r/SneerClub archives
What's the ETA until one of these three Just Asks Questions about America being too hasty on repealing miscegenation laws. (https://i.redd.it/9z9m17o5q9wa1.png)

I suppose any amount of skepticism would seem like infinite skepticism to one who has no evidence to back up their ideas.

There's superficial """evidence""", that's the problem. Systemic racism has created the conditions to perpetuate itself, including the statistics to justify it. The tweet isn't completely wrong in the *literal* sense -- it's just that *we should be* skeptical of such ideas, because a) they're easy to generate (eg any assclown could have written the bell curve) b) they cause and perpetuate lasting harms and c) they don't hold up under close inspection. By the time such inspection has happened, though, damage has already been done.
You can't back up that interracial marriage is bad?? What are you, some sort of Leftard?? And we are supposed to think these freaks are rational lmfao Edit: LMAO they must be lurking here that when I call them out on their BS I get down voted

Apartheid was really just Racial Alignment.

Extra rich when Deep Comic Book Guy teases about having a kid with Aella.

The dog whistles in this are insane. it’s so obvious they are talking about interracial marriage because what else are “progressives” known for but caring about minorities? I like how they like to frame anti-racism as solely what blank slatism is. As if we are all born racist loool

It doesn't even make sense to equate anti racism and blank slatism. Racism is socially constructed and unscientific. Point blank. The issue of human subpopulations having statistical differences in their bell curves becomes a lot more complicated than they want to admit once you abolish the category of biological race. No one is claiming a blank slate by rejecting an artificial and incorrect frame.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t blank slatism proposed by Locke as a religious theory of the mind? It’s a pretty primitive theory. Idk exactly what you mean by it, and I guess I’m wondering that. This next part is unimportant if you mean something other than “human minds are literally blank slates at birth”. If we were to analyze Chomsky’s universal grammar, we see we have predetermined language structures in our brains. We also have instinctual desires, actions, and some philosophers even suggest ideas. For example, you don’t need to be taught to hunger, you don’t need to be taught to breathe, and you don’t need to be taught to be disgusted by rotten foods. This validates nothing in the tweet. Those mfs are stupider than dirt. Edit: this might be missing your point. It looks like you’re saying blank slatism is good, but I could be very confused
In this context blank slatism refers to the idea that brains (intelligence) are blank slates and humans and their achievements are all due to nurture rather than nature. Blank slate: "black people have worse outcomes because of their environment (systemic racism)" HBD : "black people have worse outcomes because they are genetically dumber (the bell curve)"
Right, it's a derisive term among that particular crowd for anyone who doesn't believe in a correlation between race and IQ (though I think it might also occasionally be used for more gender essentialist and general biotruths bullshit too). Usually framed as "PC liberals too blinded by ideology to recognize obvious truths".
I struggle to find a way to frame this without a wall of text. It can just be dismissed as scientific racism for 99% of cases. It all circles back to just using IQ as a proxy for everything. Yes, there are clearly genetic differences between humans and that doesn't magically stop at the neck, I don't think it's especially controversial to say that \*some\* amount of intelligence, success, etc. is genetically determined\*. ​ \*Determined meaning that your genetics set the parameters. You can not put someone who will never be a genius through genius tutorship programs and come out with a genius. But you can take a would-be genius to a starvation camp and come out with someone who will likely never live up to their potential of being a genius. Work your way up from here, form individuals to population groups (aka races) and, if you're just being a cynical racist you can just stop here and say "aha, so blacks are dumber because of genetics and no amount of putting them in school will make them stop being dumb!". When in reality the effects are multimodal, generational and there are far too many variables at play. And I'm just gonna stop here before I keep on writing a wall of text. Edit: and yes you can extend this to gender differences, and basically anything else you want.
I get what you’re saying, but I’m pretty sure that genetics playing a part in intelligence isn’t an argument for “black people are dumber”. The genetic component plays a part between person to person, but looked at from “race”, it plays almost no determining factor. Culture and wealth are the biggest indicators of intelligence across “races”, but between individual people, genetics plays a role. The best way I can explain this is with chimpanzees. Just like humans, some cognitive traits appear to be highly inherited and others environmentally altered. You can skip the next two paragraphs if you don’t care about my explanation of the last sentence of the comment btw: IQ measures some important cognitive skills, but it by no means tells you your “intelligence”. It’s quite limited and finds itself most so when you try to generalize it as intelligence. However, given the limited scope of its measurement, these traits are highly inheritable. On that note, humans are complex creatures and we don’t inherit something like we do wealth. When we inherit intelligence, it’s in a much more mutated way. This is to say, parents with a 130 average iq are more likely to produce children with an iq closer to 130 than those with an average of 80, but the parents with the average of 80 could possibly produce Mozart while the others could produce an idiot. Overall, I believe people to some decent extent are impacted by their environment (most so in childhood), but much too is biological: this is to say nature and nurture both play an important role in the intelligence of a person.
We are in complete agreement here, I was just trying to explain what blank slatism means, in this context, to these people in a very summarized manner. It's not Locke's blank slate, it's an inversion of genetic determinism.
Got it, thank you for clarifying.

I must be way out of the loop on this. What are they talking about?

Rather than actively propagating race science and IQ, they're shitting on progressives for not accepting the "gross and uncomfortable truths". Eliezer is a big believer in genes over labor, and he considers Von Neumann and Richard Feynman to have been products of good breeding. > To be clear, I'm not saying I know them to be under the threshold; I'm saying they're dead, and no one like that among the living has detected the most important problem and started on it. Reverse Flynn effect, end of the **assortative mating that produced von Neumann**, idk. https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1651075738945339393
> **assortative mating that produced von Neumann**, idk. Is that a complaint that nerds don't raw dog nerds enough?
Has anyone asked big yud if we should start selectively breeding Nigerians to make a master race of super doctors? It's funny how their ideas of eugenics only seem to apply to people who are from their own ethnic group...
That whole thread jfc
Had to google the Flynn effect, first thing that came up were several articles about dropping IQ scores and dysgenics. bleh
The actual Flynn effect is pretty cool and by itself seems to make a strong argument that IQ (insofar as it measures anything) is fully genetic and not heavily influenced by environmental factors.
I think you left out the word “against”. That, or you are very much in the wrong sub.
I left it out, whoops
> Poor incentives did not stop me from identifying Earth's most important problem and moving to try to solve it early. Anyone who is not intelligent enough to automatically acquire that ability is not intelligent enough to be past the point of humans making silly damn mistakes. My fucking sides

soon i hope