r/SneerClub archives

I don’t know if it’s intended that way, but worrying about shrimp welfare actually seems like a decent metaphor for concern about the nuts and bolts of how climate change is going to change our oceans.

Don't worry, [it's not](https://www.shrimpwelfareproject.org/)

Shrimp welfare actually seems like one of the better ideas to come from EA — not really sneer worthy, imo. Check out foodimpacts.org. Even if you don’t agree with the animal welfare aspect, it looks like it has important ramifications for the climate as well.

Caroline Ellison of FTX was also heavily into wild fish suffering, while also being a massive race scientist. You're constructing a hypothetical better version of what they *might* do in a world where they aren't the people they are. In this world, EAs are the people who spend much more time thinking about the hypothetical suffering of electrons than the real suffering of real humans from racism.
I mean I don't really see what's one thing has to do with the other. Shrimps and fish are sentient beings capable of suffering. It is a good thing to reduce the suffering of animals, especially when people have normalised making them suffer by the billions for no other reason than private sensual pleasure. If a racist says "we shouldn't be inflicting all this suffering on fish" the racist is right about the fish, even if they're shitty about fellow human beings. The sneerworthy thing here isn't the showing of compassion for fish, it's the racism and the racism only.

I probably shouldn’t sneer, since the thrust of this piece is marginally more towards a reasonable position than Piper’s previous work. But…here I am.