1.png)

Source Thread: https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1648323158020354048?s=20

Yes, that’d be simpler than the nanites thing. Good illustration of the perils of asking an Eliezer to guess a superintelligence’s strategy.

Nice humblebrag. "Sorry, I'm too smart to anticipate the simplistic solutions that the smartest thing in the universe would come up with".
Oh for sure, that too. His massive brain undoubtedly helped him to conclude that he could accomplish both goals simultaneously. Although maybe that's giving him too much credit; throwing in "but also I'm a genius lol" is something he does so often that it's probably just reflexive at this point.
heh, kiddo


Nice blog post, Yud, how about a source?
they spontaneously generate in response to counter-arguments!

The real way to break cryptography: being an acausal robot god so people know that you will eventually break it in the future and punish them if they don’t give you access. More effective than a lead pipe.

Some guy: “So an advanced program with deep resources could break cryptography?”

Yud: “It’s actually just going to eat you alive with tiny sci-fi machines!”

I love how an advanced AI creating thermodynamics-defying nanomachines is totally plausible, but the same AI finding a solution to P=NP is unthinkable. Does his hierarchy of impossibilities have some sort of reasoning behind it? Or is it just rooted in which concept is more likely to feature in scifi novels?

the reasoning is he never finished school of any kind

It feels he’s just trolling at this point.

How to tell when EY is joking: - When he gets called out for being a crank How to tell when EY is being serious: - When he is not being called out for being a crank
No he's just dumb. Don't give him more credit than he deserves.
He just gets off on the idea of a super powerful AI which might be evil.

Rubber hose, nobody uses lead pipes, they both deform and leave bigger bruises.

the internet is a series of tubes

cryptography works because the effort required to break the code is exponential in the code length. The AI god can just bring exponential resources to work the problem, since it can build self replicating subpopulations who grow exponentially. QED

The irony is if these goofs just stopped trying so hard to pretend they’re not doing theology, “can God defeat cryptography” would actually be a kind of interesting reframing of the ol’ Euthypro dilemma in terms of mathematical law…

I do wonder how theologians would answer that sort of question. Can God devise an algorithm that sorts an arbitrary list in time linear in the length of the list? Can God find a prime factor of 14 that is neither 2 nor 7? What would it even *mean* to be able to do those things?
God is omnipotent, why wouldn't he be able to do any of those things? I feel like a lot of your questions are just of the sort "Could god make a married bachelor?", which just conflicts with how we define these concepts, but has nothing to do with ability.
Could an omnipotent god create an encryption algorithm so strong that he couldn't crack it?
That is not a valid way to create an encryption system. It needs to be uncrackable by a smarter omnipotent god+.

Should’ve just said “quantum”.

Oh wow, his overuse of mystical nanomachines really is just a higher-brow version of Deepak Chopra talking about quantum waves. (Including the same degree of understanding of the physics of the real versions.)
The funniest part about quantum cryptography breaking freak outs is that before we get there quantum communication will probably give us the solution to the problem first anyway
How very quantum

So Yudkowsky is saying “don’t worry about AI cracking our encryption to get useful information, it’ll just eat the computers and destroy the information?”

Am I reading that right?

I think he's saying that, if the AI needs your passwords to access your data, it'll just get them directly from your brain when it turns everything into gray goo. I'm not sure why he thinks it would want to do that if it can already just skip to the step where it turns everything into gray goo, though. He's probably just habitually regurgitating related science fiction plots without giving any deeper thought to whether they really make sense in context.
Seems like “the AGI will be psychic” would be the simpler answer for him to go with, in that case.

Wtf has he done to his profile pic? Taken a shower?

He's making sure you know he's Super Serious and a Serious Pundit by using a dramatically lit Super Serious Pundit Portrait

why would the AI want your bitcoin in the first place, ryan