r/SneerClub archives
A tweet pointing out yud's pretentious denial (https://twitter.com/alexandrosM/status/1648790768633679872)

Neuralink is itself mock worthy, they were hyping up tech that had been pioneered by academia over the past decade as if they recently invented it themselves, without having any solid plans to get around all the existing problems that prevented the tech from being used in consumer usage(safety/risk with brain surgery to implant electrodes, biocompatibility issues with long term electrode use, etc)… other than destructively trying it on a lot of monkeys. In other words, typical tech company hype with the added edge of animal cruelty.

Of course, now Eliezer is now hyping it up as he is desperate for any solution to the problems he has imagined…

Not just that but also the whole software/hardware lifecycle. The stories of blind people with now broken and no longer supported implants is pretty horrible. Very cyberpunk. :(
when I said I want a remastered *Deus Ex: HR*, I didn't mean like this
So you Did ask for this!
Yeah, if you didn't realize reality was an evil genie by this point...
Man, back when Elon was capable of imitating competence he really was the most Bob Page sonofabitch of the planet.
[Yes.](https://spectrum.ieee.org/bionic-eye-obsolete) A fucking Silicon Valley tech company is the last group of people in the world I would trust to make permanent alterations to my body.
There was a presentation on how bluetooth works over massive distances with a pringles can as a booster, and iirc they told somebody in the audience that they had an insuline pump, and that they could inject all the insuline at once. Computer whisperers are bad at our jobs. E: a similar story https://www.wired.com/story/medtronic-insulin-pump-hack-app/
Didn't like all the test monkeys immediately die after the neuralink demo too
Not all of them, but iirc something like 40 or so. I remember it being in that ballpark after people made up the news it was 3k dead monkeys. Sorry musk haters, nfts are still the nr 1 ape killer.
280 sheep, pig, and monkey, the 1500+ numbers includes all animals killed (most of the articles I found are a bit misleading, implying in their titles, opening 1500 applies to just monkeys while only clarifying the number later in the article). Still, even 40 monkeys, 280 large mammals is really wasteful compared to academia’s usage of monkeys. Edit here’s a vox articles with more details: https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/future-perfect/2022/12/11/23500157/neuralink-animal-testing-elon-musk-usda-probe
Ow yeah it is a huge waste, didn't mention that but I should have. Move fast and break things in living beings.
They were doomed anyway. It would be irresponsible to do an implant experiment on a primate and then *not* examine the brain in detail to see exactly what the implant's presence did to the brain. That isn't compatible with continued life. Source: I worked in an academic lab doing this kind of work back in 2007-2011. (I was just the IT guy.)
Look at how Elon described how Nueralink would theoretically work to Joe Rogan. It wasn't even an oversimplification for a layman. Elon simply had no idea how this technology he wants so bad to work would even do the thing he hopes it will do.
Now, now- you have to give credit where it is due- they have had very promising results in needless, evil animal torture! Oh wait, burn neuralink to the fucking ground

I honestly don’t understand why actual researchers would ever listen to or interact with these people but I guess that’s an unsurprising indictment of the VC class and how easy it is to be a successful tech entrepreneur when interest rates are low.

>I honestly don't understand why actual researchers would ever listen to or interact with these people They're desperate for money to do science.

everything thrown at human intelligence augmentation immediately

A working class hero is something to be.

Yeah, given the classism, racism, and ableism rampant in their beliefs of this stuff even if intelligence augmentation worked it would just be tool for oppression and perhaps genocide.

Neuralink ought to be mocked.


And it's not even gobs of text explaining the errors in their thought process. It's just "here's our full case for why we were right. Also we were wrong but we figured that out now so shut up and don't question that we're smarter than you"

I’m not gonna throw everything, but I would throw tomatoes.

Weird to see a dunk by vaccine skeptic, Ivermectin peddler, Bret Weinstein fanboy AlexandrosM shared on this subreddit, he’s more pseudo-intellectual than most of the objects of sneerclubs sneers

Not someone I follow, but let's sneer at him as well.

Moving a mouse cursor with your mind is hardly a breakthrough. This is something we’ve been able to do for a while. I actually went thru similar exercises as a kid when I was seeing a neurologist.

Yes but the innovation here is that they did this while cutting into a brain. They didnt open up your skull now did they. The next step is [this place was intentionally left blank] And then after that we get people are fully linked to machines, half man half robot, just like in starwars https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Decraniated

next thing you know he willgo back at cheering for connecting a bunch of human brains together. thats a deep cut, he didnt come up with it of course it’s from some sci fi book.

Hiveminds are just the Human Centipede for brains.

for context, this is LessWrong and ACX’s in-house ivermectin for COVID advocate

I found that out in this subreddit, I say that we should also sneer at him...