r/SneerClub archives
Is there a solid middle ground between extreme pro-natalism propagated by some from the TESCREAL community and anti-natalism coming from their critics? (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/139hqnl/is_there_a_solid_middle_ground_between_extreme/)

I found this community to get more insights into the people behind AI doomerism following the recent media panic. While I discovered lots of weird stuff about EA, longtermism, which kinda comfirmed my intuitive mistrust towards ideas from this spectrum. However I have seen some sympathy towards antinatalism from the critics of TESCREAL community which I can not relate to at all, so I just wanted to know if one avoid falling into antinatalism while simultaneously discrediting TESCREAL ideologies?

I think this has been asked and answered (as a non-issue), so we can close this down.

I think you might be confusing some jokes here for real things. Im certainly not an anti natalist, even if I dont want kids myself. And I also dont want humanity to end, just wish we had different priorities and different ways of dealing with people with a lot of power.

The problem is not that they want kids, it’s that they’re nazis OP

What are you asking? The common ground is that people who want a lot of babies can make as many as they want and people who dont want any simply refrain from doing so.

Edit: You sound like youre looking for a middle-ground cult to join.

I am not looking for any alternative cult, I just genuinely wanted to find out how that view is common among the TESCREAL critics. But based on the replies, this seems not to be the case, at least not in this subreddit. I was just a bit confused cause I came across a philosopher Émile P. Torres who has a long history of debunking these movements, and he kinda seems to share some sympathy towards antinatalism. While exploring profiles he retweeted I stumbled upon similar sentiments, especially when they were reacting to Musk’s tweets on having more kids. Or the weird couple which has been featured on this sub a couple of weeks ago. I really don’t think their comments sounded as irony, which is why I asked here.
A thread posted here about that specific couple [was emphatically removed](https://old.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/yy8byq/pronatalist_movement_elon_musk_is_part_of_it/iwtxxy0/) for linking to the antinatalist subreddit. I think you are reading too much into those sneering at the eugenicist pronatalist fringe of TESCREAL.
Thanks, that’s a decent example of sanity. And yeah, I think I overdosed on this type of sneering.
Seriously, my bad. Sorry about that. Geez.
Don't worry about it, seriously. Just a good example to calm this dude down.


Uh yeah. Be a normal person who doesn’t subscribe to either weirdo pro- or anti-natalism.

It’s nor very hard.

Subscribe to their positions or subscribe to their subs? Very different things.
I’d recommend not doing either to be honest — but the latter is much more reasonable than the former.

I think liberalism is against pro-natalism and anti-natalism alike. It’s the radical stance to let people make decisions that make sense for them without trying to manipulate or coerce them one way or another. The issue isn’t about natalism, but about individual agency.

TIL there are “anti-natalists”.

I guess they’re part of the voluntary extinction movement?