r/SneerClub archives
Going Meta(rational); or, the culture war is actually run by already-extant AIs living in your browser cookies, falsely dividing humanity, and AI practitoners in particular, into the left-coded ethics and right-coded safety crowds. The solution? Become enlightened and feel yourself better than both. (https://betterwithout.ai/AI-is-out-of-control)

this is off-topic for sneerclub.

Yeah, the whole thing is underwhelming. I thought the accompanying, more engineering-style analysis of why neural networks are inherently unreliable was pretty good, though: https://betterwithout.ai/gradient-dissent

enlightened centrism vibes 🤮🤮🤮

The problem of AI is algorithmically generated tribal perspective. Anyway so there’s these two tribes we should put all industry, research, and governance into…

and it's required that you go all-in with one of these tribes, or you have no identity at all. Unless you're a "centrist," which ultimately means "smug enough to think this all doesn't affect me so I can ignore it, because actual mental work is hard."