r/SneerClub archives
Nightmare fuel can be ignited by the mullahs! (https://twitter.com/FPGA_4_Xilinx/status/1650347384893734912)

Much like ordinary Twitter is making up a guy and getting mad about it, AI Twitter is making up an apocalypse and getting mad about it

Suppose a group of mullahs in Iran constructed a hidden underground lab with tens of thousands of GPUS, all bent on the task of simulating and then synthesizing an RNA sequence for a super virulent virus that will kill all people with a certain genetic sequence commonly found in those of Jewish descent. Does anyone believe such a project should be ignored?

Yes. That is not an AGI/alignment problem, nor an x-risk for all of humanity, so we need to focus on the bigger picture: have you donated to MIRI yet?

Tom Clancy level risk.

Clear and Present Computation.
Mr. President, we must not allow an underground data center gap! Whoops, different movie.
A much better movie than any Tom Clancy one

A yes, why say “thought experiment” when you can sound more intellectual by saying “gedanken experiment”. Very schlau of you my freund.

This sounds stupid but I am earnestly concerned that one or more important idiots in the government are going to have this exact same thought.

The rationlists are fools but if there’s one thing that they’re good at, it’s the creation of a compelling credentialist facade for laundering their insanity to people who use credentialism as a sole figure of merit. And the government is lousy with people like that.

Mullahs will probably be long gone by the time their training completes.

Me when I read a book with a glossy cover about [insert Muslim country].