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Roko's Nonsencical Draft of a contract for "Humanity United for the Singularity" (https://twitter.com/RokoMijic/status/1651740662436339713?t=e-ddOXziKxMCRiCwqWtq_A&s=19)

Basically a contract that every human will eventually sign because it’s just so logical, and the most optimal way to ensure a future Artificial Super Intelligence will be benevolent. One of my favorite clauses is that wealth will be redistributed in a “Cosmic Endowment” . . . except for all the wealth belonging to the 1%, because Roko doesn’t think it’s worth alienating them. Some commenters seem to think this is communist.

This is just Roko doing “what will your job be after the revolution”, but for libertarian tech bros.

Libertarian techbros on social contract theory before vs after the VC money dried up
I will be a loving and devoted husband to my AI waifu

I don’t understand how anyone takes this imbecile seriously.

He should be given all the respect given to Timecube guy.

Inventing your religion’s equivalent of Satan and hell gets you a lot of fame.
well *you're* clearly not going to the Optimised Rescue Simulation
He uses big words that people mistake for technical jargon when it's just what it sounds like - complete nonsense
Well no, the time cube guy is interesting
Don't besmirch Gene in all of this. The Four Corner 1 God is real bra
you are educated stupid
Spoken like someone who doesn’t run TempleOS smh


Someone’s got to do a remake of Idiocracy but Meritocracy

the word "meritocracy" was literally coined as a joke about the british upper crust
I read about that in some book called The Commons and Other Tragedies
idiocracy enjoyers watching footage of disabled people being euthanized

Starting to wonder if the people who write this drivel are actually sentient

Pretty weak to be honest… even accepting the general concept…. if you already have a %A going to retroactively incentivize people to create the Acausal AI God, no need for a %B to go to legacy wealth holders, they can either donate money to try to get more of %A or they can fuck off…

Additionally there will be punishment for Singularity Criminals who deliberately try to reduce the expected size of humanity’s Collective Cosmic Endowment

Considering this is Roko, of course there are punishments involved. Does this mean there will be punishments for fearmongers that tried to stop the creation of the Acausl AI God? Also Eliezer preaches that we should never respond to negative incentives that aren’t naturally in the BATNA of the incentivizer. It looks like a doctrinal schism is in the works.

or to commit theft (i.e. trying to grab a larger share than they are entitled to in this contract).

Oh, so we punish everyone that wants to take legacy wealth that’s part of the B%? This is some Bootlicking shit, I hope the true acausalrobotgod properly punished this guy in the future simulations.

We agree to run simulations to catch and punish such Singularity Criminals, with punishments determined in a way that a superhuman intelligence trained to tell the truth believes will optimally minimize the expected amount of humanity’s Collective Cosmic Endowment knowingly destroyed by Singularity Criminals.

And of course Roko has a blue check mark. Since Elon signed the letter to slow down AI, and Roko is supporting Elon, does Roko need punishment also?

> And of course Roko has a blue check mark. Since Elon signed the letter to slow down AI, and Roko is supporting Elon, does Roko need punishment also? Sad to report this news.
Weak enough with your improvements, but consider the contract as originally proposed: A% is supposed to be roughly equivalent to the portion of global income that currently goes to entrepreneurs who didn't inherit their wealth. So... Roughly 0%? There are *some* wealthy entrepreneurs who didn't inherit their wealth, but vanishingly few. A%: Roughly 0. C%: Roughly 0, changed from targeted aid to a UBI, thereby increasing the number of persons in poverty. B%: Status quo. The contract literally does nothing to accelerate AGI, but it *does* dramatically increase the number of persons living in poverty. And Roko expects "most of humanity" to sign it?
Of course not, he’s it’s favourite bc he’s the guy who came up with the super good idea to give it all of humanities collective wealth.
>%A going to retroactively incentivize people to create the Acausal AI God Roko's really leaning in to the fact that this is the only thing anyone will ever remember him for, huh


Pi day becoming the new “holy date” for some people would not surprise me at this point

Roko buried the lede in the follow-up, which is that he’s invented a new worst use case for buttcoin.

Lol, why does Roko think the merciless AI won't mind that we wasted time and resources on mining crypto? You can't run AGI on ASICs.
Well, akctually....
Ahem. You can’t run AGI on *mining* ASICS.


