r/SneerClub archives
Hinton has been on an AGI doom tour but also says we should keep development. In line with where his investments are. Totally full of shit and on pace to start a new company. Ignore the doom prophecy’s. (https://twitter.com/geoffreyhinton/status/1654572133744345088?s=46&t=Jh6AFED-yfbLv5W34trf7g)

So it’s reverse psychology hype? “Oh no this product (that I’m heavily invested in) is so damn good it’ll end civilization as we know it, definitely do not buy” that kind of thing?

In all seriousness, excepting all the military secrecy of it all, this is the exact logic that led to nuclear weapons.
‘Critihype’ is all the rage

Also see: Elon Musk telling OpenAI “damn the consequences, full speed ahead,” then getting kicked out of OpenAI, then publishing a letter warning that OpenAI is dangerous and needs to be stopped/pause, then announcing his own AI company with the motto of “damn the consequences, full speed ahead.”

Not just Hinton; this is becoming the standard refrain of rat-adjacent tech billionaires.

Also, the beginning of the article: > I was in the process of scaling down my work at Skype when I stumbled upon a series of essays written by early artificial intelligence researcher Eliezer Yudkowsky, warning about the inherent dangers of AI. I was instantly convinced by his arguments


Don’t bury the lede OP! That tweet was in response to the following tweet from Hinton:

Dishonest CBC headline: “Canada’s AI pioneer Geoffrey Hinton says AI could wipe out humans. In the meantime, there’s money to be made”. The second sentence was said by a journalist, not me, but you wouldn’t know that.

If anyone still had any doubts that Hinton is a hardcore AI doomer, the equal of any rationalist, then those doubts should be completely laid to rest at this point.

Guy who makes LLMs for Google doesn’t understand either basic grammar or click harvesting.

What’s up with your weird two day old account that has such a boner for Geoffrey Hinton?

Informing everyone that Hinton is a crackpot is a public service. Don't shoot the messenger!
Regularly recycling your reddit.com accounts is just good information hygiene. Become undoxxable.

This sounds like a pretty radical (but necessary and wise) proposal from Hinton: “put comparable resources into making sure its safe.”

Especially since 10% at most of current AI spending goes towards safety, and probably most of that is for making sure AI doesn’t say bad words and discriminate against loan applicants, so only maybe 1% goes towards Eliezer Yudowsky style notkilleveryoneism

Really we need double the spending and resources spent on notkilleveryoneism as is spent on AI capabilities, and if there are expertise/time bottlenecks for notkilleveryoneism as is likely (its probably a harder problem than AI capabilities expansion and its much earlier in its development) then we need to slow down AI capabilities research regardless. So with those bottlenecks, we need like 5 times the number of people working on notkilleveryoneism as on capabilities research and the latter still need to be held back from going full speed ahead as much as possible.