r/SneerClub archives
This is old, but Scott Aaronson once said that I would have rather been the "poor black kid" or "the gay kid" when it came to struggling with his fear of women. Completely blind to his own privilege! (https://i.redd.it/x5zq05ekmpva1.png)


Idk, I've been here for months and this feels like definitely the worst thing Ive ever heard of Mr. Aaronson puzzling out. "Are you kidding me", the requisite and incredible arrogance on full display. This is almost stupider/wronger than anything I've seen here, deserves a retread/share; I mean "roll of the dice" ffs that is unreal.
Yeah I haven't seen this one before either. It's almost as bad as the story behind the blog name. I think the guy gets too much benefit of the doubt. If a blog with that kind of [naming story](https://scottaaronson.blog/?p=476) is doing critiques of feminism, that is like a bear shitting in the woods or pope being catholic. Guys who are mad they weren't issued a woman tend not to like feminism for obvious reasons, regardless of how much or little they confabulate alternative origin stories for their dislike. If anything it is more surprising that his blog doesn't consist *entirely* of that sort of content; and it's little wonder that he gets some incel trolls obsessed with bringing consistency between his blog's unironic name and the content on said blog, by any means up to and including posting fake attacks on the guy. It's the incels who need him to be an anti-feminist professor in the mold of Jordan Peterson.
How old was he for that? jeez
In grad school
"fake it til you ~~make it~~ declare yourself to be elected and beloved magistrate of any town so blessed"
If we're retreading Scott Aaronson stuff, I'd like to retread the time he sneered at my username in the middle of a pity party over SneerClub, because it's funny. https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/99pttr/scott_aaronson_responds_to_our_sneers_the_sneers/e4rg5q1/ > They’re able to sit in ultimate judgment over me, like God blotting me out from the Book of Life, they who comment on Reddit using handles like “Shitgenstein.” Lmao
Lol. Does blotting have a dual use like that, or is that an incredibly mixed metaphor? Always more questions with this crowd.
Idk but I just picture myself over a massive 'Book of Life' with a CIA redaction marker committing *damnatio memoriae* in real time, which is a hilarious image for a (sometimes) shitposter like myself. I'm sure he's exaggerating for comedic effect but probably one of those times which, if not on the internet, the wrong person is laughing harder. Tbc, this Scott is one that I know/care least about so never been a hard or loud sneerer toward him, so he really just picked my name as, Idk, pretentious and silly? Really knocking on an open door, in that regard.
And he didnt even say 'that is not witty that is shitty' to make another joke about Wittgenstein.
Amazing how he gets so worked up about us, but has not figured out that he could just block all people who visit his site via reddit. Neonazi says horrible things about scott. Scott: 'you ruined my life!' Points past the journalists who wrote about his anti-feminist son story post (they are now interviewing the neonazi for a human interest story) Shitgenstein looks up from mocking Yud and people on badphil 'wait what'.
The Book of Life works like the Death Note! But you cross names off instead of writing them in.

Source: https://scottaaronson.blog/?p=2119#comment-359646