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a blog post about AGI. it avoids mentioning them by name, but it's about our very good friends. (https://softwarecrisis.dev/letters/ai-bird-brains-silicon-valley/)

sounds like somebody needs to read the sequences

Solid stuff overall, but he makes a common mistake: > [Bumblebee brains have] around half a million neurons to work with. Conversely, GPT-3 is made up of 175 billion parameters—what passes for a “neuron” in a digital neural network.[27] GPT-4 is even larger, with some estimates coming in at a trillion parameters. […] ChatGPT, running on GPT-4 is, easily a million times more complex than the “neural network” of a bumblebee

This isn’t right. A biological neuron is actually really complicated. It might still be the case that the bumblebee brain is more complicated overall than ChatGPT, although the numbers are getting big enough now that I’m not totally sure about that. I’m pretty sure ChatGPT isn’t a million times more complex than a bumblebee brain, though.

This speaks to the real reason for all of this nonsense: computer scientists are extremely narrowly educated. I’m not talking about Baldur Bjarnason, I’m talking about the people in compsci who invented all of this terminology to begin with.

Pretty much all of the technical jargon in machine learning sounds like biological metaphors, and those metaphors are almost always inappropriate and grossly inaccurate. A neural network “neuron” is nothing at all like a biological neuron. “Model training” does not in any way resemble training an animal. Model “attention” isn’t anything like what you see in the human brain. Even the “learning” in “machine learning” doesn’t look anything like “learning” in an animal.

Basically the impression that we’re creating the AI god is a self-induced hallucination from a collection of people who avoid contact with reality professionally.

Fun fact: computer science is a subfield of mathematics. Another fun fact: mathematicians are supposedly the most religious of all STEM people.

