r/SneerClub archives

A true indoorsman

The Bear Grylls of the great indoors. I wonder if he drinks his own pee.
He's preparing for the post-singularity days.
Even [o'neill cylinders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O%27Neill_cylinder) have grass, so as long as we don't end up on a dead planet like Mars we will be fine. ;)
Don't worry, I don't happen to drink my own pee. The doomers do though.
All water is recycled pee in the [Bezos Cyclinder.](https://medium.com/@lynwerkledges/the-oneill-cylinder-jeff-bezos-vision-for-an-incredible-civilisation-in-space-fef75b499710)
In post-singularity, even my pee will be smarter than EY is now.
Yes, pee will surely experience an intelligence explosion of its own. Airstrike public toilets!
[bear grylls meme format] Somebody released a new chat bot Time to gaze into my own navel

I love the reply to someone suggesting you have to actually go on a proper walk in the park

“Yeah, so, when I try doing the thing, and somebody’s like”oh if it didn’t work that’s because you didn’t try this narrower more expensive thing”, and nobody said in advance “don’t bother, that won’t work unless you try this narrower thing”, I usually walk out there.”

Buddy basically admitting he’s so miserable he can’t even enjoy a nice little walk in nature

"When people use shorthand when talking to the self-proclaimed smartest man in the world, I bail out. They should know I need every detail spelled out."
I mean to be fair there’s a good chance actual smartest person (to the extent which that makes sense) is probably autistic, and in that case it probably is reasonable to want everything spelled out. The idea that he actually went to touch grass is hilarious tho.
I don't believe autism is a super power.
I don’t either, which makes sense since its not what i said.
Sorry but I don't see any other way to interpret your claim that the smartest person is likely autistic that you think autism is a super power. I'm reminded of this scene from Community. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=K9vRmLUCn50&pp=ygUdY29tbXVuaXR5IGF1dGlzbSBzcGVjaWFsIGRlYW4%3D
Then I’m afraid you’re not being particularly creative in your interpretation of my comment.
> is probably autistic okay, okay, here, have your downvote
He’s not autistic he’s just Jewish
Nobody told him in advance the *extremely* commonly believed idea that going outside and spending some time in nature will improve your mood? Like, you can't pretend you don't know about this, it's not only frequently spread folk knowledge but also has some actual scientific evidence backing it up - I would expect it's been discussed a lot in EA circles for that reason. I guess he just didn't make the connection and thought that when people said 'touch grass' they meant 'the grass secretes a magical drug that makes you happier which your body can absorb on physical contact'
it's not easy bearing the weight of ai alignment alone (because you can't explain it to anyone else in a way that makes sense)
He complained about the expense of transit to a park. Doesn’t he live in the San Francisco Bay Area? Pretty much guaranteed he’s ten miles from great hikes and 30 miles from some of the best forest hikes in the entire world. Maybe funding problems.
too many techno libertarian eschatologist impresarios driving up rent and not letting anyone build anything maybe say it with me bros HOUSE PRICE CRASH NOW
Quite a bit less than that, actually. It's a whopping [0.7 miles from the CFAR office to the closest hiking trail](https://www.google.com/maps/dir/2428+Dwight+Way,+Berkeley,+CA+94704/37.8661774,-122.2464536/@37.8657268,-122.255593,16z/data=!4m9!4m8!1m5!1m1!1s0x80857c2eb1814b2b:0xb25ebcbecd19488!2m2!1d-122.2594144!2d37.8647956!1m0!3e2).
East Bay Regional Park system is truly world class. 100% chance he has no idea it exists.
But he said he usually walks out there?
He is miserable. He’s so unhappy agi is literally gonna kill is like tomorrow that the only thing that’ll make him happy is if we give him the ability to nuke all data centers and total control over compute manufacturing output. Is that too much to ask? For the price of happiness?? IS IT?

Oh man, but the context. Yudkowsky made an unsolicited reply to one of Dave’s tweets in which Yudkowsky appears to be yearning for the sweet release of death.

Dave misinterpreted this as a cry for help, but actually it was an invitation from Yudkowsky for Dave to join him in the depths of clinical depression.

This is so funny cause its obvious to like every normal person that ‘touch grass’ does not literally mean ‘make physical contact with a single blade of grass and then go inside again’

This is an incredibly perverse kind of ‘steelmanning’ where instead of assuming that your interlocutor’s arguments have some merit, you assume that your interlocutor’s jokes are meant literally.

What the ‘touch grass’ retort means in common usage is ‘stop being insane, and failing that please shut up’. Perhaps Eliezer should give this a try sometime! (Purely in the interest of scientific experimentation, of course)

I optimized the touching of grass by keeping a little pot of grass next to my monitor, i can now touch grass and write javascript at the same time.
I bought [this thing](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FPRVxRpXICIHeeC?format=jpg&name=large). There is no limit to my grass-touching.
or strawmanning by taking the "weak form" maybe I don't think EY has a go at not being insane :X but that'd be nice, I wish it for him
But where's the control group?
I don't think Yud meant that he literally touched a patch of grass, I think he went a walk in nature and checked whether it changed his mood.
He protests that "at least 20 minutes" is moving the goalposts, so yeah, it's reasonable to guess he did not spent any significant time outside.
Hahahha well I didn't see that, this is realy funny.

Overly literal interpretation aside, I think it’s worth noting that he also clearly misunderstands the fundamental meaning of the phrase; “touching grass” isn’t about improving your mood, it’s about remembering that there’s a “real world” outside of your computer/apartment where ideas have actual practical implications and not everyone is a weird twitter person.

If you look at the tweets earlier in the thread, you'll see that Dave is saying "touch grass" in response to Yudkowsky appearing to ideate about suicide. He's basically saying "let's hang out together outside so you'll feel better".
Ah, I didn't know the context -- that does change it a bit.

“You are too immersed in meaningless online discourse.”

“Hmm, I don’t know about that, better make some meaningless online discourse about your claims.”

You have to marvel at nature’s capability to disassociate from nature.

I get that rationalists are going to act hyper rational about everything, but why does he have to be so goddamn literal?

He’s literally employing the schoolyard snark of a 9 year old by saying “touch grass, you say?! Okay! I will literally touch a blade of grass to see if my mood improves if that’s what you’re suggesting!”

The reason why I am so normal and rational is because I have a dried blade of grass taped to my skin, so I am always touching grass.

We tried

I’m surprised he didn’t combust.

I legit worry this dude is going to badly fail at killing himself. It’s clear he’s goikg through something and does not seemed equipped to deal with it at all.

Edit- I think this guy sucks but I don’t want him to die


Look I think everyone is missing the point: these public displays of insanity are actually good.

It means his ideas will never spread and will naturally decay as they should.

It's wild to me that the billionaires funding the TESCREAL astroturf seemingly haven't spent the money to find a more charismatic figurehead for the thing. Do they really think EY is the best mouthpiece for popularizing this nonsense?

I get that rationalists are going to act hyper rational about everything, but why does he have to be so goddamn literal?

He’s literally employing the schoolyard snark of a 9 year old by saying “touch grass, you say?! Okay! I will literally touch a blade of grass to see if my mood improves if that’s what you’re suggesting!”

has anyone tried telling him go fuck yourself

Incredibly underrated comment

This is actually funny. Jesus Christ this dude.

He doesn’t know how good he’s got it. In my future hellscape dreamscape, all of the actual grass is of course gone but there are several very good simulations available which bring people immediate and total joy when touched, but CERTAIN PEOPLE will never ever get to go see this wonderful, magical grass.