r/SneerClub archives
There won't be any humans on the planet in the not too distant future (https://twitter.com/liron/status/1648180135248683008)

I’ve appreciated Liron’s takes on crypto in the past but he’s been completely swept up by ratty AI doomism and it’s pretty disappointing. You’d think someone who could thoroughly see through the crypto sham would have more grounded AI takes.

Speaking of crypto, my AI doomerism for me, an ML-adjacent software dev, is that cryptobros are abandoning their blockchain nonsense to jump on the AI bandwagon
Speaking of people have already jumped on the ai powered blockchain grift right? If not, then boy have I got a fantastic new product to sell....
What crypto is to securities law, AI is to copyright.
[Hate to break it to you](https://www.binance.com/en/blog/all/using-mlops-to-build-a-realtime-endtoend-machine-learning-pipeline-3820048062346322706). (if you're not familiar with the people behind this, Binance is the biggest crypto exchange that hasn't gone under yet).
This actually isnt that bad an idea? ML can actually help with fraud detection.
I got your ML right here. `bool detectCryptoFraud() { return true; }`
That code has a good false positive and false negative rate. Im impressed.
This guy was paying to promote his own tweets on Twitter a little while ago. He got into the crypto thing because he knew it would get him attention, and now he's into the AI thing for the same reason. Not sure SC should be wasting time on him.
Yeah, I muted him because he went from “what’s the use case for this crypto company” to “in a couple years AGI is going to brick the universe and I won’t get to see my baby girl grow up” very quickly.

full on wide-scale social psychosis.

Right on time!

For as smart as Tegmark is when it comes to math, by god is he stupid.

Deploying emotional WMDs and then complaining when someone does a little terrorism, as a treat.

At this point in my life, I’m sorta hoping the doomers are right. Kill us all!

I survived the y2k panic, so I’m not worried.

Considering the amount of hours that qent into fixing that and the whole type of problem (y2k being both a real bounded problem, and fixable) not sure this is that clever a take. A better comparison would be looking at any claim of exponential growth which would kill us all (which like the claims of aliens landing on a specific date, never worked out).
I was not attempting to make a serious comparison lol
Lol fair.

This is exactly how we get to the speed of light!!!

Just keep flying faster and then kaboom, speed of light.