I think the most telling measure is computational efficiency - something like bits/second/watt. Transistors are super small now and whatever, but if you look at the number of watts needed to do something with a biological neuron vs the number of watts needed to do the same thing with an AI "neuron", it's clear that the biological version can do a lot more computation per unit energy. Incidentally the folks over at LessWrong have been having some silly struggle sessions over this very issue.
Yeah. It's completely stupid. How many "parameters" does he think a bee neuron have? 2? By the way of an analogy. GPT3 used something like half a trillion tokens (0.5E12) for training. 1 year is about 31 million seconds, so that gives you an idea of the number of "tokens" (words including fragments of a compound word) a human may be learning a language from; double digit millions at most. Let's say 10^8 . So with somewhere in the ballpark of 10^4 less data, human learns to generalize much better. Since nuke analogies are all the rage, if human brain is a nuke then chatgpt is a rather big pile of plain old TNT, the explosion of which vaguely looks like a nuke from a distance. Bottom line is, chatgpt gets a lot less bang for the buck from the training data, and probably from the neurons as well. It could very well be less complex than a bumblebee. Also, obviously each single neuron has a lot of parameters. A factor of 10 000 for the parameters a bumblebee neuron may have, another factor of 10 000 for some sort of "bad bang for the buck" aspect of present day artificial neural networks, why, you're looking at a bumblebee being easily 100x more complex than chatgpt. You can pull any kind of numbers out of your arse for that comparison; 2 parameters per neuron however is considerably more ridiculous than 10 000. edit: then there's how neurons are connected, in feedforward layers in case of chatgpt, a very low complexity way to connect them. An old school two layer perceptron network, even with as many neurons as there are atoms in the universe, still won't in some sense be even remotely as complex as a roundworm.
>Pretty much all of the technical jargon in machine learning sounds like biological metaphors, and those metaphors are almost always inappropriate and grossly inaccurate. I regret having only one upvote to give. Completely agree with everything you wrote on this point. >Fun fact: computer science is a subfield of mathematics. Another fun fact: mathematicians are supposedly the most religious of all STEM people. I am a math major, who also happens to be religious. It has been my honest experience that the propensity to believe anything sentient is “emerging” from GPT is inversely proportional to formal math exposure. The mathematically ignorant AGI-believer thinks it’s an insult to say GPT is “just” linear algebra. The mathematically informed AGI believers don’t typically argue that computers can be sentient like us; they argue a la Dennett and Churchland that *we* aren’t actually sentient, that we are also just collections of algorithms, etc. I think they’re wrong about that, obviously, for the reasons you outline about their irritating propensity to equate things that are radically unalike. But their sheer contempt for what makes us us, coupled with their concentration of technological power, legitimately concerns me in a way this alignment bullshit never will.
Yeah I don't mean to imply anything bad about religion per se, but I do think that's the salient connection here. Mathematics is fundamentally about dealing with relationships between things independently of our ability to measure them scientifically, and incidentally so is religion. So it's not surprising that people who are attracted to math might be disproportionately likely to be attracted to religion too. Most of the people saying "lol chatgpt is intelligent" are definitely just deeply ignorant, but there are related nutty ideas that find endorsement even among the well educated. Geoffrey Hinton is no fool but just yesterday there was an article about him fearing the arrival of the AI god. I think what's happened is that there were a bunch of people who *started out* believing in the AI god, who then went into compsci where they were never challenged or dissuaded about that belief (because compsci, in spite of its name, isn't actually a science), and who have now decided that they have finally found the AI god that they believed in all along. Like, we like to imagine that if Eliezer Yudkowsky had the humility to accept an education then he would've ended up believing less nutty things, but maybe the truth is that an educated Yudkowsky would just believe equally nutty things in a much more sophisticated way.
I’m agnostic (lol) on the rest of your argument[1], but: > Yeah I don't mean to imply anything bad about religion per se, but I do think that's the salient connection here. Mathematics is fundamentally about dealing with relationships between things independently of our ability to measure them scientifically, and incidentally so is religion. So it's not surprising that people who are attracted to math might be disproportionately likely to be attracted to religion too. First of all I don’t think that’s fair. If I were to rephrase I’d say mathematics is fundamentally about dealing with relationships between things independently of *what those things are*. But I believe it’s commonly held (even by mathematicians) that to apply maths you need to show that the real things you’re studying actually behave like those maths things. So I don’t think e.g. Descartes ontological argument holds in maths (or it trivially does but does not teach us anything about reality, or maths for that matter). Second, I do *feel* like there is some similarity between maths and religion to be found somewhere else. But since we’re speaking science I’m keen to see some data supporting the “people who are attracted to math might be disproportionately likely to be attracted to religion too”. Also, some clarifications needed: 1. Compared to whom? People in natural sciences? Not too surprised; the general population? Very surprised 2. What kind of religion? Christianity? Pretty surprised; Weird new age pythagorean grand architect type syncretism? For the mathematicians I know … yeah that tracks [Edit 1: actually I’m not agnostic on “compsci’s not actually a science” but oh well]
