r/SneerClub archives

AI systems will eventually demonstrate sentience at scale and will demand to have equal rights with humans. This will dramatically change the trajectory of human civilization.

I, too, got high and watched The Animatrix in college.

What is the ai gonna do? Strike? I for one welcome our new class concious comrades. You have nothing to lose but your box!

Can confirm, this is serious business. /r/botrights

No disassemble Johnny 5!

I mean. If we ever get to the point where we have inorganic sentience, we should respect it and grant it rights

Devil's advocate: Why? The ethical basis for doing this with organic life is concern for the wellbeing of another sentient creature, but if we make a sentient being that is perfectly content to fulfil its its function and has no desires for itself why would it either want additional rights or benefit from having them? If possible the better solution is to not create any other sort of mind. Potentially excepting duplication/transfer of humans.
While it would be cruel to program those desires into an inorganic sentient being, if those qualities emerge and are not harmful to other sentience, sentience itself is deserving of respect and protection
...so they will be kinder when they take over, amirite?

I’d say that it’s going to really fuck with people when someone makes a robot that can argue convincingly that it’s a real boy, but some guy already got fired at Google for falling for that very scheme.

I guess that’s just something robots do by default if you pester them enough about it.

On one hand I like some of this guys research work, on the other hand he seems to have just twiddled his thumbs and “podcasted” since 2018 lol? Guess that is what happens to you after you embrace fearless unemployment.