This is the most frustrating part for me. Just . . . gaaaah. This is the single biggest problem with AI as it is being used today, and Roko us like “the current system is fine and the most optimal one, it’s you poors that are the greedy ones!”. Easy for a white guy to say that of course

He wants to wage war *on behalf* of the rich.
i don't envy you having to come up with a fate for the 10^54 Roko emulations that's worse than them having to keep being Roko
It's sort of baffling to me to believe in the Singularity in the way these guys tend to, but also that it matters what the modern upper class wants. *Accelerando*, but for some reason the Walton family had a veto on everything, so we had to take their specific interests into account when disassembling Jupiter.
They see themselves as part of said upper classes.
Isn't accelerando a dystopia?
Yes, but not as stupid a dystopia as is being imagined here.
'The system works fine' [Until a woman buys some hair dye.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/kf39ck/roko_presents_tradhumanism_the_idea_is_that/) (You are misrepresenting a little bit what ye is saying, it is more that he doesn't care about how bad the system is, but I wanted to make this joke, and show that perhaps people shouldn't trust Roko. And he is already ready to compromise with capital, why would we think he wouldn't also compromise with the AGI?)
Wtf does he have against prosthetic limbs? Should us peasants just stick to crutches and “overcoming adversity” because reasons? I’m so confused I admittedly didn’t read much past the first few lines, but I can’t imagine a decent explanation.
He's an incoherent scumbag who spews reactionary nonsense dressed up with science fiction terminology. It's not really worth interpreting.
>If I'm remembering right this is basically the plot to Glasshouse by Charles stross >edit: wait are you actually Charles Stross? lmao Love a bit of comedy in a thread about really shitty people.
Oh my, clicking that link, I did not expected an [archeofuturism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guillaume_Faye?useskin=vector#Later_period_\(1998%E2%80%932019\)) I knew these guys have fascist undertones and are little fasch, but overtly explicit fascist overtones are a new for me.
As [hypnosifl](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/133t856/just_got_sexually_harassed_by_the_rokos_basilisk/jic4pec/) said here : "Roko is also a scientific racism appreciator"

Even his utopian fantasies are evil.

an eternal cosmic hierarchy. sounds GREAT :)

Wow, this is even more stupid that I’d imagined from the description

Got a new flair out of it though

Props to the guy in the comments asking for Roko and Yudkowsky to “engage in a longer discussion”. My man is tapping out his tweets with a monkey’s paw.

Nice try, but no thanks.

A contract for machines by machines

– A% will be allocated to people in a way that a superhuman intelligence trained to tell the truth believes will optimally incentivize people to create a positive singularity satisfying this contract

A% will be roughly the % of global income that goes to self-made billionaires, entrepreneurs, disruptive business people, socially mobile professionals who didn’t have massive family money (again, to be determined).

Wait so does Mr. Basilisk want to use the current income of “self-made” billionaires, entrepreneurs, […] to determine the value of A or is he telling us that he just assumes a superhuman intelligence […] will allocate its money to those people in particular? (Or both?)

The best thing about all this stuff is it’s so nakedly bonkers that it will never be taken up by people because it’s obviously coming from a doomsday sci-fi ai cult.

There’s no world, simulated or not, where the joint chiefs of staff read big yuds oped and email him the nuke codes. (Or provide them to him etc whatever)

Because … he’s more insane than dr Strangelove.

This is a pre-nup, which says, you’ll never leave me, because, wait-wait, because you like how things are, and the conversations we’ve had about how rational this situation is, right now, with us, and the ways that things are, and that I think that since your parents are here and I’ve told them that there is an important document we’re about to sign, and the cake is in the other room and I hired a band I’m so excited for the both of us so let’s just right now, sign up, say, She Can’t Leave Me Because She Says She wants to stay, and, Knows that it will be the right thing, forever, your Grandmother,

what about her, she’s so old; I’ve flown her in from Florida, which is one of those rational decisions that you love that I make for us?

Same guy, no doubt, “coercion, what coercion, merely, I want to avoid the coercive situation where we’re not all happy, so, everyone needs to know advance that we’re all on the same page, here, in plain, legal, formal terminology, with some consequences attached, how else will we avoid the coercive situations which might happen if anyone were ever confused about things, you know, Do You Feel Me

It’s like these guys are the same atheists who would have been taken-in by, like, Scientology, in the 1970’s and because it was so naked, exploitative, and Made the Lower-tiers on such a clear, hierarchical, order of exploitative parasitism look so ridiculous,

You mean, all of these people, have paid their entire savings, to hope to ever learn what you’ve just told me; about space aliens, and they’ve recorded tapes full of all of their worst secrets which, of course, we’ll have to use against them if we’re ever betrayed, wow,

“I fucking, Love it,” would have said this man; would have said this man while a tower of men just like him peered down from the floors above, calling him, you know, Rube, fool, incel, look at the swine; I love this system, those men would say, also.

you okay there bro?

Some commenters seem to think this is communist.

Might be worth it, at this point, to just tell them that Marx Said,

Neoliberalism is Marxism

Just in the vulnerable areas, you know, where an information cascade hasn’t full on waterfalled discourse into sign/countersign conferential posing, and the, “debates,’ emerge like children correcting-one-another’s performance of serious businesslike philosophy, while playing, I dunno, The Katabasis of Don Draper, Linus plays Don Draper, Schroeder plays Eric Satie on his tiny piano, in an improvisational, synthetic interpretation of the material, mood of the actors and Mode of the Performance, a real Businessman Goes Like This