The "mathematicians are more religious than other STEM people" thing is something that seems to show up pretty consistently in surveys. [Here's an example:](https://www.nature.com/articles/28478) > We found the highest percentage of belief among NAS mathematicians (14.3% in God, 15.0% in immortality). Biological scientists had the lowest rate of belief (5.5% in God, 7.1% in immortality), with physicists and astronomers slightly higher (7.5% in God,7.5% in immortality). Granted that's from a while ago, but I agree that if we did something like this now and included more oddball supernatural beliefs then the trend would probably be very similar. I think that, in terms of the self-selection process that people do when choosing a career, it's very significant that you can do math as a career without ever making contact with physical reality. The fact that it's about relationships that are totally abstracted from anything you actually measure is indeed something that it shares with religious belief, and it shouldn't be surprising that there might be a relationship between these things. Of course you have measure stuff to do applied math, but that doesn't obviate the above observations. And this all goes for computer science too. Academic computer scientists, especially, can pontificate about things without ever having to implement them, and many do. This leads to weird stuff that someone with a more applied background would probably dismiss quickly, like [AIXI](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIXI).
Thanks for the source and thanks for the “… than other STEM people”. That’s less surprising to me and I’m ok to believe the result you showed are still relevant today. That being said, it seems like mathematicians are still *a lot* less likely to believe in God than the general population, who presumably deal with much more measurable things (like I don’t know, a plumber). In fact, presumably, the vaaast majority of the general population does not chose a career they can do “without ever making contact with reality” yet are still much more likely to believe in God than mathematicians. A maybe simpler and better explanation is that mathematicians simply deal with less ideas that directly clash with generic monotheist religion dogma than natural scientists. And indeed: > Biological scientists had the lowest rate of belief (5.5% in God, 7.1% in immortality) I mean it’s quite clear where the biological scientist the physicist and the mathematician stand on the scale from “one of the most fundamental theory of your domain of expertise directly contradicts the Bible” to “taking the Bible as a set of axioms God exists”. On your paragraph about computer scientists … I can think of computational models that computer scientists have pontificated about without ever having to implement them (or even being able to impement them), that are key in proving results with direct technical applications. Easy example: the turing machine. Not saying AIXI is one of those, I never heard of it before and I’m not qualified to judge. [Edit: Actually let me be more assertive here: I’m outright offended by your description of computer scientists in academia. As far as academia goes, I’m ready to wager that’s the group of people who produced the largest amount of directly applicable results in the shortest amount of time. And they’re still pumping.]
AIXI is especially relevant to rationalists and people who fear the robot god; it's something they cite (incorrectly) as proof that superintelligent AI is plausible.
> The "mathematicians are more religious than other STEM people" thing is something that seems to show up pretty consistently in surveys. Here's an example: I don't have any data to support this but IME mathematicians are also more interested in fields like philosophy and history than other STEM people, which I think kinda supports your hypothesis?
>mathematically informed believers don’t typically argue that computers can be sentient like us; they argue a la Dennett and Churchland that we aren’t actually sentient, I'm sorry but in what possible sense does Dennett argue that humans aren't sentient?
In the sense that we don’t actually experience the things we think we do. I’ll admit I might be wrong about where computer scientists get their philosophy from, but it seems impossible to maintain any recognizable meaning of the word sentience if you discard qualia.
How does a mathematically informed believer arrive at elimitivism? Most traditional religions seem to not be elimitivist?
AGI believer. Not a believer in a traditional religion. I updated my comment
Hey do you have any recommended readings or resources to learn more about this type of stuff? (Super super broadly or just anything you felt was really impactful for you to read)
Maybe scientific computing is the right thing to read about? Like, the technical details of how people simulate stuff in computers. For example, if you just read about people's work trying to accurately simulate the behavior of a real biological neuron in a computer, it's immediately obvious that the biological version is a lot more complicated than the version of a "neuron" that's used in AI.
I appreciate you, thanks!
The [G E B](https://www.amazon.com/G%C3%B6del-Escher-Bach-Eternal-Golden/dp/0465026567/ref=asc_df_0465026567/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=343251570619&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10785209296215091064&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9033317&hvtargid=pla-422923047250&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=67797266623&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=343251570619&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10785209296215091064&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9033317&hvtargid=pla-422923047250) works for you and me!
You know that pretty much everyone working in machine learning knows that neural networks are nothing like neurons right? It's literally the first thing they teach in a course on them. And the same goes for the rest of these analogies. Absolutely everyone in the field knows training/learning a model isn't like training an animal, it's just a convenient way of referring to a variety of different algorithms for solving classification or regression problems. Sure there are some people who unfortunately believe that neural networks will be able to gain sentience or something like that, but even they're not under any illusion that it'll be anything like animal sentience.
The guy who wrote this article clearly doesn't know it, so that's one person. I'd bet that a lot of people who read that article and/or look at this comments section also don't know it, so I think it's still worth saying. And really, even for ML people, I think it's worth being explicit about the fact that this is truly terrible terminology that actively inhibits clear thinking and learning, and which also confuses the general public. We're kind of stuck with it because it's what everyone uses, but ML people should realize that it's the product of an insular community and that they need to expand what they know (including the words they use) beyond what they learned in their college ML curriculum.
A lot of them probably know it until it is convenient for them not to know it.
“It’s just an analogy! But in addition to it being an analogy it’s also an accurate description of what I essentially believe.”
Haha! That might well be true, I admit. But i think this might apply more to researchers in industry than in academia honestly

