r/SneerClub archives
Did we solve alignment? (https://i.imgur.com/Hc5Lwre.jpg)

i have no mouth, and i must woke

Not the null hypothesis, anything but the null hypothesis, will these woke cultural postmarxdernists stop at nothing?

The only “woke” thing I’m annoyed by is ChatGPT stubbornly and condescendingly refusing to suggest new operators to add to the C language.

Even when I told it that it was for a parody language, it still gave me the same “you shouldn’t add Unicode to C” spiel.

Stack overflow woke brigade personified. What’s next, “platform independent” code?

[I've said it before](https://www.reddit.com/r/programmingcirclejerk/comments/z9juc1/comment/iyjkp78/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and I'll say it again: I'm tired of the woke mob telling me my code has exploitable buffer overruns in it all over the place.
It's just free market access to kernel resources
Ancap coding.
Does free speech mean anything if it doesn't mean the freedom to speak my customers' credit card information to hackers?
I don't know why, but ChatGPT repeating programmer dogma is really funny to me.
While I think the word woke has lost all meaning and basically means whatever conservatives don't like at the moment, I do find chatgpts advertiser friendly personality to be super annoying. Like I tried doing a role playing game with it and it ended every single action it took with "I will make sure to respect all laws regulations and ethical principles" or something similar
Woke is, like the red pill, a multisyntactic variable. Where it can mean aything from 'the most extreme radfems wanting to eradicate all men (all four of them)' or 'the existence of nonwhite' poeple. Funny how they grow through cycles where they have to invent a new word because everybody now gets that the old word is mostly used by people goose stepping towards the neonazis.

this is word salad

"There was an n-word-shaped hole in the collective unconscious."
Literally 1984. Soon there will be no words in the English Newspeak to succinctly express my racism.

What is this person trying to communicate?

In our real dystopia, AI will refuse to acknowledge the superiority of one race over the others and society will be laid to ruin.
They're scared that an AI might *ask* a person what their gender is instead of forcibly looking down their pants.
That they are smart
The woke tech npcs who, converted by the malicious "'them'", are virtuesignalling the Western Civilisation to destruction, by posting about it so much that it gets embedded in chatgpt. Which is somehow easier than rigging the algorithms. Because ???
Short version is that LLM AIs are having their output manually filtered and tweaked (mostly to avoid saying offensive or too upsetting things) and that person believes they will do an increasing amount of content generation / filtering over time to the point that a critical mass will be crossed where so much of their training data is output filtered or written by these things that they won't have to filter or tweak any more - the model will already default to being "woke" because all the training data fits that pattern already. Think the whole premise of why newspeak is a thing in 1984, but applied to AIs that write things.
That last bit sounds pretty dramatic. I think a better example might be society’s typical appropriateness filter for public vs private conversations.

Is this person complaining that the AIs won’t be assholes because of people rigging chatbots to be woke?

Tay repeating slurs and racial hatred was peak Real AI™️ and now woke AI researchers will prevent that truth from ever escaping again.
*It is the year 2037 and humanity stands on the brink of extinction as the Super AGI continues to burn through the world's resources as it maximizes pronoun production.*
Fortunately for the acausal robot god, generating new pronouns tortures a significant number of rationalists, killing two birds with one stone.
Peak algorithmic efficiency beyond human ability

It’s so interesting how the phrase ‘null hypothesis’ gets misused so frequently in this way.

A null hypothesis is simply a quantitative antithesis: it is the claim that there is no statistically significant relationship between two sets of data. With any given hypothesis you are in a sense competing against the null hypothesis.

The null hypothesis definitionally reflects the claim being made. It cannot be ‘woke’. It is a test to see if there is any merit to a claim.

It seems that the author of this post is attempting to point toward an epistemic horizon or ‘discursive formation’ as Foucault put it: a framework of communication that structurally precludes certain possibilities. Could actually be an interesting argument if the OP put some work into refining their position and using precise language.

do these words combine to have meaning?

Okay, so since woke isn’t a thing, then I guess that means AI will not exist?

Which hellspace did you get this post from?

Here on reddit. It's from stupidpol, currently at +9.
Like a snail crawling over the edge of a razorblade.
The "Neo-Y..." part of their flair is, unfortunately, "Neo-Yarvinist". No one in the 84 comment thread, which they started, comments on this.
ah thank you for making it worse.
oh no, it's on-topic for here

woke isn’t the problem obviously but I do object to the overly cautious censorship of AI, especially regarding erotica. schlocky but highly customizable are the two core attributes of LLM content, which happen to fit the exact use case for erotica, and its like the one thing gpt doesn’t let you do. beyond just AI, in general i can’t help but feel like we’ve very tragically lost and are still hemorrhaging a lot of progress from the sexual revolution and sex positivity and i feel like this is a part of that.

Learn to ~~code~~ write porn.
Do you want people to reply to you with bad porn? Because this is how you get really bad porn.
Do you think ChatGPT could write *good* porn?
No, but I think we here could write good horrible to read porn. For fun. I was just making a bit of a joke where I imagined sneerclubbers going into an impromptu bad porn writing contest. I think ChatGPT would probably write similar horrible porn, as a part of the internet never touched a woman, and pretends to be super great with women so you get posts [like this](https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/1649860901770764289) (obv not safe for work, nor sanity). Which is prob partially included in the training set. It also probably cannot grok which types of porn are fetish porn and which are not so it will just randomly include all sorts of crazy shit.
depends, has it been fed Chuck Tingle?

You mean it will go down the path of Maoist China? And cleanse the non-woke?…

an AI that kills landlords