posted on April 26, 2023 02:42 PM by
u/IHateReddit_900143 pointsat 1682527727.000000
“When I asked Sean if he worried his clients might read him as some
kind of degenerate gambler, he said putting skin in the game forced a
guy like him to be serious about his craft.”
That’s still doesn’t mean he’s not a degenerate gambler
I've met gamblers who bet on horse racing who could probably tell you what a specific horse had had for breakfast that morning, they were that serious.
Didn't stop them losing lots of money.
I didn’t actually read this shit, just found two quality quotes
At one point in the night, Sean drew our attention to a little metal
object he twirled between his thumb and forefinger. It was Sam
Bankman‐Fried’s fidget spinner, Sean said, left behind after a recent
visit by the billionaire.
It had gotten so bad, so quickly, for Bankman‐Fried that Sean — who
once told friends it was “cool as hell” to be advising the billionaire —
wasn’t even referring to himself as an effective altruist anymore. As
Sean walked through the rain, his cellphone kept buzzing. Some college
kids had been making fun of him relentlessly online for his bad
prognosticating and for his political gambling habit.
damn. i hate when im reading through old stuff on reddit and in the middle of a sparkling, scintillating discussion i find that someone has written over all her old comments with nonsense, fragmenting the discussion permanently. what hilarious, moving, romantic, haunting things could she have said? just to wash it all away, in this digital era of permanency? wow. that takes courage. i bet she was really cute, too
Still, looking back it was unclear to her whether Sean cared more
about making the kind of change in the world Ted Kennedy talked about,
or being rewarded with a Robert Kennedy-level eulogy once he left the
world behind.
“It’s hard to tell,” she said, “the extent to which his belief in
doing really good things is stronger than his belief in his own
influence and going down in history as having done something
pro tip: it’s the second one, it’s always the second one
“I’m in the business of making Joe Biden’s agenda look more popular
than it really is,” he announced to the table, a few Miller High Lifes
into the evening. “And business is booming!”
They’re really doing all they can to get me to not vote for Biden
aren’t they… (don’t worry, still gonna vote for him… probably)
Effective altruism doesn't strike me as bernie territory. You're saying the dudes who conjured up a pseudo philosophy that basically amounted to "it's important to make as much money as possible in crypto so we can donate it and prevent ai apocalypse" are... social democrats?
Like it's possible to hate not bernie bros and ea bros hit conflating the two sounds like a big stretch.
Nah, this is a complete misread of EA culture. EA types and Chapo types pretty much do not intersect. There was almost no enthusiasm for Bernie on Effective Altruism forum in 2020. I remember one long-ass article that endorsed Cory Booker because he's vegan or some shit. EAs are way, way more likely to be Yang Gang.
Given Shor's continued popularity, I think there's a decent demand in the media and the Beltway for "socialists" who claim to have realized that centrist politics are actually the vehicle for a progressive/left-wing future.
And that polling racists to find out what they like and then doing that is actually cool if you're doing it for Biden.
Really not a fan of the growing worldwide trend of "vote for this milquetoast useless centre right candidate, because the alternative is we let fascists take power" tbh
Does the DNC really have the power to make an incumbent president step down and not run for re-election if he wants to? I'm not a fan of the DNC in any way, but I don't see how you put Biden running again on anyone but Biden, really.
They could try and rig a primary against him, but that would require the presence of someone else who’s both a bigger draw to voters and actually wants to run (this person does not exist)
And has more sway within the party. Hypothetically bernie might be a bigger draw but 1) he ain't running and 2) no way the dnc would rig a primary for bernie.
He almost did until Pete and kamala bowed out and threw their support behind Biden. I'm not calling sour grapes here. I'm just saying if you're looking at alternatives to Biden he is the second biggest name to go for that but def one that the dnc wouldn't support. Hence why ultimately this sort of thing supports the "the party decides" theory.
If you're just looking to relitigate anti-bernie sentiment, I'm not interested. It's completely off topic from what my comment was about.
“When I asked Sean if he worried his clients might read him as some kind of degenerate gambler, he said putting skin in the game forced a guy like him to be serious about his craft.”
That’s still doesn’t mean he’s not a degenerate gambler
I didn’t actually read this shit, just found two quality quotes
pro tip: it’s the second one, it’s always the second one
They’re really doing all they can to get me to not vote for Biden aren’t they… (don’t worry, still gonna vote for him… probably)
I’m looking forward to the movie about this starring Jesse Plemons as McElwee.
edit: this is the wonky version of Molly’s Game
It’s paywalled but I can only say I am (or was?) an EA and have never heard of him. Is he affiliated with any group/organization?