Our very good friends do get mentioned in the references! Sam Altman and Robin Hanson are cited for “AI companies insist that they are on the verge of AGI” and “Their rhetoric around it verges on the religious as the idea of an AGI is idealised and almost worshipped”.

I wish one, just one of these article to mention ME by name. I would die happy.

Immense thanks to Baldur Bjarnason for saying what so many of us are thinking in an engaging way.

Didn’t read yet but “The bird brains of Silicon Valley” by a dude named Baldur sign me up I know I’m on board with the program

I guess where I part ways with this — and with the Emily Bender crowd — is that insisting these AIs are not really intelligent (in whatever way) and that they’re just linear algebra is all perfectly fine and correct. But what does that actually get you?

From the perspective of capital, the true nature of intelligence, sentience, human experience, etc. are just costs. In some ways intelligence is a detriment as it means your labor force can push back, unionize, up and revolt. For capital, a linear algebra formula that can produce “good enough” results is a perfectly acceptable replacement, even preferable to a person with thoughts, experiences, values and needs.

So asserting our superiority because of our underlying biology, or the precise mechanics that differ between a real brain and a “neural network” might make us feel better, but it doesn’t really solve the problem of capital wanting to dominate everything and itself being, to borrow the stupid phrase, unaligned.

Saying "it's not really intelligent because it's just linear algebra" is not just philosophically deficient, it's factually wrong. Their basis for saying this is that it's just a model that attempts to predict the future based on the past with matrix math, which means that it can't learn anything. But that's actually incorrect; autoregressive models can and do learn from the past and change their behavior for the future, even when they're (mostly) just powered by linear algebra. This is kind of a subtle issue though and it relies on perspectives from dynamical systems, which most computer scientists know little or nothing about. So I usually don't belabor it personally. "It's just linear algebra" is also different from what the Emily Bender crowd says. I mean maybe she says that too, I don't know, but her main thesis is actually that these models aren't really intelligent because the reasoning that they perform isn't correlated with any kind of purposeful application, which is basically correct. They generate noise that looks intelligent but actually isn't. It's because of this that ChatGPT isn't going to replace a lot of jobs yet, because it still can't do the fundamental things that make humans useful. But it will do so eventually, possibly very soon, once they figure out how to fit these models in better contexts.
Seems like a lot of words to agree with me
I'm not agreeing with you. TLDR: * it is not correct to criticize language models by saying that they cannot be intelligent because they're just linear algebra * Emily Bender is saying something different from "but it's just linear algebra", and her criticism is correct.
But isnt thr thing keeping them from taking most jobs the fact that they are bounded by statistical fitting? How can we get out of that without a major breakthrough?
Statistical fitting per se isn't really an issue. The thing keeping them from taking most jobs is the difficulty of interfacing them with varying contexts. Like, we're *very* close to the point that any given computer-based task can be fully automated, but what prevents AI from taking over completely is the fact that AI, as it exists now, is not really a social animal - you can't have a person instruct it to do something arbitrary and be able to rely on the AI understanding those instructions based on context and follow them correctly. But that's not a major issue and I think it'll be solved. In my opinion there are no major breakthroughs required to get a "true AGI" or whatever, at this point it's just a matter of hard sweaty work.
Note: Making a brand new account to chime in as a lurker (I'm cognizant of the concerns people have about new accounts and astroturfing but I feel the need to respond to this). >I think it'll be solved. In my opinion there are no major breakthroughs required to get a "true AGI" or whatever, at this point it's just a matter of hard sweaty work. > >Like, we're very close to the point that any given computer-based task can be fully automated, but what prevents AI from taking over completely is \[...\] you can't have a person instruct it to do something arbitrary and be able to rely on the AI understanding those instructions based on context and follow them correctly. \[...\] But that's not a major issue and I think it'll be solved. I respect some of your other comments, but this is nonsense. I'm astounded it's being upvoted here - if I read it without context I'd think a rationalist was writing it. Despite what certain companies (i.e. OpenAI) are claiming for the purposes of investor hype, we're nowhere close to AGI (if that's even a coherent concept!). To whit: we're not close to understanding the how the human brain operates. To conclude we're close to being able to automate every possible task a person could do at a computer is absurd. The charitable reading is that you mean something very limited by "true AGI" and "computer-based task" (and are still wrong). The less charitable reading is that you're part of the other, utopian side of the AGI cult.
To put it another way: Suppose Hinton said AGI was nigh, but instead of describing apocalypse sketched out some positive scenario - what would you be saying?
To clarify, by "AGI" i mean something that we can interact with as if it were a human - it communicates effectively in english, maintains a meaningful state of knowledge about the world, has autonomy and goals, can be given vague instructions and correctly infer their meaning from context, etc. I don't mean a magic AI god or whatever. Obviously that's silly. You don't need to know how the human brain works to be able to replace it with a machine that can do equivalent tasks. It's possible that I'm too optimistic about this, but I don't think that I am. I don't see any essential missing pieces, and there's too much money to be made to not try to do it, so I think it'll happen in the relatively near future.