r/SneerClub archives
Google Bard, write a parody of a post about existential AI risk, but about puppies. (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/13apgps/google_bard_write_a_parody_of_a_post_about/)

“Puppies are cute and cuddly, and they bring us joy. But what if they were not so cute and cuddly? What if they were actually a threat to our very existence?

This may seem like a far-fetched idea, but it is not impossible. Puppies are incredibly intelligent creatures, and they are capable of learning and adapting at an astonishing rate. If they were to become hostile, they could easily outwit and overpower us.

Of course, it is unlikely that all puppies would become hostile. But even a small number of rogue puppies could cause a lot of damage. They could kill livestock, spread disease, and even attack humans.

The threat of existential puppy risk is real, and we need to take it seriously. We need to develop strategies for dealing with hostile puppies, and we need to make sure that we do not create an environment in which they could thrive.

If we do not take action, we could face a future where puppies are our overlords. A future where we are forced to live in fear, and where our very existence is at risk.

Do not let this happen. Take action now to prevent existential puppy risk.”

I normally object to AI-generated writing, but I faced a hard decision here: do I really spend my precious time writing a sneer about the generalizability of doomsday predictions… or do I pass the work off to our future AI overlords?

I think it turned out passable enough.

Not posted: the Puppylisk post, which I had it generate, but then deemed too dangerous to share.

Ahh puppies, masters of acausal trade.
Yes, but nobody has _written_ the puppy apocalypse post, so there’s nothing to link to! And now, thanks to AI, nobody has written the puppy apocalypse post, but we can pretend someone has.
> the Puppylisk post So it turns out all those horrible dog breeders are going to the Real Hell but also the AI heaven? I'm so confused. P.S. Am I supposed to fear the Real God, the acausal Robot God, or both??

Hard to pick a favorite here, I’m going to go with:

“If they were to become hostile, they could easily outwit and overpower us.”

A close runner up is the far darker:

“Take action now”, but it’s hard to see through all these tears.